
This is very good It is soft and melting. He doesn’t want to introduce himself. This is the 4th video. I’m nearing my limit. About the food this time. I make a dish using peppers. This is frequently found on the menu of yakitori restaurants.

Stuff the peppers with cheese and then grill the Pork belly. It’s delicious. Yakitori is salty. This time I thought of a very delicious taste. So give me your time. I make the most delicious food. I start cooking This is Ryuji’s buzz recipe. This is about ingredients. Prepare 4 bell peppers.

Halve this, so it will be 8 pieces. And this is Pork belly. Use 1 of this for half a pepper. There is no problem if there are 8 of them. Prepare about 100g of it. And this is mixed cheese. That’s fine with pizza cheese. Have it ready. This is shiso. Prepare shiso.

Please refer to the summary column for other seasonings. This is addictive. This recipe uses a lot of shiso. I drink. I use ice to predict today’s fortune. That’s very bad luck. If you like this video, it will turn into good luck. . I am indebted to this. this is my buddy

I must drink. cheers. I start cooking i start it. Cut the peppers. cut the middle of this It’s like this. It’s the same feeling when making “meat stuffed”. Do it like this. about this species. There are recipes that use seeds as well. Remove the seeds this time. Do it like this.

I want to stuff this with cheese. But this seed is edible. don’t throw this away. This time I will do it like this to stuff the cheese. I don’t put seeds in it. I think it’s good to use this for another dish. Remove this part by hand. But it is edible.

But I think some people think this is hard. Remove this if you think it’s too stiff. Heat the cut peppers in the microwave. Microwave it for 1 minute 10 seconds. It’s about why you heat it in the microwave. It’s about wrapping Pork belly around this and baking it.

It can’t add enough heat to the peppers. So I heat the peppers in the microwave first. This will give the peppers the perfect amount of heat. First, heat this in the microwave for 1 minute and 10 seconds. Welcome. I’m going. it is heating up. This was heated for 1 minute and 10 seconds.

The texture of the pepper remains. This is cooked and at its best. Line this up. Stuff this with cheese. This pepper is flexible. This is very flexible. Cook the peppers a little. This is surprisingly important. I’m all done. About the next step. I stuffed this with cheese. Please put shiso on this.

It’s like this. Next, roll the Pork belly like this. this is good. It’s like this. Please roll like this. Do the same for all peppers. Roll the Pork belly like this. Confine the fragrance of shiso and cheese in this way. I wrapped the Pork belly around the green pepper.

This is not the end. Season this with salt and pepper. This would have been nice with a little more flavor. The only saltiness is the saltiness of the cheese. Put a little salt and pepper on the Pork belly. It’s a little And please cake flour. I use this cake flour. This is powdery.

Attach it like this. Turn this inside out. Why do you add cake cake flour? This will give the Pork belly a more chewy finish. It is rolled. This makes it difficult to unravel. I think it’s better to cake flour. This makes it easier for the sauce to get involved. It’s like this.

I start it Add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar. I am making the sauce now. Add a tablespoon of soy sauce. This is 1 tablespoon. Add a tablespoon of mirin. Mix the sauce before baking. That way you won’t have to rush. Please add oyster sauce. Add some oyster sauce to add depth of flavor.

Add a teaspoon of oyster sauce. This brings out the flavor. Soy sauce, sake, and mirin are basic seasonings. Boil down soy sauce, sake, and mirin, and it’s mostly delicious. Please add some black pepper. Sprinkle AJINOMOTO 4 times on this. and mix this I will heat the mixed sauce later.

You should have made this first. Next, grill the Pork belly. Put an appropriate amount of oil in the frying pan. Put it in so that it does not stick. Pork belly contains a lot of oil, so add an appropriate amount of oil. Bake the side stuffed with cheese first.

Let this burn a little. Let this burn a little. If you overcook the surface of this, the cheese will leak out. Bake only the surface strongly first. It has flour on it so it bakes in a short time. Flip over when cooked. It’s a little charred, right? It’s like this.

This is a good color When you turn it upside down, please put a lid on this. why do you cover it? This is to ensure that the peppers are thoroughly cooked. This is to cook the sides of the peppers and Pork belly. Bake this. This is medium heat.

Cover and bake for 2-3 minutes. The cheese inside will warm up and melt. Thanks to the potato starch, the surface is moderately burnt. This is delicious. The peppers are heated in the microwave first. Don’t worry too much. So make sure the cheese is melted.

And make sure the surface of the Pork belly is cooked. It was completed with a good feeling. I think the cheese and peppers are soft and melted. I flipped it over and steamed it. Next, arrange the platter. Oil remains in the frying pan. You can also use this.

If the oil bothers you, transfer it to another container. I will make the sauce now. Put the frying pan on the fire and pour the sauce. Warm it up until it becomes viscous. Boil down the sauce. Bring this to a boil over high heat. Turn off the heat when it becomes viscous.

Pour the sauce over this. The seasoning of this is delicious with just cheese, salt and pepper. This is a deep flavored sauce with oyster sauce. Pour some sauce over it and it will be even more delicious. This is so delicious. But adding spiciness makes it even more delicious. Add this if you like.

Add a little seven-spice chili pepper. “Pepper addictive Pork belly shiso roll” has been completed. I’ll enjoy having this. This is so delicious. I found the strongly seared Pork belly to be the first delicious. The green peppers have increased their sweetness by microwave heating. The melted cheese in it is so delicious.

This is delicious. The peppers are perfectly cooked. I sprinkle Tabasco. What would this look like if we added sourness? It goes well with the taste. This is a foul. cheers. Here are the SUER DRY henchmen. This is silver. I’ll enjoy having this. This is delicious. This is delicious. Shiso is delicious.

It was delicious and we ate it all. Is this delicious? he is annoying This is so delicious. Is this delicious? This is delicious. I don’t understand what you are talking about. “Pepper Pork belly shiso roll” was delicious. Please try this. This is so delicious. My fortune today is very bad luck.

Not a single piece of ice was included. I think like this. Sometimes life doesn’t go well. We are the same as this glass. It contains nothing. This is empty. I’m an empty person Even in such a way, we have to live. That’s why I think so. This is what it is.

If it’s empty, just fill it with something. It can be love or whatever. . Being alive is important. Live even if you don’t have a single ice cube in your glass. This is my fortune telling for today.




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  1. めっちゃくちゃ美味しそうです!子供たちがピーマン食べないので、これ作ってみます☺️

  2. 一個も氷がはいってなあああああああああい!🤣大胆だけど、絶対一個も入らないの!毎回、、あはは、明日絶対つくります!簡単そう

  3. 料理上手なのに酒で失敗とならないように、ほどほどにね👍️ 飲み過ぎないように祈ります🙏✨💛 今日も美味しい料理紹介して下さって、ありがとう❤️

  4. 初コメです😊
    今回は氷がひとつも入らなくてザンネンでしたねww 😄  いつも楽しく拝見してます💕美味しそうなレシピありがとうございます🍳🍻

  5. 確かこれショート動画でも出てませんでしたか?


  6. りゅうじさんのおかげでやりくりできる上に、本当に美味しいお料理ばかり食すことができて感謝です😊🙏

  7. リユウジサンこんにちわ。肉大葉チーズピーマン美味しそうですね。栄養も満点でご飯にも合いそうですね。今日作ろうと思います。いつも美味しいお料理有難う御座います。

  8. 今晩空けるので作り置きして1つ味見したら有り得ないほど美味しかったです。。。。これを食べれないのが悔しい。。。