
The oil and flesh have now completely separated. The tomatoes are packed with flavor and concentrated, and they’re delicious. Now, all that’s left is to mix them together quickly. Wow! It looks perfect. Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today, we’ll be making tomato pasta!

Here are the ingredients: Spaghettini, Mutti fine cut tomatoes, garlic, chili pepper, basil, olive oil, salt, and cane sugar. Today, as part of our Peperoncino series, we’ll be making Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with canned tomatoes.

Instead of the Mutti tomato paste that you’re familiar with from my channel, I’ll be using this Mutti canned tomatoes to make a delicious Spaghetti Aglio e Olio! I think my channel’s viewers have probably seen it before, but the pasta video using this tomato paste has 57 million views.

An employee of the company that officially imports Mutti saw this video and kindly contacted me directly, leading to this video. They say they have been flooded with inquiries about where to buy their tomato paste. Thank you for watching my videos! *This is a long-awaited collaboration with Mutti!*

Mutti is a product that is used in Michelin-star restaurants in Italy as well, and I used Mutti products for many years during my time in Italy. Today, I’ll be making a delicious Spaghetti Aglio e Olio using this can of very delicious cut tomatoes, so let’s get started!

So let’s open this Mutti fine cut tomato first, and then transfer the can of tomatoes to a bowl. Since I’m making one serving of pasta today, I’ll put 80g of chopped tomatoes in the bowl.

I want to add some flavor now, so I’ll add salt and cane sugar, each in equal amounts. [Point 1: Season tomatoes with salt and cane sugar] This canned tomato has a good balance of flavors, so it’s already delicious with just salt. But adding cane sugar makes it more intimate and appealing.

I’ll mix them together. It’s important to season the tomatoes with salt and cane sugar at this stage before the sauce is hot and splattering. This makes it easier to adjust the flavor. Next, for a basic Spaghetti Aglio e Olio, cut the garlic in half, remove the core, and mince it.

Traditionally, Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino has Italian parsley. But today, I’m using basil. I want to highlight the tomato flesh, so I’m using basil to enhance the flavor of the tomatoes. Basil leaves oxidize easily, so I’ll chop them and add them at the end. Let’s start by boiling the pasta.

I’m using 1.7mm Teflon diced (smooth-type) pasta, and I’m adding 20g of salt to 2L of water, for a 1% salt concentration. This is because I’ll be adding some of the pasta water to the sauce at the end. Now, I’ll add the minced garlic, and crush small chili pepper, and then olive oil.

Now, I’ll start heating it up and let it simmer gently until it starts to bubble.

Professional chefs often prefer to use cans of whole tomatoes instead of cans of chopped tomatoes like this because the flavor and umami tend to be stronger with whole tomatoes. [Restaurants use cans of whole tomatoes even if it takes a lot of time.] But!

This Mutti canned diced tomatoes is made with carefully selected, fully ripened tomatoes, which results in a surprisingly non-acidic flavor even when eaten raw. The taste is well-balanced and flavorful, and it’s hard to distinguish from whole tomatoes.

So I thought it would be nice to have it already cut so it would be easy to use.

Once it starts to boil, reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 3-4 minutes, because it’s the base for Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. [Point 2: Bring out the garlic aroma slowly over very low heat]

The garlic is still whitish, so simmer it until it turns golden brown. [Be careful not to burn the garlic!] The color of the garlic has taken on a lot of color. Now add the cut tomatoes that we marinated earlier.

Regular canned tomatoes, whether whole or diced, are very acidic, so you usually need to heat them over high heat at this point. But Mutti’s diced tomatoes are surprisingly low in acidity, so all you need to do here is give it a quick stir on medium heat.

After you combine it with this Spaghetti Aglio e Olio base, bring it to a boil and then just warm it up.

This is a guideline for heating, but keep in mind that we want to remove only the moisture on the surface of the cut tomatoes, leaving only the flesh. [Point 3: Remove excess water from tomatoes]

If you continue to heat it like this, the oil of the Spaghetti Aglio e Olio will separate from the pulp, so keep heating it over medium heat until it separates. But if I turn the heat up high, the tomato sauce will inevitably splatter and make a big mess in the kitchen.

There’s no need to put this Mutti canned tomatoes over high heat, so I’ll heat it at about medium heat. Okay, so now we’ve been cooking it for a few minutes and the oil and tomato have completely separated.

The tomatoes are now delicious with their umami concentrated. So, at this point, we’ll add the pasta water. Once we add the pasta water, we’ll turn off the heat and wait for the pasta to finish cooking. Okay, the pasta is cooked, so let’s add it to the sauce.

Finally, we’ll warm up the sauce, add the cooked pasta, and then add the chopped basil. Finally, we’ll just mix it all together. Wow! It’s really well-coated! Now that the sauce is well-coated on the pasta, let’s start plating! And that’s it! Our Tomato Spaghetti Aglio e Olio is complete! Itadakimasu! Mmm! Delicious!

It looks like a tomato pasta, but the taste has a solid Spaghetti Aglio e Olio base and it’s absolutely delicious! Actually, there are many low-quality tomato cans on the market. When you open them, they often contain very little pulp in tomato juice, or they are very acidic and tasteless.

This Mutti can of tomatoes though, as I mentioned earlier, has a very good balance of flavors and no acidity. It has a thick texture like tomato ragù, so I recommend it for tomato pasta. It is also delicious in other dishes, such as minestrone, cold dishes, and dressings.

If you are interested in the chopped tomatoes used in this recipe, please check the description section. Mutti has many other products besides the chopped tomatoes in this video, such as classic whole tomatoes, Datterini tomatoes, tomato puree, and tomato paste,

Which is a staple on my channel. I hope to be able to share these products with you in the future along with delicious recipes. Thank you for your meal! This pasta dish is truly awesome Spaghetti Aglio e Olio, so please try it!

Thank you as always for your comments! I always look forward to reading them! Well then, see you in the next video! Bye~! “Le Paste Speciali di Fabio” includes 42 pasta recipes with Brodo Italian broth. Copies available now!

基本の『アーリオ オーリオ エ ペペロンチーノ』に軽く火入れをした濃厚トマトを組み合わせた絶品トマトパスタを作りました🍝そのまま食べても酸っぱくないこのトマト缶の美味しさは偉大です🧑‍🍳


加藤産業株式会社 お客様相談室

スパゲッティーニ 70g
ムッティファインカットトマト 80g
塩 きび砂糖 0.8g
ニンニク ひとかけ
唐辛子 1本
バジル 4g
オリーブ油 20g
茹で汁 約50cc


0:00 オープニング・材料紹介
0:31 今日のパスタについて
1:33 材料の下処理
3:11 麺を茹でる
3:31 ソース作り
3:51 ムッティファインカットトマトについて
4:36 トマト投入
7:27 盛り付け・完成
7:45 実食・おすすめ料理

ムッティファインカットトマト https://a.r10.to/hUWDQa
ムッティトマトペースト https://a.r10.to/hkS1pY
ペズロ スパゲティ 1.7mm https://a.r10.to/hFUcKM
ベルトーリ(オリーブオイル) https://a.r10.to/hkrgqz

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #トマトパスタ #ペペロンチーノ


  1. ファビオさん、初めまして。

  2. ファビオ氏に影響されてムッティを近所のスーパーに買いに行ったらトマトピューレしかなく、とりあえず買ってみた…

  3. 未だ今回のトマトパスタは作って無いのですが、今日、韓国の魚醤を使いました。
    あと 今日、過去動画をあさっていて、オススメのディヴェッラ1.55mlも購入したので、試してみます😊

  4. お正月になると一気に値上げされちゃいますが、、関東はタコが旬の季節になりました。


  5. 5700万回本当に凄いですね😌ムッティのトマト缶🥫どんな味のバランスか気になるので、購入してトマトソースパスタ🍝を作って見たいと思います。

  6. ほんとにこのまま作って食べたらめっちゃ美味しかったです!😂


  7. 他のシェフも「トマトソースはツメた方が美味しい」と言ってたので、トマト系だけはフライパンて茹で汁仕上げせずに、ツメてから最後に和えてた。ただ味がバラつくのが気になってましたが、最初に決めてしまえば良い、とは目鱗でした。

  8. ペペロンチーノの定義がまだわかってないのですが、唐辛子が入らなくてもよいのですか?

  9. ムッティのトマト缶を探しまわったらイオンに売ってました。

  10. トマトペーストを探していて、カルディで安かったので適当に買ったムッティのトマトペーストが、


  11. ファビオシェフにムッティーの良さを教えて頂いてから、自分でも他のパッサータディポモドーロの瓶詰めの買ったりして試したけど、ムッティーに戻る傾向があるw

  12. 夫婦でパスタが大好きです。プロの方は丁寧に作っているのですね。トマトを濾して砂糖と塩を加え水分を飛ばすようにゆっくり炒めました。出来上がりは上々でとても美味しかったです。今夜も別のパスタにチャレンジしてみます😊

  13. このMUTTIのファインカットトマトは我が家ではトマトスープのベースになります。





  14. 息子と2人でドイツ在住(父子赴任者)です。

  15. ついにムッティのトマト缶を手に入れたのでまずそのまま食べてみたらほんとに美味しくてびっくりしました。

  16. 料理初心者です。動画見て美味しそうだと思いました。

  17. 最近スーパーでこのトマト缶見るようになったけど店員これ見て並べ始めたんかな。1缶198円少しお高め

  18. 初めてニンニクとオリーブ油、トマト缶と塩と具材少々で作ってみました。スキッとしてて、カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンの赤ワインがとても合いました。ありがとうございます。

  19. ムッテイは手に入らなかったので、近所のスーパーで買ったトマトペーストで作りました。
