
Hello everyone, I know we have been quiet for a long time but we’re back! We’re going to show you a recipe using various kinds of mushrooms in season. ‘Infinite Addictive Sautéed Assorted Mushrooms’ Let’s get started. I thought assorted mushrooms are perfect for Fall.

Most are available year round, but you may find something new in Fall in stores. These are shimeji, enoki, king oyster, shiitake and maitake mushrooms. Other kind will do as well, if you find one on sale or something new. It’s up to you. I suggest NOT nameko, though. First, cut off the bottom part.

I do this over the plastic bag. You can rip the tops apart by hand. Like this way. I’ll use 2 bags of shimeji. The dish will be on salty side and it keeps in the fridge so I’ll make a large amount, but you can use just 1 bag as well.

You don’t have to use the kind you dislike. Use your favorite mushroom. Exactly, I like shiitake but some don’t. It’s totally up to you. Although Shimeji is a must. I also recommend king oyster and enoki as well! Next, to prepare king oyster, just chop it roughly however you like.

I’d slice the stem like this. Honestly, there’s no specific rule here. Just chop it into bite size. I’d slice the caps somewhat larger. Just like this. They’re done. Just cut it roughly. For enoki, again I’d cut the bottom off over the plastic bag. Then cut in half lengthwise. That’s all.

You can loosely pull apart the bottom part by hand. Roughly into bite size. No need to pull them apart into small pieces, for they shrink once cooked. Just roughly. For maitake, they are almost self-prepared. Gently rip them apart by hand into bite size. Finally, for shiitake.

If the bottom end is already trimmed, stem is perfectly edible. Slice the caps just like I did for king oyster. Discard the dirty spot, if any. Some like it, some don’t. That’s shiitake. Cutting part is all done. I’m using canned tuna in oil. Any kind is fine. Discard a half amount of oil.

No need to drain completely, for it adds flavor. It looks greasy when you open the can. Just drain half the way in the sink. Can you tell the difference? I’m using 2 cans for today’s recipe. Use 1 when you cut the recipe in half. . Let’s cook them now.

In nonstick skillet, place a small amount of oil such as rice oil or vegetable oil. I’ll use rice oil today. This much. Turn the heat on. I’ll add sesame seed oil later on. If I add it first it tends to become rather greasy. Besides, tuna has some oil too.

In order to cook garlic and ginger, I’m using rice oil which is on the light side. Add a teaspoon of garlic in tube. Add less amount (a half teaspoon) of grated ginger in tube. You can decide the amount of them to your preference. You may opt for the fresh ones as well.

Let’s heat them gently until fragrant, try not to burn. I’m cooking on stovetop, although you can microwave it as well. On stovetop it’ll be more aromatic since it reduces the liquid. It’s easier to adjust the taste too. I prefer stovetop. Oh smells good! When it’s fragrant, throw the mushrooms in.

Mushrooms are made of water mostly, so it looks bulky at first. Once heated, they shrink in half. You might say, is this for how many people?? It actually keeps in the fridge. You can make it in bulk. This can be a nibble for your drink. Or serve with tofu or rice.

It goes with many things. I might have some leftover somen noodles from summer that may work as well. As you can see, it’s a little bulky now. Maybe too much.. Just be patient for a few minutes and it’ll be flatten.

I just dumped everything at once but you can also do this in 2 batches. That means, first cook a half amount of mushrooms and incorporate in garlic and ginger. Once they are combined well, add the rest of the mushrooms to prevent from burning on the bottom. Garlic and mushrooms smell so good!

Yay! This is such a Fall dish. Actually, just sauté with butter will be great. Now the mushrooms are heated lightly and coated with oil evenly, Throw in 2 cans of tuna in the pan. Some more oil has been added. You can totally do without tuna. But it adds some protein, and the flavor.

Add 1 tablespoon of whole-chicken powder. Sprinkle over mushrooms, then osmotic pressure makes it easier for water to come out of the salt. Add Dou ban jiang. This type isn’t spicier than ones sold in jars. Adjust the spiciness depending on its type.

I’m adding 1 tablespoon of Dou ban jiang, since it isn’t too spicy. Add more to your preference. I suggest less for jar type. I’ll adjust the umami and spiciness. Combine all well. While I was adding condiments, the volume reduced. Mushrooms indeed have a high water content.

Stovetop allows me to adjust the water amount in the pan, not to make it soggy. Microwaving can be fast, but water doesn’t evaporate well. So you might want to add more salty condiments. I like cooking on stovetop, basically. I recommend stovetop method. When all the flavors are incorporated,

Add 3 tablespoons of soy sauce. Add 1 tablespoon of mirin. Add 1 1/2 tablespoon of oyster sauce. It adds strong umami. Almost 2 tablespoons… which is OK. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar. Sugar adds umami and mildness to spicy dishes, so it’s necessary. For those who watch sugar intake, LACANTS can be substituted.

It’s your choice. Stir everything well. The amount has been reduced by almost half. Mushrooms are well-heated now but I’ll cook a little more until more water evaporates. When its liquid reduces, it keeps longer. Now that it’s getting cold,

It can be stored in a clean container, in the fridge up to 5 days. That’s another reason why I season it well. I just checked the taste and found it less spicy than I desired. So I’ll add another half tablespoon of Dou ban jiang.

In order to just add spiciness, you can also simply add chili pepper. I’m adding a teaspoon of Dou ban jiang now. I intend to make this dish a little spicy. Let’s see.. Next measure will be a chili pepper. Spices can be tasted better when they are heated,

So I’ll continue to cook a little longer before checking again. Also I’ll add some sesame oil and black pepper at the end. So take that into consideration when you check the taste. Basically, all I need to add now is a splash of sesame oil and some black pepper.

Other choices can be Ra-yu, or Hoajao. Mix and match to adjust the spiciness to your taste. Let me check the taste one last time. It turned out to be a little spicy just as I intended. It’s done. Just a little more reducing… Serve warm or in room temperature.

Or store it for later use. It’s good even when serve cold. Add some sesame oil after turning off the heat, so that it keeps its fragrant. Add 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, not to make it too greasy. And finally… Finally, sprinkle some black pepper over. I haven’t heard this sound for a while..

I like a good amount of it. You can also do this when served. Sprinkle some roasted sesame seeds over. Toss it well. This completes Infinite Addictive Sautéed Assorted Mushrooms. Today I’m going to serve when it’s cooled down. Let’s move on to the tasting. Let’s eat now. Itadakimasu! Let me try with rice first.

I know it’s delicious! I can tell from the smell! Super size.. I can taste the umami of mushrooms better when it’s cooled down. Yes! Seriously, various kinds of mushrooms multiply the umami. And this texture! Each mushroom has different texture, on top of this Ko-chan’s special seasoning! Yum! Seriously, you will eat rice unstoppable.

I knew it wasn’t enough. I just refilled the bowl. The smell of Hoajao is amazing! No adults can resist this. Yum! Wow! Hoajao plays such an important role here! Can I move on to tofu now? Yes, sir. I prepared only rice and tofu, but I assure you this goes well with EVERYTHING!

Wow! Delicious! With tofu, it’s very close to Mabo Tofu! Seriously. I know everyone has preference, but I LOVE enoki!! I know you do. Perfect nibble for daddies. I would definitely choose mushrooms over meat! It’s healthy, too!! Year, it’s healthy. Since you added tuna, it’s protein rich. It’s not much different from eating meat.

Not exactly same as the minced pork in Mabo Tofu, but it’s pretty substantial. Perfect for those on a diet. Perfect spiciness too! Seriously good… It was very good. Today, after our long absence, we made a video for, ‘Infinite Addictive Sautéed Assorted Mushrooms’.

Mushrooms are in season now, although most of them are available year round. So not only in Fall, but try anytime! I especially liked the various textures and flavors of mushrooms. It’s amazing! On top of that, Ko-chan’s special sauce is such a mouse-watering. I’m sure it’ll be great with udon noodle too.

I once had with Curry & Rice which was great, likewise as a topping on ramen. Variation is endless, so please try it out for yourself! It keeps for a few days and can be served cold. Use it for lunchbox for your boys and hubbies. That’s all for today. Super delicious!! Gochisousama-deshita.

Thank you for watching! See you next time!

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Thank you for watching
I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


[Ingredients] (Preservation period: about 5 days refrigerated)
● Enoki mushrooms: 2 bags
● Shimeji mushrooms: 2 packages
● Maitake mushroom: 1 pack
● King oyster mushroom: 2 pack
● Shiitake mushroom: 6 pieces
● Canned tuna: 2
● Mirin: 1 tablespoon
● Soy sauce: 3 tablespoons
● Chicken soup stock: 1 tablespoon
● Oyster sauce: 1 1/2 tablespoons
● Sugar: about 1 tablespoons
● Sesame oil: 1 tablespoons
● Rice oil (salad oil is fine)
● Black pepper
● Grated garlic: 1 teaspoon
● Grated ginger: 1/2 teaspoon
● Dou ban jiang: 1 tablespoon (the spiciness will vary depending on the Dou ban jiang you use, so start with a small amount and taste as you go)
● Sichuan pepper, chili oil, roasted sesame seeds, to taste
※ If you don’t like the spiciness, replace the Dou ban jiang with miso, or substitute Gochujang for the Dou ban jiang.
※ The mushrooms do not need to be washed, but if there are any stains you are worried about, wipe them with kitchen paper.
This time I made “Infinite Addictive Sautéed Assorted Mushrooms”.
It’s addictive and a great accompaniment to rice that I want to eat on a regular basis!
The flavor of the mushrooms, oyster sauce, and chicken stock combined with the spiciness of the garlic and Dou ban jiang is so addictive that you really can’t stop eating it♪
It is also delicious as a topping for ramen, yakisoba, udon, pasta, and of course with rice🤤
If you are on a diet or sugar restriction, it is also great on top of tofu or fried tofu♪
It is low in carbohydrates, but also rich in protein, so it is very nutritious!
It is very easy to make, just fry it♪
Please try making it😆


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  1. いくらチャンネル登録者数が増えようが人気出ようが、この代わり映えのない風景、変わらないおふたりの人柄、何より好感持てました💓

  2. 久しぶりの動画嬉しくて早速作ろうとキノコをたくさん買ってきて、作りました‼️美味しいです。そのまま食べても美味しいし、いろいろなアレンジも効いて最高😃⤴️⤴️明日の朝、卵かけご飯にのせて食べようと思います😊楽しみ。

  3. お二人の料理は常に美味しく 私の料理 レシピの幅が広がりました。
    いつも 参考になる 動画 ありがとうございます。

  4. この料理、絶対作る〜〜❤️

  5. お帰りなさいo(^▽^)o



  6. 二人の食べてる顔が、可愛くて、旨そうに食べてるのが、見てて幸せです。

  7. きのこは数種類入れるのが好きです❤️まさにドンピシャなレシピを有難うございます❣️

  8. みんな!!気をつけろ!!このレシピは『麻薬』だ。

  9. この通り作ってみました。暖かいご飯にかけてみたらめっちゃ⤴️⤴️美味しかった🎵今度はうどんで試してみます。この動画よくみて参考にしています。これからも続けて下さいね。

  10. 糖質制限中です!

  11. 作りました!!

  12. 素晴らしい❗ 何回か教えてもらったの作りました。どれも美味しかった。手軽に作れるのがいいですね。これも作ってみたいと思います。又 よろしくお願いします。

  13. 早速作りました〜🎶コレはたまらんですよ🌟٩(๑>ω<๑)۶🌟
    最初フライパン重すぎてどうなる事やら💦と思ったけれど、最後はちゃんとしんなり❤めちゃくちゃ美味かったーっ!( •̀ω•́ )و✧ウマイ

  14. キノコたっぷりで食べたいと思ってたから凄く嬉しいレシピ。ありがとうございます。絶対つくるぞ‼️

  15. 大好きなキノコ🍄簡単に作れて、豆板醬効かせて✌最後胡麻油・黒胡椒・美味しく出来ました一年中作れてるので我が家の定番メニューになりそうです🍊

  16. すごく美味しかったです。麻婆系好きで色々作ってるけどツナとキノコ合いますね。リピします。

  17. やば。私 ここハマってる。色々作る気満々になってる・・・買い物メモってるワ😁お財布に優しい材料だからがんばっぺ!作り置きも出来るし。これからも宜しく。大人の人試して欲しい はい!大人にので明日作り食べます✌️