
And once you add the butter, pour soy sauce around the edge of the pot. Then melt the butter. Hello. I’m Chef Fabio! Today, we’ll be making a Japanese-style pasta.

Now for the ingredient: 90g of spaghetti, 35g of bacon, 50g of spinach, 25g of unsalted butter, 1 clove of garlic, 1 Calabrian chili pepper, 10ml of noodle soup base, 5ml of soy sauce, and olive oil.

We’re making a butter soy sauce pasta today using bacon and spinach as part of our Japanese-style pasta series. Butter soy sauce is just delicious, isn’t it?! [A Flavor Loved by the Japanese♪] Today, I’m going to make an addictive butter soy sauce pasta with added garlic flavor!

First, we’ll cut the washed spinach. We’ll cut it in half and separate the stems from the leaves for different cooking times. We’ll stir-fry the stems together and briefly blanch the soft leaves with the pasta at the end. For the garlic, we’ll just crush and then chop finely.

With the ingredients now cut, let’s start making the sauce! So first, we’ll heat the cut bacon. [Bacon cut into thin strips] In Italian cuisine, it’s common to make garlic oil first and then cook the bacon, but since today’s pasta is more Japanese-style than Italian, we’ll do the opposite.

First, we’ll carefully render the fat from the bacon. Add a small amount of olive oil. Now, as the temperature rises and the fat starts to render from the bacon, add the garlic to the fat. [Point 1: Add the garlic to the rendered bacon fat]

Then, coat the garlic well with the bacon fat and cook it in the fat itself. Today, we’ll also add the bacon fat, and later we’ll add quite a bit of butter to make it a rich pasta dish.

For an accent, if you usually prefer it spicy, you can crush the Calabrian chili peppers, but since we want a slight spicy accent in today’s rich sauce, we’ll add them whole. Just remember to remove them in the end! They can be quite spicy if you bite into them!

Now that it’s sizzling, we’ll gently bring out the flavor of the garlic over low heat. The flavor of the bacon, the refreshing flavor of the chili pepper, and the punch of the garlic blend together beautifully! Now, let’s cook the pasta.

Today, we’ll be using pasta that is not too thick and not too thin, around 1.7mm thick. [1.7mm Spaghettini] For today’s Japanese-style pasta, I recommend using a smooth type of Teflon sieve. Since I want a smooth texture today, I’ll boil the pasta.

Since we’ll also be adding some of the cooking water later, the water has a 1% salt content. [Today, it’s a 1% salt concentration.] Now, the bacon and garlic have lightly browned. At this point, we’ll add the spinach stems.

You can add them as they are, but tearing them like this helps them mix better with long pasta, so we’ll add them torn. Once the stems are added, we’ll coat the spinach with the delicious oil of bacon and garlic and stir-fry them together.

Now, the oil from the bacon and garlic has soaked into the stems nicely, and once they become slightly wilted, it’s time to add the star of today’s dish, butter. [Unsalted butter]

Since the bacon is already salty, and we’ll be adding soy sauce later, adding salted butter would be too much, so I’m recommending unsalted today. Melt the butter. Once the butter is added, pour soy sauce around the edge of the pot. [Point 2: Pour soy sauce around the edge of the pot]

When you add soy sauce, you get this amazing fragrant aroma! It’s soy sauce butter! Now that it’s giving off an indescribable aroma, I’m going to add soy sauce and a little mentsuyu (noodle soup base). [Point 3: Add the umami of mentsuyu]

Now, with this great aroma coming from the base, we’ll combine it with the diluted pasta water. At this point, we have a fantastic base!

If you want to add a bit more spiciness, take the chili pepper like this and press it to extract the spicy essence of the chili pepper. [Crush the chili pepper to adjust spiciness] Then, remove the chili pepper. With the heat turned off, we’ll mix in the pasta.

The Japanese-style pasta I’m making today gives more of an impression of cafe or chain restaurant food rather than traditional Italian pasta. I’ve also had experiences with pasta like this, such as mentaiko pasta, butter soy sauce pasta, or eggplant tempura Japanese-style pasta.

In those Japanese-style pastas, they almost always have mentsuyu (noodle soup base) in them. The umami flavor of the mentsuyu is what makes them taste delicious, so for these Japanese-style pastas, it’s essential to add a little bit of noodle soup base.

For Japanese people, when it comes to noodle dishes like ramen, udon, soba, etc., what we look for is a texture that goes down smoothly. That’s why using a smooth type of Teflon sieve is highly recommended for Japanese-style pasta. It gives that smooth texture that we associate with it.

When the pasta is about 20-30 seconds away from being cooked, we’ll add the soft part of the spinach leaves along with the pasta. Since the leaves are soft enough to be eaten in salads, they just need to be blanched in boiling water for a moment.

Now that we’ve reached this point, we’ll combine the pasta with the sauce. Finally, we’ll mix the pasta and spinach with the sauce. And mix them together. For Japanese-style pasta, it’s delicious even if the sauce has a bit of liquid left over, so we’ll leave it and proceed to plate!

And now, the bacon and spinach butter soy sauce pasta is ready! Itadakimasu! It’s just delicious, isn’t it! When soy sauce combines with butter and a bit of mentsuyu, it truly becomes a Japanese-style pasta. Today, I intentionally left some liquid in the sauce, and I think it adds to the charm of Japanese-style pasta.

Thanks to the smooth-type Teflon sieve, leaving some liquid in the sauce worked great and makes it really delicious! Pasta like today’s Japanese-style pasta is a taste I discovered when I was probably in elementary school. At that time, there was a café Italian restaurant called “TO THE HERBS” near Harajuku Station.

That’s where I had Japanese-style pasta for the first time and experienced what delicious pasta tastes like. There are many other places like KABENOANA, YOMENYA GOEMON that I like, along with La Pausa, TAPAS&TAPAS, DONA, Saizeriya, and many more chain restaurants, so if you have any favorite chain restaurants, please let me know!

Thank you for the meal! Today’s butter soy sauce pasta turned out absolutely delicious, so please give it a try! Thank you for all your comments! I always enjoy reading them! Well then, let’s meet again in the next video! See you~!

“Fabio’s Homestyle Cooking” -Transform Your Regular Dishes into Extraordinary Masterpieces with Michelin-Star Techniques! -Achieve the Best Flavor Every Time! -Explore the Secrets and Recipes to Becoming a Great Cook on YouTube!


スパゲッティーニ 90g
ベーコン 35g
ほうれん草 50g
にんにく 1かけ
カラブリア唐辛子 1本
無塩バター 25g
めんつゆ 10cc
醤油 5cc
茹で汁 120cc

ラモリサーナスパゲッティーニ https://amzn.to/44N8Gyx
にんべんめんつゆ https://amzn.to/3K0qAWD
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c
マリッチャ黒胡椒 https://amzn.to/3rawYnN
無塩カルピスバター https://amzn.to/3JGte3v

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

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◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #和風パスタ #バター醤油パスタ


  1. 似たようなレシピで作ってましたがバターがいつもの倍以上で大丈夫かなって半信半疑いれたら飛級に美味しくなってびっくり‼️ほうれん草のいれるタイミングも真似したら色鮮やかで別物が出来上がりました‼️美味しいレシピありがとうございます😊

  2. 今年知りました

  3. 美味しそう!

  4. 今日クリスマス・イブなんですが、

  5. 材料がちょうどあったので作ってみました!とても美味しかったです。クセになりますね〜また作りたいと思います♪

  6. いつも楽しみにしています♪

  7. ベーコンから出てくるのは油ではなく水分だと思ってました、、😮なので水分が出てきたらバチバチはねるので弱火で加熱しろと聞いたことがありました~

  8. Your videos are so soothing, most people only know the really iconic traditional sauces so it's nice seeing so many unique ways to make amazing pasta

  9. 美味しそう〜😍

  10. これは本当に美味しかったです!特に子供に人気で、誕生日にリクエストされました😂