ガーリックチキンの作り方!鶏むね肉で簡単ヘルシーおかず!やみつき間違いなし!お弁当やお酒のおつまみにもピッタリ!-How to make Garlic Chicken-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made garlic chicken. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to introduce garlic chicken. This time going to use chicken breasts, which tend to be a little dry, but if you use this recipe, you can make the meat tender in a short time. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Chicken breast, mayonnaise, grated garlic, soy sauce, chicken broth, sugar, sake, potato starch, black pepper, salad oil. First of all, chicken, this time I will use chicken breast. Can also use chicken thighs if you prefer. This time I marinate the meat and then grill it, but when I marinate it, we also add mayonnaise. The mayonnaise marinade makes the chicken breasts moist and tender. The rest is easily seasoned with chicken soup stock, soy sauce, sugar, and here. As for the sake, I will use sake here. If sake is rubbed in with the meat, the meat will become tender and the odor will be removed. I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First I remove the skin from the breast. Of course, you can do it with the skin on. Then you cut the breast into bite-sized pieces. When you cut the meat, you will see these stripes, and if you cut the meat in a way that cuts through the stripes, it will make it more crispy when you eat it. Also, the breast meat has three different directions for the fibers to enter. So I would like to separate that first. Not this thin one first, but this rounded one. If you look closely, you can see where these fibers separate, so I’m going to separate them from the border. Now I turn this one vertically, and there is a border where the fibers are divided here as well, so I separate it from the border of the fibers. Try dividing it into three parts like this. Now I will cut this meat into pieces that are easy to eat. Cut it into shaved pieces like this. Now cut the rest in the same way to cut off the fibers. Cut like this. Then you need a plastic bag. Then open the mouth. Put the cut meat in this first. Then put the sugar and the rest of the alcohol in the first place. And then rub these two together thoroughly first. The sugar must be rubbed in first or it will not get into the meat, so be sure to rub it in with the alcohol first. If the meat becomes shiny like this, it is OK. Then add the rest of the ingredients. First, mayonnaise, and then grated garlic, here is a tube of grated garlic. Then I add soy sauce and chicken broth. And then hold the mouth and rub it in well. OK. Then let the air out and tie the mouth. Now marinate this meat in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. 10 minutes have passed. Then please open the bag. The flavor is blended in like this. Then I will cover the meat with potato starch. If you cover the meat with too much starch, it will be too gritty, so just sprinkle it lightly. OK. Cover with potato starch like this. Now let’s bake it now. Easy recipes at home Now prepare the frying pan. First, spread a thin layer of salad oil. Then put it on the fire. Medium heat. Once this is done, let the pan warm up for roughly 30 seconds. Once warmed up for 30 seconds, we will cook the meat. Arrange them like this and then cover them. Once covered, reduce heat to low and continue to cook until browned, about 3 minutes. Now baked for 3 minutes. Open the lid. And check the browning. When it has a nice browning, flip it over. Once flipped, cover again and cook over low heat, this time for roughly 2 minutes. Two minutes have passed. The lid is opened. Then, since the surface is a bit soggy now, I’ll flip it over again, and then lightly grill it Now if there is a surface that is not grilled, put that side down and grill it. Now grill it for 1 to 2 minutes, rolling it on both sides. OK. Then I’ll put black pepper on the end. It’s done. If served to children, leave out the black pepper. Now I would like to transfer it to a plate. Easy recipes at home Now the garlic chicken is ready. This is how it turned out. The meat is tender and has a savory finish. Finish with black pepper again, if you like. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat. Let’s eat. The meat is tender and very tasty. And the garlic and the black pepper is a great accent. The breast meat is not dry and very tasty. Easy recipes at home ]Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key to garlic chicken this time. I used chicken breast for this recipe, but you can make it with chicken thighs as well. I like to use chicken breast, but you can also use chicken thighs here. As for the breast meat, it is divided into three blocks, so I think it would be better if you cut it into pieces first. And when you are done cutting, add the sugar and alcohol at the very beginning and rub it in thoroughly. Make sure to rub the sugar in first because it will not go in unless you put it in first. Then add other seasonings, but this time I added mayonnaise and let it marinate. By marinating the breast meat in mayonnaise, it becomes moist and tender. Meat becomes very tender after marinating for only 10 minutes. And after 10 minutes of marinating, sprinkle with potato starch. When coating with potato starch, please apply it thinly because if you coat it too much, the finished dish will end up feeling soggy. And here’s the key to baking. When grilling, steam both sides. This way, the meat will be cooked thoroughly and will be fluffy. After steaming and grilling, the surface will be a bit soggy, so please try grilling it for about 1 to 2 minutes with the lid open to evaporate moisture from After steaming and grilling Then you can serve it with black pepper if you like. If children eat it, you can reduce the amount of garlic a little or leave out the black pepper. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made garlic chicken. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make garlic chicken. Easy and healthy side dish with chicken breast! It’s sure to be addictive! It’s so delicious that once you try it, you won’t be able to stop. Perfect for lunch boxes and snacks with alcohol! It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・鶏むね肉 300g
・マヨネーズ 大さじ1
・おろしニンニク 小さじ2
・醤油 小さじ2
・鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
・砂糖 小さじ1/2
・酒 小さじ1
・片栗粉 適量
・黒胡椒 適量
・サラダ油 適量

・300g Chicken breast
・1 tbsp Mayonnaise
・2 tsp Grated garlic
・2 tsp Soy sauce
・1/2 tsp Chicken stock powder
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・1 tsp Sake
・Potato starch
・Black pepper
・Vegetable oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#鶏むね肉 #ガーリックチキン #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. ガーリックチキン美味しそうでしたので、股肉でも構わないとは思いましたがむね肉が残ってましたので早速作って食べています

  2. 今日も美味しそう😋 今コロナになってるので治ったら作ってみたいと思います(できたら) 2:47 の袋を立てるスタンドどこで購入されましたか? あと、親バレしないように返事が来て確認したらコメント削除させていただきますので確認お願いしますm(_ _)m

  3. 最後に復習するように説明していただけるので、わかり易くて「うん、これなら失敗せずに出来そう」って思わせてくれるので、有り難いです🤗

  4. 材料手軽で、簡単洗い物少なくしかも、美味しそう🎵ピニール袋で作るのって、本当に楽チン❤やる気が漠上がり🎉

  5. こんにちは。

  6. ムネ肉をふっくら仕上げられるのは嬉しいです!

  7. お財布にも優しい美味しいレシピに感謝しながら、いつも楽しみに見ています。

  8. こんばんは〜胸肉の切り分けは大事ですね😊時間がかからないレシピは助かります🤩作ってみたいと思います🤗

  9. 現在夫婦でダイエット中、胸肉レシピのレパートリーをもっと増やしたいと思っていた矢先にこの動画は嬉しい限りです。

  10. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  11. 米3合が溶けました✋(笑)僕の白飯に合うおかずベスト3以内にランクインしました✨ありがとうございます(^o^)

  12. 3歳の娘に、ポリ袋で味付けモミモミしてもらい、焼いて食べました!

  13. 早速作ってみましたが、これが本当に鶏胸肉かな?と、思うほど柔らかくてジューシーで、お酒のおつまみ、お弁当のおかずにぴったりで、家族に大好評でした。

  14. めちゃくちゃ美味しかったです😊

  15. 最近初めてゆかり先生の動画を知りましたが、とにかく分かりやすく非常に勉強になります。そして何よりもゆかり先生がとても可愛いので一瞬でファンになりました❗️

  16. 作りました。これ、自分的にすっごい好みです。マヨネーズの酸味と鳥の食感がたまらない。定番入りさせていただきます🎉