
Hello, this is another dish of Monaco cooking. Thank you for watching today. Today I would like to marinate shiitake mushrooms. Shiitake mushrooms were cheap. I would like to make this. Yes, I’m going to clean it up a bit, cut this ferrule, and bake it in a frying pan.

Cut it to the appropriate size. Stir-fry or stir-fry with the feeling of baking. When it is cooked, flip it over and mix. Let’s fry. I added a little bit of salted rice malt.

Lightly seasoned with a teaspoon of shio-koji. The marinade is 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Let’s add some pepper. I put shiitake mushrooms in it. I added 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and pepper.

I would also add a teaspoon of sugar. Taste and adjust. Yes, this is nice and delicious. Thank you for watching today. Marinated shiitake mushrooms are ready. It’s refreshing and delicious. I put some vinegared onions on top of this. Yes, you can have it lightly even when you have no appetite.

Yes please try Thank you for watching today. Please subscribe to the channel if you can. thank you.


00:00 きのこのマリネを作ります
00:29 材料説明です
00:45 椎茸を切ります
00:56 フライパンで炒めます
03:20 マリネ液を作ります
04:19 椎茸を混ぜます
04:59 きのこのマリネの完成です

椎茸      200g
塩麹      小さじ1杯
コショウ    適量
パセリ     少量
酢       大さじ3杯
オリーブオイル 大匙2杯
砂糖      小さじ1杯






1 Comment

  1. きょうは暑かったですね!すっかり初夏の陽気で、食欲も落ちてしまいそう・・ こういうさっぱり食べれるマリネは重宝しますよね~ 本格的な夏はもう少し先ですが、三食はしっかり食べていきたいものです😊🍽