【入れて炊くだけ!】旨味たっぷり!健康・美肌に『鮭と舞茸の炊き込みご飯』冷凍で作り置きもOKです!-How to make Salmon Cooked Rice-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made takikomi gohan with salmon. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel

This time I would like to make salmon takikomi-gohan (rice cooked with salmon) using salmon, a fish that is in season now. I would like to make this takikomi gohan with maitake mushrooms in addition to salmon. I would like to make this rice dish with maitake mushrooms in addition to salmon.

There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients.

Rice, fresh salmon, maitake mushrooms, ginger, soy sauce, mirin, cooking sake, dashi stock, salted butter, white sesame seeds, small green onions, we will use these ingredients. First of all, this time I’m going to cook rice with salmon, and I’m going to add maitake mushrooms as well.

I’d like to add some maitake mushrooms to the rice. I think shimeji or shiitake mushrooms would be fine. And ginger. This ginger will take away the fishy smell. The rest is easy to make with easy seasonings. As for the butter, this one will be used in the finishing touches.

Now let’s get on with making it. Easy recipes at home Now I would like to make it. First of all, please grind the rice as usual. Finished washing rice. Then soak the rice in water like this and leave it soaking for 30 minutes.

This will ensure that the core of the rice is cooked and fluffy. Next, maitake mushrooms. This one should be loosened by hand so that it is a comfortable size to eat. Maitake mushrooms are now ok. Next is ginger. First, peel the skin. It can be done with the skin on.

Then shred this one and shred it afterwards. Keep the ginger shredded like this. Next is the salmon. Going to put this one in as is, but this time going to use fresh salmon. If you use salted salmon, I recommend sweetened.

When using salted salmon, it is quite salty, so that is the seasoning I use for seasoning. Soy sauce, mirin, cooking sake, dashi stock, I think this one is just right if you use half the amount. Now, let’s cut the topping, leek. Cut off the root first.

Then cut it in half, align it, and cut it in half again. And when all the cuts are aligned, cut them into small pieces. The small leeks are now ok. Easy recipes at home Rice soaking is finished. Please discard the water here once. Then we will put the seasonings in this first.

Then we put soy sauce, mirin, cooking sake, and dashi no moto (dashi stock) in here. Mix well so that it does not become lumpy. OK. Then now fill the water to a little below the 2-gallon memory. That’s about right. Fill the water to just a little below the 2-gallon memory.

Then mix well again. The mushrooms will also release water, so use a little less water. That way the finish will be just right. Let’s put the salmon in first. Press it down when you put it in a little bit like this. Then put in the ginger. Then add mushrooms. OK.

Put it in here like this. Now we will cook rice normally in a rice cooker here. Rice is finished cooking. Lid is opened. Open. Ta-da. Finished like this.

Then once I do that, I would like to take just this salmon out, take the bones out, break the meat up and put it back in. So I’m going to dodge the mushrooms for a bit and just take out the salmon.

So please pull over a little bit and take out just the salmon. Then please keep this rice cooker warm. Now let’s loosen only the salmon meat. The skin is removed. Check properly for bones. Remove these small bones. If the bones and skin are removed, you are good to go.

Then the salmon meat is put back into the rice. And then the final touch is the butter. And sprinkle with white sesame seeds. And mix the whole thing. Melt the butter as well. It’s done. Now I would like to serve it in a bowl. Easy recipes at home

Now the salmon rice is ready to be cooked. This is how it turned out. Finally, top with white sesame seeds and the rest with small scallions, if you like. Plenty of salmon and it looks delicious. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Let’s eat. The salmon is plump and very tasty.

And it goes really well with this maitake mushroom. It’s full of flavor. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key to this salmon cooked with rice. First of all, I used raw salmon this time.

If you don’t have fresh salmon, you can use salted salmon. I think there is sweet or dry, but if you use salted salmon, I recommend sweet. I think it would be better if you reduce the amount of seasonings used for seasoning, soy sauce, mirin, cooking sake, and dashi stock, to half.

Well, I think this one is to your taste, so if you like a strong flavor, you can make it as it is. And this time I added maitake mushrooms in addition to salmon. You can make this maitake with shimeji mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, or whatever you like.

The rice should be soaked in water for about 30 minutes to make it fluffy. If you have time, try soaking the rice in water before cooking. If you have time, you can make it by soaking the rice in water.

The mushrooms and such will also release water, so if you use a little less water, the finished product will be just right. And once cooked, remove only the salmon and make sure to remove the skin and bones. Be sure to remove bones and other ingredients before mixing, as they will be mixed in.

And when you finish, add butter. This will give you a very mild and tasty finish. Afterwards, sprinkle with white sesame seeds and small green onions as desired. The ingredients are easy to find and the recipe is very simple. It is very tasty and you should definitely try making it. Easy recipes at home

Today I made takikomi gohan with salmon. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.

So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, this is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make rice cooked with salmon and maitake mushrooms. Lots of flavor from salmon and mushrooms! It is a cooked rice that makes your skin healthy and beautiful. Frozen storage is also OK, so you can make it ahead of time! It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・米 2合
・生鮭 2切れ
・舞茸 1パック
・生姜 10g
・醤油 小さじ2
・みりん 小さじ2
・料理酒 小さじ2
・だしの素 小さじ1
・有塩バター 10g
・白胡麻 適量 
・小ネギ 適量

・2 cups Rice
・2 slices Raw salmon
・1 pack Maitake mushroom
・10g Ginger
・2 tsp Soy sauce
・2 tsp Mirin
・2 tsp Sake
・1 tsp Dashi stock
・10g Salted butter
・White sesame
・Small green onion







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#鮭 #炊き込みご飯 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. へぇーこんなの美味しそうなレシピがあるんだね。

  2. こんにちは😊

  3. 秋ですね☺️

  4. ゆかりさんが紹介してくれたレスピは全部美味しそう🤤🤤今度はお茶漬けとお粥のレスピを紹介していただけませんか

  5. 和風の炊き込みご飯にバター入りはしたことがなかったのでやってみますね~⤴️

  6. 分かりやすく簡単レシピ!ありがとうございます。

  7. ゆかりさんの料理美味しすぎていかんわあ。作らずにおれん名古屋弁て増す。鮭とか、ホタテのレシピが欲しいと願ってました。ゆかりさんのお料理ハズレなく又連休に来てくれる娘婿に喜ばれそうでワクワク遠慮がちな婿がお代わりは?って言うと2、3ばいしてくれます。おやつか、おつまみに、ソーセージキッシュ夕飯も決まり来てくれるの楽しみに待ってます。丁寧なポイントゆかりさんのうんうん美味しいの顔❤❤❤😊😊

  8. ゆかり先生😊こんにちは!

  9. 秋ですね。

  10. 早速作ってみました!!

  11. 秋らしくて美味しそうで、しかも簡単なレシピありがとうございます!!塩鮭で作る時の味付けまで丁寧に教えてくださってるのが素晴らしいと思いました😊あと水加減もしっかり見せてくれていてわかりやすかったです。

  12. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  13. ゆかりさま、金の楯おめでとうございます😊

  14. シャケも骨無しで売っているので是非ぜひ作りたいと思います♪秋を感じるメニューですね♪幸せです❤

  15. 夕飯用に作りましたが、遊びに来てた祖母が大変気に入った用でお土産に持たせました😂😍


  16. 娘家族が来てくれたので炊き込みご飯作ったらおかわりしてくれました😊舞茸がいい香りでした~、また作ろう〜❤

  17. 舞茸がなかったのでしめじで作りました!偏食大魔王の2歳が、美味しい匂いに釣られ鮭をほぐしている時からつまみ食いしまくりでした😊生姜の香りがとっても良かったです!

  18. 鮭を鯛に変えると、愛媛の郷土料理「鯛めし」が出来ます。