ナスそぼろ丼の作り方☆10分で作れて超簡単♪ナスがとろ〜り!スタミナ抜群♪炒めるだけで簡単なナスのそぼろ丼です☆-How to make Eggplant Soboro Bowl-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made a bowl of rice topped with minced eggplant and soboro. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel

Today I would like to make a bowl of rice topped with eggplant and soboro. This time I would like to make a soboro donburi with plenty of eggplant. There are some key points such as how to cut the eggplant and how to fry it. I will explain that one as I make it.

The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. I hope you’ll have a great time. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home First of all, let me introduce the ingredients for eggplant soboro. Here are the ingredients.

Eggplant, ground chicken, potato starch, sesame oil, water, soy sauce, sugar, mirin, cooking sake, and eggplant soboro will be made with these ingredients. First of all, I will use 200g of eggplant this time. The eggplant I’m using this time is quite small, so this is for three pieces.

I think a medium would be good for about two bottles. And ground meat. Going to use ground beef here. You can use ground pork or ground chicken if you like. Can also use sesame oil, but if you want to keep it light, you can use salad oil or other oil.

And here are the other ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Rice, small green onions, egg yolk, white sesame seeds, and here are the ingredients. The small green onions, egg yolk, and white sesame seeds are used for toppings. Serve with your favorite toppings. I will make it with these ingredients as soon as possible.

Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First of all, I make the sauce for the eggplant sauce. I add soy sauce, sugar, mirin, cooking sake, and water. Mix well until the sugar dissolves. When the sugar is no longer tactile, it’s ready to use. Leave this one until you’re ready to use it.

Now ready for the eggplant soboro sauce. Easy recipes at home And now going to cut up some vegetables. First, I’ll cut the toppings, starting with the small green onions. Cut off the root part of the small green onion. Then cut in half for easier cutting.

Now I can cut it to fit the cut edge. Now I’m ready for the small green onions for the topping. Now I will continue to cut the eggplant. Going to cut off the hefty part of the eggplant diagonally. Cut off the heft like this. Then going to peel the eggplant into tight peelings.

This helps them to be more easily cooked and to blend more easily with the flavors. Now going to use a peeler to peel the skin off. When I peel them like this, going to peel them about every 1 centimeter or so. Do it like this Then cut this in half first.

And then cut it in half again. Now I cut this into pieces about 1 cm to 2 cm wide. It looks like this. Cut the eggplant like this. Now cut the rest in the same way. The eggplant is now ready. Cut them into bite-size pieces like this.

Now I will cover the eggplant with this potato starch. Going to thicken the sauce a little bit, and by coating the eggplant like this, I can easily thicken the sauce beautifully. Now let’s sprinkle it all over. OK, I’m ready to go. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make soboro.

First, put sesame oil in a frying pan. And then put it on the fire. Heat the oil over medium heat for 30 seconds. Then turn the oil all over like this. After 30 seconds, add the eggplant. Spread them all over like this and bake them without moving them too much at first.

Grill over medium to low-medium heat, adjusting the heat as you go. After about a minute or so, then grill the rest of the way, rolling them around.

If you mix it like this from the beginning, the potato starch will not adhere well, so leave it like this for about a minute at first, then bake it while mixing it like this. When the eggplant is half cooked, leave a little space and put the minced meat here.

And then going to fry it. And going to fry it so that I can cut the ground meat. The minced meat comes out with a flavorful oil, which is then mixed with the eggplant. When the meat is cooked like this, add the sauce after you have made it. Then heat until thickened.

It’s OK to use medium heat. It is OK. It is OK if the mixture thickens moderately like this. 0:05:05:05.584,0:05:07.324 Now let’s serve it up. First of all, I put the soboro on top of the rice. Then I put the yolk on top of the rice. Heave ho.

Then I sprinkle a little green onion and white sesame seeds to finish it off. Finished like this. Easy recipes at home Eggplant and Soboro-Donburi is now ready to eat. This is how it turned out. The eggplant is soft and thickened like this.

If you like, you can also sprinkle some chili peppers on top of the eggplant. Now, I would like to eat. Now, I would like to mash the yolk and eat. Wow that sounds delicious. Let’s eat. The eggplant is also very tasty and tender.

And this sweet and spicy seasoning goes really well with it. I also like the nice texture of this eggplant. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Another delicious finish today. This is the point of this bowl of rice topped with minced eggplant and soboro.

First of all, regarding the amount of eggplant, I used three eggplants because they were a little small. In grams, it’s about 200 grams. I think about 2 medium eggplants would be about right. And for the ground meat, I used ground beef this time.

You can substitute ground pork or ground chicken if you like. And when I cut the eggplant, I stripe the skin of the eggplant. This way, it’s easier to cook and the flavors blend better. I think it also looks better if you peel it with stripes, so it has a striped finish.

And when you’re done cutting the eggplant, dust it with potato starch. This time, going to thicken the sauce itself, but by sprinkling the eggplant with potato starch, the potato starch will not become lumpy and you can easily thicken the sauce beautifully.

When the eggplant is half cooked, add minced meat and fry it in the oil from the minced meat. Season to taste and let it thicken. And this time I added egg yolk, white sesame seeds, small green onions, and this topping. You can try this topping if you like.

The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made bowl of rice topped with minced eggplant and soboro. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.

I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello ☆ I’m a culinary expert ♪
This time, I made an eggplant soboro bowl ☆ It’s super easy to make in 10 minutes! Eggplant melts! It’s an eggplant soboro bowl with outstanding stamina ♪ It’s very easy because it’s just stir-fried quickly. Please try to make it ☆

・ナス 3本(200g)
・合い挽き肉 100g
・片栗粉 大さじ2
・ごま油 大さじ1
・水 大さじ3
・醤油 大さじ2
・砂糖 大さじ1.5
・みりん 大さじ1
・料理酒 大さじ1
・ご飯 適量
・小ネギ 適量
・卵黄 1個
・白胡麻 適量

・3 Eggplants (200g)
・100g Ground meat
・2 tbsp Potato starch
・1 tbsp Sesame oil
・3 tbsp Water
・2 tbsp Soy sauce
・1.5 tbsp Sugar
・1 tbsp Mirin
・1 tbsp Cooking liquor
・Small green onion
・1 Egg yolk
・White sesame seeds







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#ナス #そぼろ丼 #料理研究家ゆかり #茄子


  1. こんにちは\(◎o◎)/

  2. 早速、作りました。本当に簡単なのに美味しかったです。

  3. なすが好きなので作ってみました!ネギなしですが、美味しかったです!ご飯によく合いますねヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

  4. 今晩、茄子のそぼろ丼作りました。家族に好評で喜ばれました。いつも教えていただいて有難うございます🎵🤗これからもよろしくお願い致します✨お身体に気を付けてくださいね😃👋😃

  5. 本日、作りました。ごま油を使っているものの、味付けはみりんを使用しているためか和風に仕上がりますね。中華の麻婆茄子はよく作りますが、和風も悪くないなと思いました!甘いので子供もよく食べました。

  6. ゆかりさん、こんにちは。子供たちも大喜びで食べてくれました。残った卵白ととうもろこしで中華コーンスープも作りましたよ。

  7. 簡単でおいしそうさっそく作ってみます。先日はきゆぅちやん漬けを作ってみましたとてもおいしくできました。いつもありがとう御座います。

  8. 美味しくてハマり、何度も作っています。

  9. 今作りましたー!
    味見でだいぶ減っちゃいました 笑

  10. これ何人分ですか?他の動画も私にも作れそうな美味しそうな物ばかりなので、何人分の材料か書いてくださると嬉しいです

  11. いつも美味しい料理観てます!今日作ってみました!とても美味しかったです😋また、参考にして作ります!

  12. 小ねぎがなく長ねぎ、合い挽きがなく豚ひきで作りましたがそれでも美味しく、本当に簡単であっという間でした。

  13. 茄子と合いびき肉でミートスパゲティを作ろうと思ったのですが、ゆかり先生の動画で茄子そぼろ丼を見つけたので早速作り主人と食べました片栗粉を茄子にからめたらとても美味しくできて卵黄をいれるとほんとに美味しかったです。いつもゆかり先生のレシピで失敗なく作れるので本当に助かっています。娘もいつも活用しているそうですありがとうございます!!

  14. ナスの代わりにズッキーニでも美味しく出来ました♪

  15. 秋茄子をたくさん頂いたので
    いや~簡単で 美味しくって