
Thank you for watching
This time’s theme is "Gentle Japanese food that is easy to digest"
Please see the summary section for recipe quantities.
Day 1: Japanese style bean paste with tofu and komatsuna, cabbage with white soup stock, grated daikon radish, miso soup with potatoes
Side dishes using easily digestible cabbage
Heat the shredded cabbage in the microwave for 2 minutes.
Mix well, then wash with cold water and squeeze out the water.
Season easily with white soup stock
The taste differs depending on the type of white soup stock, so start with a small amount and adjust accordingly.
Sprinkle with bonito flakes and toss to taste,
and it’s like lightly pickled vegetables, so it’s also great for making ahead of time.
The main dish is a Japanese dish that is gentle on the body.
It’s easy to make with komatsuna rather than spinach.
The grater I bought at Tokyo’s Kappabashi Dougu Street
is as easy to use as the rumors say!
It’s compact and easy to put down.
It’s a little expensive, but it makes me feel good, so I’m excited about it♪
I’m going to use it with care!
Tuna and tofu except komatsuna
Fry the komatsuna in a frying pan heated with sesame oil.
Once it’s a little soft, add the tuna with the oil.
If you want to make it healthier, you can also use oil-free tuna.
Add seasonings and ginger and simmer for a while.
You don’t have to cut the silken tofu as it will lose its shape while you add it and mix it with a ladle.
You don’t have to cut the silken tofu as it will lose its shape while you add it and mix it with a ladle.
If you crush it too much, it will look bad, so only break up large chunks.
After boiling for about 3 minutes,
add the water-soluble potato starch and mix well.
A melty side dish that is gentle on the stomach and intestines is completed.
Potatoes are one of the vegetables that are easily digested.
It is good to fry them in a fryer, but to give your stomach a rest, it is recommended to put them in soup and eat them softened.
Thinly slice the onions and potatoes
Usually I add wakame, but
this time I just used root vegetables.
We wanted to introduce a variety of dishes, so the number of menu items has increased!
Grated radish is also a side dish that is gentle on the stomach and intestines.
Finish by topping with whitebait
2nd day: Fluffy chicken hamburger, Japanese-style coleslaw salad, miso soup with komatsuna
On the 2nd day, chicken hamburger with tofu that can be used for dieting
Chop the onions
Tear the silken tofu into pieces without draining it.
The dough is soft because the water is not drained.
Mix thoroughly until the tofu is crushed well.
It’s soft, so it’s difficult to handle, but
don’t worry about the shape. If you can divide it into 6 equal parts, it’s fine.
Mix in the teriyaki flavored sauce.
Arrange them on the frying pan using a spatula.
After putting it in, I will adjust the shape somehow here.
Once it’s grilled, turn it over,
sprinkle with sake, and steam-fry for 3 minutes.
It’s very healthy because it doesn’t require much oil.
Turn off the heat, add the sauce,
turn it on again, add the sauce, and it’s done.
A healthy yet satisfying chicken burger has been completed.
Coleslaw to eat raw cabbage
Cut into slightly thick slices
Finely chop carrots
Sprinkle with salt, mix well, and let stand for 15 minutes. You
can also add cucumbers and corn to make it more colorful, but
this time I’m going to use just cabbage and carrots for a simple combination that is gentle on the stomach.
Once it becomes soft,
wash off the salt and drain. Squeeze.
Coat with sesame oil to prevent it from becoming watery.
less mayonnaise
A refreshing Japanese-style coleslaw with ponzu sauce.
Make 2 days worth of soup stock at once
Once boiled, put half into a storage container.
The ingredients for the miso soup are leftover komatsuna and frozen thin fried vegetables.
Boil it a little, then remove the miso and it’s done.
Day 3: Boiled grated salmon, ohitashi spinach, miso soup with radish
Make oroshini using raw salmon
For the chicken breast version, please see the summary section.Like
the chicken breast, the salmon is a light side dish.
Sprinkle with salt and pepper, then sprinkle with potato starch.
Use the grated radish with its juice.
Fry the salmon in a little more oil.
Once one side is cooked, flip it over and
cook for 2-3 minutes.
Add seasonings and water
Let it simmer for about 3 minutes.
Cook just enough to keep the salmon from becoming hard.
Use a little leftover radish as an ingredient for miso soup
This is also an onion that was left in the fridge.
daikon radish overlapped in the main dish and soup, but the way they were cut was different so I didn’t mind.
It’s a normal home-cooked meal, so it’s appropriate.
When daikon and onions are boiled, they become sweet,
making miso soup with a gentle taste.
Add carrots for color to the side dish spinach ohitashi
Cut the spinach in half.You
can boil it in a small pot, so it’s easy.
Once the carrots are boiled, remove them using a wire rack,
add half of the spinach and boil.
It was an 18cm pot, but I was able to boil it without it sticking out.
Add well-drained spinach and carrots.
Add the bonito flakes and mix to complete.
Dinner that is easy to digest and gentle on the stomach and intestines
I hope you find this useful as a reference after eating too much or when you want to rest your stomach and intestines.
Thank you for watching till the end




00:00 スタート
00:17 豆腐と小松菜のとろみあん献立
05:01 ふんわり鶏バーグ献立
09:51 鮭のおろし煮献立 






鶏挽き肉 200g
鮭 2切れ

小松菜 1袋
たまねぎ 1袋(3個入)
しょうが 1個
ほうれん草 1袋
大根 1/2本
じゃがいも 1袋(3個入)
キャベツ 1/2個
にんじん 1本

ツナ缶 1個
絹豆腐 1個(3連パック)

絹豆腐 2パック
小松菜 2株
ツナ缶 1個
水 200ml
醤油 大さじ1.5
みりん 大さじ1
砂糖 大さじ1
顆粒だし 小さじ1/2
生姜 小さじ1

キャベツ 1/6個(200gくらい)
白だし 小さじ2
水 大さじ1
かつお節 適量

鶏ひき肉 200g
豆腐 1パック
たまねぎ 1/4個
片栗粉 大さじ2
生姜 小さじ1
塩こしょう 少々
醤油 大さじ2
みりん 大さじ2
酒 大さじ2
砂糖 大さじ1

キャベツ 200g
にんじん 1cmほど
ごま油 大さじ1
ぽん酢 大さじ2
砂糖 ふたつまみ
マヨネーズ 大さじ1
すりごま 適量

鮭 3切れ
┗塩こしょう 少々
┗片栗粉 適量
大根 250g
水 60ml
めんつゆ 大さじ2
みりん 小さじ2

ほうれん草 1袋
にんじん 1cm程
白だし 大さじ1
砂糖 小さじ2
かつお節 適量
#料理 #献立 #夕飯


  1. こんにちわ(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

  2. 「豆腐と小松菜のとろみあん」作りました~美味しかったです。お財布にも体にも優しい献立。ごちそうさまでした。