春を迎える1週間の晩ごはん記録 / 春野菜をたっぷり使い回す簡単レシピ / とお知らせ🥗

Thank you for watching! This time, spring ingredients for a week’s dinner. And while we prepare, a little announcement: 🙇‍ March 1 A new recipe book is coming out! 90 Recipes for Eating Vegetables Deliciously Here’s a little bit about the contents 👉 1. Easy side dish that can be made with only one vegetable

2. Speedy side dish without fire 3. Microwavable side dishes & main dishes 4. Volume side dish for when you are short of something 5. From a dish that can be made in a bowl to a delicious soup that can be boiled

6. Main side dish to be simmered, baked, or stir-fried made in a frying pan Includes a column on how to choose vegetables and nutrients For more information, please click on the link in the overview section. I hope you’ll check it out along with the week’s dinner book: 🙇‍ Prepare spring vegetables immediately

Boil snap peas and rape blossoms to be used today This week’s shopping list and time list for each recipe is also in the overview section Lightly cooked in hot water with a pinch of salt Boil snap peas quickly to retain their plump texture.

You may have to take the strands out before you boil them. It is better to take it out afterwards to keep it crisp without water inside. I feel like there is less runoff of nutrients. Personally, I tend to take it later.

It’s sometimes easier to snap off the heckles when they’re fresh, so you can do it your way. Then boil the rape blossoms. Put in stem first, about 1 minute. Add the leaves and remove when wilted. It does not have the acridity of spinach, so it can be boiled quickly.

From one instant dish with snap peas Strip and cut diagonally in half. A ready-made side dish after mixing the ◉. It is also good for leftovers and bento lunches because it does not release moisture easily. Finish with a generous sprinkling of scorched sesame seeds.

Less than half of the rape blossoms boiled in batches are used today. Put the rest in the refrigerator for use the next day. Cut today’s portion into 1 to 2 cm wide pieces. 2 simple side dishes Cut carrots into small pieces.

Put in a heatproof container, cover with fluffy plastic wrap, and heat in a 600w microwave oven for 2.5 minutes. If water is released after heating, cut it off. Mix canned tuna with oil and seasonings. Finish by adding sesame seeds. Miso soup with lots of cabbage today

Spring cabbage will be a good season from now on. If you want plenty of eggs, use two. When the chopped cabbage is wilted Add Japanese soup stock and mix. Beaten eggs are poured into the bowl. When it starts to float softly, turn off the heat and add miso.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had bean-curd soup today. Spring version with rape blossoms. Drain tofu and cut into 2 cm cubes; finely chop green onions. Put ground pork, soy bean sauce, sugar beet and a little oil in a frying pan. Sauté shoyu over low heat. When fragrant, mix and fry.

If using fresh garlic and ginger, mince and saute together When the meat changes color, add green onions. Add garlic and ginger tube. Stir in sake and fry lightly. Add seasonings and mix Add tofu, cover and cook over low heat for 6-7 minutes. After some time, give it a stir.

First boiled and chopped rape blossoms Green leafy vegetables go well with Bean Curd with Bean Paste. The strong flavor comes out clean and easy to eat. Recommended for a change of atmosphere from the usual bean-curd soup. Add potato starch dissolved in the same amount of water. When it thickens, it is done.

Today I started by making boiled eggs to use in salads. Place in boiling water for 10 minutes Just in time (?) Today’s Chinese soup to go with the main course. Put finely chopped daikon radish on fire. When wilted, add seasonings. Add wakame seaweed and sesame seeds.

Cut boiled rape blossoms and boiled egg into 2 cm pieces Combine ◉ in a bowl. Add rape blossoms and mix. Add boiled egg and dress lightly. It crumbles easily, so give it a few quick strokes. Open the chicken by cutting into the thickest part.

Sprinkle with sake, salt and pepper and let stand for 10 minutes. Today’s oil gonorrhea made with less oil The thickest part of the meat should be opened tightly. The key is to keep it thin and even. Finely chop the green onions for the sauce. Mix the ◉ together

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a frying pan. Sprinkle potato starch on both sides of the chicken. Place skin side down in pan. First, crisp the skin over medium heat. Return it when it’s a solid golden brown. Reduce heat to low and cook until medium. When cooked, take it out. Cut into bite-size pieces

It’s hot, but… Cut quickly with a desire to eat it before it cools down. Burn Caution: ⚠️ Arrange in a bowl and pour the sauce over the top. I bought a different large size tofu than usual… Standard miso soup with leftover tofu halfway through After all, this is the most comforting miso soup.

I bought some fresh parsley this week after a long time. Spring and fall are in season, and March through May is also a good time for parsley! I usually use a lot of easy drying. Fresh parsley has a great aroma. It’s hard to use it all at once.

Chop in batches and store on paper. Can be stored without being sticky. Refrigerate if using within 3-4 days. Cut potatoes into wedges. Put in a heatproof container, cover with fluffy plastic wrap and microwave at 600w for 4.5 minutes. Potatoes can be washed thoroughly and with skin on. Heat olive oil

Add potatoes and brown the surface. When all sides are well browned, lower the heat to low. Sprinkle salt over the whole mixture. Sprinkle garlic powder over all. Garlic powder goes great with potatoes. Easy and convenient to add garlic flavor Finally, blend in the butter.

You can do without butter, but if it makes it taste better, by all means! Parsley as topping Lightly flour the pork on both sides. You can omit the flour if you like, but it will help the sauce to be more cohesive. Mix the ◉ together to make the sauce.

Heat about 1 teaspoon of oil. Add pork and grill while turning. I forgot to grate the radish… When the pork is nicely browned on both sides, add the sauce mixture. Blending in both sides while dispersing water When it starts to shine, turn off the heat.

Serve in a bowl and top with grated daikon Finish by pouring the remaining sauce in the frying pan. Sprinkle salt on shredded cabbage and rub it in. Leave for 10 minutes and squeeze out the water thoroughly. Mix watered cabbage with ◉ Finish by sprinkling scorched sesame seeds.

Cut potatoes into small bite-sized pieces and place over heat. When tender, add bacon and consommé. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, olive oil and parsley. Peel the bottom 1/3 of the asparagus with a peeler. Cut diagonally into 4 or 5 equal pieces Cut salmon into bite-size pieces.

If using fresh salmon, salt it well before use. Place skin side down in a pan with a little oil. Grill for a minute or two, then add the asparagus to the empty space and saute. A pinch of salt and pepper on top of the asparagus Turn the salmon when it is browned.

Cover and cook over low heat for 4-5 minutes. Add butter and blend all together. Since we’re here, here’s another easy garlic powder. For raw garlic, first make chips and remove You can top it off at the end. Sprinkle with cheese powder if desired. Cut daikon radish into small pieces and drain.

When making a radish salad. Shredded for a softer texture or shredded for a more polypore texture. After 5 to 10 minutes of exposure, drain water thoroughly. Still plenty of parsley to go around. Lightly mix radishes and parsley. Mixing ◉ and making dressing Serve in bowls and drizzle with dressing.

The dressing tends to runny when you pour it on. If you don’t eat it right away, please do so just before eating. Cut potatoes into 1 cm wide slices. Put olive oil in a hot frying pan. Grill over medium heat When browned, return it.

Cover and cook over low heat for 5-6 minutes until medium. When both sides turn a nice color, sprinkle salt all over. Put cheese on top of potatoes. Cover and melt cheese. If it looks like it will burn, you can turn off the heat. Sprinkle with pepper. Today’s main dish is fried cabbage consumption Cut cabbage into chunks. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and sprinkle with salt. Dust the surface with potato starch.

Heat about 1 teaspoon of oil in a frying pan. Add chicken and fry. Lightly brown the surface. When the meat is browned, add cabbage. Fry for 1 to 2 minutes, turning the oil. When the cabbage has wilted a little, add the ◉. After mixing lightly

Cover and cook over low heat for 7-8 minutes. Open the lid, mix lightly, and you’re done. The broth can also be served as a delicious soup. Thanks again for all your hard work this week.



■Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4344042379
■楽天ブックス https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/17776196/


0:00 新刊のお知らせ
1:50​ 1日目『春の麻婆豆腐』の献立
6:50​ 2日目『揚げない油淋鶏』の献立
10:51​ 3日目『豚肉のおろし照り焼き』の献立
14:33​ 4日目『鮭とアスパラのガーリックバター炒め』の献立
17:36​ 5日目『鶏肉とキャベツのうま塩煮』の献立
21:32 Thank you for watching



第1弾本📕 全107品掲載
▷Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4847071247/
▷楽天ブックス http://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/16933419/

▶︎Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4847072456/
▶︎楽天ブックス https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/17294337/

▷Amazon https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4847073703/
▷楽天ブックス https://books.rakuten.co.jp/rb/17653678/



Instagram▶︎ https://www.instagram.com/bangohan_shokudo/




👩‍🍳今週のレシピ Time List
4:42 春の麻婆豆腐
2:54 にんじんのツナマヨサラダ
1:59 スナップエンドウのナムル
3:49 キャベツと卵の味噌汁

8:43 揚げない油淋鶏
8:02 菜の花と卵の胡麻ドレ和え
2:54 にんじんのツナマヨサラダ(作り置き)
7:27 大根とわかめの中華スープ

13:11 豚肉のおろし照り焼き
11:56 ガーリックポテト
1:56 スナップエンドウのナムル(作り置き)
11:03 豆腐とネギの味噌汁

16:03 鮭とアスパラのガーリックバター炒め
14:42 キャベツの胡麻ポンコールスロー
15:22 じゃがいもとベーコンのスープ

19:47 鶏肉とキャベツのうま塩煮
17:45 大根とパセリのサラダ
18:44 じゃがいものチーズ焼き

豚ひき肉 150g
鶏もも肉 大2枚(700g)
豚ロース肉 250g
菜の花 1袋(250g程度)
スナップエンドウ 1袋(150g程度)
アスパラガス 大3本
長ネギ 1本
大根 1/2本(550g)
キャベツ 1/2個
にんじん 1本
絹豆腐 1丁(400g)
卵 3個
ツナ缶 1缶
バター 適宜(15g程度)


#晩御飯 #レシピ #献立


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  2. Kindle、予約しました!

  3. 相変わらず美しい🐰🩵🤎晩ごはんさんの本📕見るだけで美しくて好きです🐰🫰🏻💓

  4. 今晩は⭐️最近本当〜晩御飯に

  5. いつも美味しいご飯ありがとうございます☺さっき昼食べたのにお腹空きました😁

  6. 美味しそう!今日生パセリすごく安く売っててでも使ったことなかったのでスルーしてしまったわ😂先にこの動画見たかったです

  7. 使用されているシリコーンの蓋はどちらで購入された物でしょうか?いつも手際よく綺麗に調理されてる姿に憧れています🥹💕✨

  8. こんにちは! 「無限に美味しい野菜レシピ」購入し早速色々作っています。ブロッコリーとゆで卵のサラダのドレッシング美味しくて毎日のお弁当にも使っていま😊

  9. 初コメントさせていただきます!