鶏ごぼうの炊き込みご飯の作り方☆簡単で美味しい!具沢山の炊き込みご飯です♪上手に炊き上げるコツもご紹介します♪-How to make Chicken Burdock Rice-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made takikomi gobo gohan with chicken and burdock. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make takikomi gobo gohan with chicken and burdock.

This time, I will introduce a delicious recipe for takikomi gohan filled with burdock root. This section will introduce how to make it full of umami and delicious. There are some key points in the making of this dish, so please enjoy it to the end. Please have a look at it.

Easy recipes at home First of all, let me introduce the ingredients and other materials. Here are the ingredients. Rice, chicken thigh, burdock root, dried shiitake mushrooms, carrots, mitsuba, and these ingredients will be used. First of all, regarding rice, I would like to make it for 2 cups this time. And then the chicken.

I will use chicken thighs here. If you prefer chicken meat, you can use chicken meat. And burdock root. Burdock will be made with new burdock, a vegetable that is in season now. Can also use regular burdock here. I would like to use dried shiitake mushrooms and the juice of the dried shiitake mushrooms.

I will be using the sliced type this time. This one does not have to be the sliced type. And here are the seasonings to use. Here are the ingredients Soy sauce, mirin, cooking sake, sugar, dashi stock, here are the 5 ingredients. These seasonings are used for soaking the ingredients and for cooking.

So I will start making it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First of all, we will put back the dried shiitake mushrooms. Put the dried shiitake mushrooms in a bowl and fill it with water until the whole thing is soaked.

Then soak the shiitake mushrooms well and leave them in the refrigerator like this for 30 minutes to an hour to return the shiitake mushrooms. Some shiitake mushrooms may need more time to rehydrate than others, so adjust the rehydration time accordingly. Now, I would like to revert this one for about 30 minutes.

Now let’s move on to the rice. First, rinse the rice with water. Then, after rinsing, soak the rice in this way for 30 minutes. This will ensure that the rice is cooked evenly without leaving a core. Now let’s leave it like this. Now let’s move on to the burdock.

The burdock is first skinned with the back of a knife. If you remove the skin too much, the aroma will fade, so it is okay to remove the skin lightly. By the way, be sure to wash the burdock, wipe it dry, and then scrape off the skin.

Scrape off the skin in this manner. Then remove any whiskers like this. OK. Then I will whittle the burdock. Be careful not to injure your hands at this time. Let’s turn the burdock into whiskers while spinning it like this.

If you are used to whittling, soak the burdock in water after this, but you can also soak it in a bowl of water and whittle it while soaking it.

If you are not familiar with this method, it will be easier and more stable if you put the burdock on the cutting board like this. OK. The burdock should be whittled in this manner. Then fill a bowl with water and place the burdock in it.

Then let it sit in the water for 5 minutes. This will prevent discoloration and remove the scum from the burdock. Soak thoroughly and leave it like this. Now let’s cut the carrots. First, I peel the carrots. Then slice once with the carrot. Cut them roughly 3-5 mm wide.

After cutting like this, overlap as many pieces as you can easily cut and cut again, this time about 8mm wide. After cutting this piece, turn it around and cut another 8mm wide piece. This one is roughly OK. Cut the carrot like this. Now cut the rest in the same way.

The carrots are now ready. Next is the chicken thighs. The chicken is cut into bite-size pieces. Remove any excess skin, etc. OK. Cut the chicken thighs into smaller bite-size pieces like this. Then the first step is to rub the sugar into the meat. This gives the meat a tender texture.

Be sure to rub in only the sugar first. When the crunchiness of the sugar is gone and the meat is shiny, you’re good to go. Next, season the chicken and gobo (burdock root). This will make the rice very tasty and evenly seasoned. First of all, put the chicken thighs in a bowl.

Next is the burdock root exposed to water. Here, the water is drained off, and the water is wiped off with kitchen paper. And after wiping it off, put it in a bowl. And once it’s in the bowl, put the seasonings in here.

The first step is to add sake, mirin, and soy sauce and rub them in. Rub them together thoroughly. After rubbing in, stick a tight wrap over the surface. Then leave it to soak for 15 minutes. 15 minutes have passed. Wraps are removed. This is what it looks like now.

If you season the chicken and gobo (burdock root), which are difficult to season before cooking, the overall flavor will be more uniform and the dish will turn out delicious. Now I would like to cook it now. Now please drain the water from the rice that was soaked earlier.

And now, without any water, first of all, put the shiitake mushroom stock into the rice. And then lightly squeeze the shiitake mushrooms a little bit. The shiitake mushrooms are added to the sauce to give it a delicious flavor. Next, soy sauce, mirin, cooking sake, and dashi stock are added.

Mix well once the stock and seasonings are added. Before adding the ingredients, mix properly so that there is no inconsistency of flavor. Now add water up to the 2 cup memory level. OK. And as for the amount of water, put it in just a little below the 2-port memory like this.

And when you add the water, mix well again. OK. After mixing well, add chicken and gobo (burdock root). Add the dipping sauce. Then put the carrots here. Then put in the rehydrated shiitake mushrooms. OK. As for these mitsuba, please leave them uncut as they will be added after the rice is cooked.

Now let’s cook rice normally. Now it is about 3 minutes before the rice is cooked. Then please cut the mitsuba leaves. First cut off the root. Then cut off this leaf part. This one will be used for the final decorative topping. And then we will cut this stem part.

First we cut it in half, align the cut ends and cut roughly 5mm-1cm wide. The mitsuba leaves are a great accent, so be sure to add them at the end of the dish. The amount of mitsuba you put in is up to you. OK. This time I put in 3 stems of mitsuba.

The three leaves are now ready to go. Easy recipes at home Easy recipes at home 0:08:28.057,0:08:29.756 Lid is opened. Ta-da. This is how deliciously it cooks. Now I take the kettle out once. Now let’s finish up. Add the stems of the mitsuba leaves that you just cut. Then mix the whole mixture.

This is how it looks very tasty. OK. Now I would like to put it in a bowl. Easy recipes at home This is how to make takikomi gobo gohan with chicken and burdock. Finished like this. The rice is finished like this, fluffy and tasty. Finally topped with mitsuba leaves on top.

Please serve with this one on top if you like. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Let’s eat. Delicious. It is very tasty with the aroma of burdock root and umami of shiitake mushroom stock. And this burdock and chicken are also well seasoned. Please subscribe to my channel Another tasty finish today.

This is the key to this time’s chicken gobo takikomi gohan. First of all, as far as the rice is concerned, you need to wash it in water and then soak it for about 30 minutes afterwards.

This will ensure that the core of the rice does not remain and that the rice is deliciously fluffy. And a point about burdock root. Have to scrape the skin off the burdock, but be careful not to scrape too much off at this point.

If you do it too neatly, the burdock will lose its aroma. So I think it would be better if you leave a little bit. And the burdock should then be drained and seasoned with the chicken. This will give a very good balance of flavors when you eat it.

And here is the key to cooking. First of all, put in the shiitake mushroom stock. And after that, add seasonings and mix thoroughly once. And after mixing thoroughly, add water until it reaches a little below the 2-port memory.

Be careful not to put it in exactly here, or it will be a little soft in texture. Because the seasoning with which the burdock and chicken are dipped is also added together, so please reduce the water a little for that.

The rest is just adding the ingredients and cooking rice normally, so it’s very easy. But as for the mitsuba, make sure to add it after the rice is cooked. The amount of mitsuba can be added as desired. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made takikomi gobo gohan with chicken and burdock. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello. This is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make chicken burdock rice. Easy and delicious! Rice cooked with lots of ingredients. The rice is also plump ♪ We will introduce a delicious way to cook the ingredients so that the flavor soaks into the ingredients. It’s very easy, so please try making it.


・米 2合
・鶏もも肉 150g
・ごぼう 80g
・干し椎茸 5g
・にんじん 50g
・三つ葉 適量
・醤油 小さじ2 / 大さじ2
・みりん 小さじ2 / 大さじ1
・料理酒 小さじ2 / 大さじ1
・砂糖 小さじ1/2
・だしの素 小さじ1/2

・2 cups Rice
・150g Chicken thigh
・80g Burdock root
・5g Dried shiitake mushrooms
・50g Carrot
・2 tsp / 2 tbsp Soy sauce
・2 tsp / 1 tbsp Mirin
・2 tsp / 1 tbsp Cooking sake
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・1/2 tsp Dashi stock





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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#炊き込みご飯 #ごぼう #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 美味しそう😋

  2. 鶏ごぼうの炊き込みごはん🍚差し替えありがとうございます。手軽に買えるごぼうですね🎵少しささがきが不得意ですが、頑張ってぜひ作って見ます。

  3. 鶏ごぼうの炊き込みご飯、待ってました
    作ってみようと思います (o^^o)🍚

  4. 美味しそう😋炊き込みご飯作りたかったのでレシピ嬉しいです😊低糖質スフレチーズケーキもすっごく美味しかったので、また作りまーす✨ゆかりさんのお料理大好きです💕いつもありがとう✨

  5. 炊き込みご飯の下ごしらえは手間がかかるので、市販されているセットか、出来上がったものを買ってしまいます。自分で作ると好きな具材を好きなだけ入れられるのでいいですね。

  6. 鶏ごぼうの炊き込みご飯美味しそうですね!ごぼうあるので作ってみます!冷凍保存は出来ますか?

  7. すごくごぼうの風味があって美味しかったです🎵

  8. 再アップありがとうございます。

  9. 鶏ごぼうの炊き込みご飯と豚バラ大根を作りました、ゆかりさんの動画を見始めて太りました😂ダイエットレシピも教えてください、美味しいお料理有り難うございます!❤

  10. ごぼうと玉ねぎの組み合わせが、アレルギー改善に良いと聞いたのですが、何か良い料理ありますか?😅

  11. ゆかりさま、こんにちは、作りました😊

  12. 今日作りました~✨

  13. 今日作りました😊

  14. ゆかり先生動画配信ありがとうございます😆💕✨鶏ごぼうの炊き込み御飯美味しそうです。今度、是非とも作ってみますね。