白菜クリームスープの作り方!牛乳でお手軽!白菜がトロトロ!具沢山で食べ応え抜群!美味しさアップのコツをご紹介します。-Chinese cabbage Cream Soup-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made cream of Chinese cabbage soup. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make cream of Chinese cabbage soup.

I’m going to add bacon as well as Chinese cabbage, and I’m going to show you a delicious cream soup recipe that has the flavor of both of these ingredients. This time, I’m going to make a cream soup, but I’m going to make it easily using milk.

There are points in places for seasoning and preparation. I hope you’ll have a great time. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients.

Chinese cabbage, macaroni, bacon, milk, water, chicken broth, salt, flour, miso, grated garlic, olive oil, we will use these ingredients. First of all, I will use about 300 grams of Chinese cabbage, cut into small quarters. Please use these grams as a guide.

And now I will add macaroni to the cream soup to make it more satisfying. I will use macaroni in this rounded shape. Can use whatever you like for the macaroni you put inside. And for the bacon, we will use regular thinly sliced half bacon.

I think you can use thick-cut bacon or sausage if you like. And now for the cream soup, I’m going to use milk to make it easier. The key to the flavor is miso. Adding a little miso adds richness and mellowness for a delicious finish.

We will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making them. First we will boil the macaroni. Put water in a small pot and bring this one to a boil. Water is now boiling. When the water boils, add about one-half teaspoon of salt here.

Then put the macaroni in this. And the time to boil this macaroni, put it in one minute less than the time on the bag. This will give it a good texture. Now I will boil it like this so that it does not spill over.

By the way, the short pass here is 11 minutes, so we want to boil it for 10 minutes. Finished boiling. Then you can turn off the heat and drain the water. When you drain the water like this, pour the olive oil over here. Now let’s toss it all together.

It will still be a little while before you use it after this, so make sure the pasta doesn’t stick to each other by tossing it with olive oil like this. The pasta is now ready. Keep the pasta hot. Then cut the Chinese cabbage. Cut off the core first.

Then cut roughly about 3 cm wide. And when you’re done cutting, put it in a colander and rinse it in cold water. After rinsing, open the colander again and wipe off the water with paper.

If there is a lot of moisture left in the water, it is easy for oil to splash, so be sure to wipe off the moisture. The Chinese cabbage is now ready to be cooked. Now let’s cut the bacon. Cut the bacon about 1 cm wide. And let it be parched.

Bacon is now ok. Now I will continue to fry the Chinese cabbage first. First add a little olive oil to the pan. Then put it on the fire. Once on the heat, turn the oil around the entire pan. Cook the bacon first once the oil has been turned in the

The heat is set to medium. Spread the bacon out like this and cook it. Be careful not to burn yourself as you cook the bacon a bit and it will splatter with oil. And then when the bacon oil part has crumbled a little bit like this, add the bok choy.

And then open up a little bit here in the pan and add the garlic. Now fry the whole thing. The heat is medium as it is. Bacon oil is soaked into the Chinese cabbage. Continue to fry until the bok choy is slightly wilted.

I just sauteed it for about 3 minutes over medium heat. Stir-fry until this leafy part wilts and this white part becomes a little transparent. Then turn off the heat. Then with the heat off, shake the flour and add it.

If you add the flour while the heat is on, it will form lumps, so be sure to turn off the heat and shake the flour with a tea strainer before adding it. If you add it as it is, this too will cause it to ball up, so be sure to shake it.

After shaking like this, blend the whole mixture once without putting it on the fire yet. Blend until there is no powdery residue. When the powdery substance is gone, put the mixture on the fire. Heat to medium. Continue to fry once for 30 seconds.

You can coat the ingredients with flour in this way to thicken it nicely. Now fry for 30 seconds and add a third of your water. Then blend it in. Please divide the water into several parts, as adding it all at once will also cause this to ball up. Now let it boil once.

Gradually and gradually thicken. When the mixture comes to a simmer like this, add water again. Add roughly 3 times. Then re-boil again. Re-boiled like this. Then add the rest of the water. And when you have added all the water, add the chicken broth. And mix well.

Mix well and let it boil once more at this point. When it comes to a simmering boil like this, reduce the heat to low. Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes. Five minutes have passed. The lid is opened. Then I finish up. Mix it lightly once.

Then add the milk to the mixture, and then the pasta. Now reduce the heat to medium. Continue to heat until just before boiling. Heat while stirring occasionally. Turn off heat when heated to just before boiling. Then add miso for the final touch. Dissolve and add so that it does not ball up.

Be sure to add miso while off the heat. Dissolve and mix like this. This is ok. Taste the rest and adjust the flavor with salt, etc. to your liking. It’s done. Easy recipes at home This is a cream of Chinese cabbage soup. This is how it turned out.

It’s finished like this with lots of ingredients and looks delicious. This is out of the amount, but it is topped with black pepper at the end. Can do this one to your liking. This amount will make roughly 3 to 4 servings. This is just a guide. It’s done.

Now, I would like to eat. Now I would like to start with the soup. Let’s eat. Delicious. Very tasty with the flavor of bacon and the sweetness of Chinese cabbage. Now, I will have Chinese cabbage as well. Let’s eat. Chinese cabbage is a little crispy. Pasta is served.

The pasta has a good texture. The miso added at the end gives it a richness that makes it very tasty. Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key to this cream of Chinese cabbage soup.

First of all, cut the Chinese cabbage into about 3 cm pieces, rinse them in cold water and pat them dry. If you put it in with a lot of water left in it, it will splash oil. And this time I’m putting in the short pasta in the round.

When you boil this one, try to boil it 1 minute shorter than the time indicated on the bag. This will give you just the right finish. I’ve included a short pass around the circle, but you can add whatever you like.

When you fry the Chinese cabbage, first fry the bacon, and when the bacon oil starts to nip a little, add the Chinese cabbage and grated garlic and fry. Once the white part of the Chinese cabbage becomes a little transparent, turn off the heat and add the flour.

By blending the flour with the ingredients, you can get a good thickening without forming balls. The flour must be shaken and added while the heat is off. If you add it with the fire on or without shaking it afterwards, it will turn into a ball, so please be careful.

Then you add water, but this water should be added in several times. If you add it all at once, it tends to bead up, so I think it would be best if you divide it into about three parts. Heat the mixture, stirring frequently, until it boils each time.

And then cover and simmer for 5 minutes. If you want to make the Chinese cabbage more tender, I suggest you cook it for 10 minutes. After adding the milk, turn off the heat just before boiling because the flavor of the milk may be lost if the mixture is brought to a boil.

And finally, the miso is the secret ingredient in this dish, but if you cook it together with the other ingredients, the miso flavor will be reduced, so be sure to add it at the end when the heat is turned off.

The miso used in this recipe is a combination of miso with dashi stock. I think this one is the most basic and good. And finally, I put black pepper on it as a topping, which is out of the amount. This is served with your choice of toppings.

The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made cream of Chinese cabbage soup. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make Chinese cabbage cream soup. The Chinese cabbage is melty! Easy to make with milk! This is a cream soup with lots of ingredients and is very filling. Here are some tips to make it even more delicious. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・白菜 300g
・マカロニ 50g
・ベーコン 3枚
・牛乳 300ml
・水 300ml
・鶏ガラの素 小さじ2
・塩 小さじ1/2
・薄力粉 大さじ1
・味噌 小さじ1
・おろしニンニク 小さじ1/2
・オリーブオイル 小さじ3

・300g Chinese cabbage
・50g Macaroni
・3 pieces Bacon
・300ml Milk
・300ml Water
・2 tsp Chicken stock
・1/2 tsp Salt
・1 tbsp Cake flour
・1 tsp Miso
・1/2 tsp Grated garlic
・3 tsp Olive oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#白菜 #スープ #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. いつも 参考にさせていただいています✨お料理の知識もさることながら、優しく 手際良く 最高です。大ファンです💓💓おばあちゃんも頑張って作りますね🎶

  2. ゆかり先生、薄力粉を片栗粉にしたらおかしくなっちゃいますかね⁉️😅

  3. 美味しくて温まりました💕パスタスープも手作りしたらこんなに美味しいんだなあって実感しました☺️かくし味のお味噌最高でした!黒こしょうと粉チーズかけてみました。

  4. 白菜が余ってたので作りました!ベーコンは鶏肉にしてほうれん草や玉ねぎも入れて美味しく食べることができました!いつも素晴らしい動画感謝です!!!

  5. 夕べ見て、早速今夜作りました!とてもわかりやすかったので、美味しくできました❤ありがとうございます😊

  6. ゆかり先生、毎回、素晴らしい配信、有難うございます♪

  7. 全ての食材が揃ってるので 今夜作ります この季節にぴったりのメニューいつもありがとうございます😊

  8. 今日ちょうどご近所から白菜をいただきました。

  9. 汁物やスープなどのレパートリーが少なかったのでとてもありがたいレシピです🥰鍋にしてのこった白菜+家にあるもので作れてしかもめちゃくちゃおいしかったのでリピ確定です🎉

  10. この4人分のスープを一日2人前毎日食べた場合、健康に何か問題が起こったりするでしょうか?