インスタント麺を爆上げする香味油 #shorts #ramen

Shrimp in the shell – Peel the shells, preferably with the head on, and concentrate on other dishes with the body. Shrimp shells: Pour oil over low heat and simmer for 20 minutes. This is shrimp oil. It can be used in a variety of dishes. Super fragrant and beautiful. Add salt to the soup stock and it’s a great snack. Instant noodles, any flavor is fine, but soy sauce is great. Add plenty of shrimp oil to the bowl. Boil the noodles and chop the green onions. Is it about time? Pour in the boiling water. Arrange the noodles, add oil, add green onions. I have no choice but to try making this oil!

★公式LINEスタンプ https://line.me/S/sticker/25138359
#けんた食堂 #えび油

海老の香味をまとった麺の美味しさったらない。 炒め物やサラダ等、様々な調理にこの海老油を活用すべし。

★チャンネル登録お願いします https://www.youtube.com/user/oi8oi


  1. 整えるスマホケース広告が邪魔でラーメン見えないの草

  2. ホンマ甲殻類の殻って何であんなに味と風味が出るんやろうなぁ。