【5分で簡単!】ちくわの大葉和えの作り方|切って和えるだけ!パパッと手軽に作れます。ちくわトーストレシピもご紹介!-How to make Chikuwa Shiso Salad-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made chikuwa with shiso leaves.
Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher.
This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
Easy recipes at home
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Today I would like to make chikuwa with shiso leaves.
This one is very easy to cut and dress.
This recipe is easy to make in about 5 minutes.
In addition, I would like to introduce an easy to arrange recipe using this chikuwa with shiso leaves.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
Please have a look at it.
Easy recipes at home
Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients.
Here are the ingredients.
Chikuwa, shiso leaves, dried bonito flakes, mayonnaise, soy sauce, sugar, grated ginger, ground sesame, sesame oil.
First of all, chikuwa, this time we are going to make 5 pieces of chikuwa.
The seasoning is made using only seasonings that you may have in your house.
A little bit of sugar is added to give it a rich and tasty flavor.
I will make it as soon as possible.
Easy recipes at home
I will make it as soon as possible.
First, I cut the chikuwa.
The chikuwa is cut diagonally this time.
Chikuwa is cut diagonally so that it is roughly 1 cm thick.
Of course, you can also cut it into round slices like this.
Now cut the rest in the same way.
The chikuwa is now ready.
Now let’s continue with the shiso leaves.
First, rinse the shiso leaves in water.
Then wipe the water off the shiso leaves properly.
Press down on the top with paper to wipe off the moisture.
Now it’s time to align the base of this large leaf stem.
Align it like this.
Then cut off the root.
Then roll the leaves from the front.
After you roll it up, cut it in half, then trim, then julienne.
The shiso leaves are now ready.
Easy recipes at home
Now let’s add the last ingredient.
It’s very easy because all you have to do now is to dress it.
First you put the chikuwa in a bowl, then the dried bonito flakes, then the shiso leaves.
Once this is added, mix the three well.
Once well mixed, we can now add the seasonings.
First, soy sauce, then mayonnaise, then sugar, then grated ginger, then ground sesame seeds, then sesame oil.
Mix this well.
I used ground sesame seeds this time, but you can use regular roasted sesame seeds.
It’s done.
This is how deliciously it turned out.
Easy recipes at home
Here is a simple recipe for an arrangement using this.
I will use this to make chikuwa toast.
It’s so easy already.
First of all, you can use any slice of bread.
Here is the butter.
I’m going to use this soft tube of butter this time.
Can also use margarine or something else here if you like.
Butter the entire surface.
After spreading butter, put chikuwa here.
The amount of chikuwa you want to put on top is up to you.
If you have it, then you can also put corn on the cob here.
This is frozen sweet corn.
Of course, you can also use canned ones.
This will give it a nice color and then the sweetness of this corn will be added to it and it will be delicious.
It goes well with chikuwa.
Something like this?
Now you can put a lot of pizza cheese here at the end.
You can also use sliced cheese or something like that.
Now we will toast this one.
It looks deliciously toasted.
Now the chikuwa toast is ready.
This is also very tasty, so please try it together.
Easy recipes at home
Now the chikuwa with shiso leaves is ready to serve.
This is how it turned out.
It’s finished like this with lots of shiso leaves and looks delicious.
It’s done.
Now, I would like to eat
Now, I would like to start with the salad.
Let’s eat.
This shiso sauce and seasoning goes great with chikuwa.
I think it is a perfect side dish for bento.
Then I would like to have this arranged recipe chikuwa bread.
Let’s eat.
This chikuwa goes very well with the shoku pa.
And it goes very well with this cheese.
Easy recipes at home
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It was finished deliciously today.
This is the point of this chikuwa with shiso leaves.
First of all, I cut the chikuwa diagonally.
Can also cut this into vertical slices.
Can make it any way you like to cut it.
It is easier to pack in a lunch box if you cut it into round slices.
It’s very easy because all you have to do is cut up the chikuwa and shiso leaves and dress everything.
This is a great dish to make when you need one more dish.
A dish that can be served with rice, lunch, or as a snack.
And this time I also introduced a simple arranged recipe chikuwa bread.
It’s very easy because all you have to do is put it on a piece of bread, sprinkle cheese on it, and then toast it with corn on the cob if you like.
This is also very tasty and very satisfying, so please try making it together.
The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.
It is very tasty and you should try to make it.
Easy recipes at home
Today I made chikuwa with shiso leaves.
I have many other various videos on my channel.
Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy.
I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.
So that’s all for today.
Thank you for watching to the end today.
Please give us a good button.
See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make chikuwa with shiso leaves. Quick and easy in 5 minutes! Just cut and mix and you’re done! It can be made with easy materials. We will also introduce a chikuwa toast recipe using chikuwa dressed with perilla leaves. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.

・ちくわ 5本
・大葉 10枚
・かつお節 3g
・マヨネーズ 大さじ1
・醤油 小さじ1
・砂糖 小さじ1/2
・おろし生姜 小さじ1/2
・すりごま 大さじ1
・ごま油 小さじ1

・食パン 1枚
・有塩バター 適量
・ちくわの大葉和え 適量
・コーン 適量
・とろけるチーズ 適量

・5 pieces Chikuwa
・10 Shiso leaves
・3g Dried bonito flakes
・1 tbsp Mayonnaise
・1 tsp Soy sauce
・1/2 tsp Sugar
・1/2 tsp Grated ginger
・1 tbsp Ground sesame seeds
・1 tsp Sesame oil

・1 slice Bread
・Salted butter
・Chikuwa dressed with perilla leaves
・Melted cheese







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#ちくわ #大葉 #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. 毎日、動画のアップご苦労様です。どれも見ていると作ってみたくなるのですが、まずどれから作ってみようかと迷ってしまいます😅竹輪と大葉が今ないので、あすにでも買って来て作ってみようかと思っています。

  2. ちょうどちくわ冷蔵庫にあります( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )✨


  3. ヘルシーで美味しそうです☺️💘✨毎日動画投稿お疲れ様です🍵いつもありがとうございます‍🙇🏻‍♀️☘️✨

  4. ゆかり先生こんにちは😃

  5. 竹輪、大場は大抵ありますので、作れました

  6. ゆかり先生お疲れ様です😊

    カルシュウムがとれて 手軽に作れるレシピがあればよろしくお願いします😌

  7. たったの5分で作れるなんて、合えるだけなんて最高😃💕それおトーストにも朝のモーニング☕️🍞🌄マンネリしてたから、竹輪ピザに嬉しい🎵😍🎵です。🎉

  8. こんにちは

    サバの味噌煮 カニカマの磯部揚げ・・・美味しかったよ~~~

  9. ゆかりさんこんにちは!

  10. 食品が値上がりする中で、竹輪は安価で、大葉もそれほど高価ではないし…。

  11. 短時間でササっと作れて、とても美味しかったです!シソの香りが爽やかでした💕トーストに使うとゆう発想は凄いですね😃

  12. 冷蔵庫にちくわと大葉があったので作ったのですが、お味がとても美味しくてびっくりしました✨マヨネーズだけでは出せない味ですね✨家族にも大好評でした😋

  13. 美味しかったです!