
Today, we’re adding white dashi here. In the last 10 seconds, we’ll melt the butter while stirring and thicken it at the end. Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today, we’re we’ll be making mushroom Japanese-style pasta!

Now the ingredients. We have Spaghettini, garlic, red pepper, Italian parsley, your favorite mushrooms, butter, white dashi soup base, and olive oil. Today, since it’s fall, we’ll be using mushrooms to create a fantastic Japanese-style pasta as part of our Japanese-style pasta series.

We’re going to make a superb Japanese-style pasta using only mushrooms with Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino as a base! Now, let’s prepare the mushrooms. Today we’ll be preparing the food without a knife. The mushrooms I’ve chosen today are shimeji, black maitake, and shiitake, but you can use whichever mushrooms you like!

For shimeji, just break them apart. For the largest ones, tear them in half, that’s all you need to do. For the maitake mushrooms, simply tear them apart. For shiitake mushrooms, break the stem to reveal the fibrous part, making it easy to split. Just tear them in half. Now our mushroom prep is complete.

Next, let’s finely mince the garlic for the Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino. Today, we’re using garlic for the Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino, so we want it finely minced to give a robust flavor. We’ll be adding Italian parsley from Japan today, and since the stems are tender, we’ll chop it all together.

The stem part has a nice fragrance, so we’ll finely chop it like this. Alright, now that the chopping is done, let’s make the sauce! First, put all the prepped mushrooms into a regular non-stick frying pan. Today, we have about 120g of mushrooms per serving, but doesn’t it look like quite a lot?

But mushrooms have high water content, so the first thing we need to do is flatten them. At this stage we’ll add a very small amount of olive oil and heat it up. Heat it slowly over medium heat, gradually removing the excess water from the mushrooms.

Mushrooms need to release their moisture first; otherwise, their umami flavor won’t come out properly. As the umami starts to come out, their fragrance also intensifies, so we’ll increase the temperature without stirring too much.

I usually add salt first during prep, but for vegetables and mushrooms, adding salt initially can make them mushy, so I’ll salt them at the end. Now, when I hold my hand above the frying pan, I can tell it’s getting quite hot, and I can hear a sizzling sound from the mushrooms.

The aroma is starting to come out, so let’s flip them. When you flip them, you’ll see that the mushrooms have a nice sear. Now, we’ll continue to heat the other side without flipping too much. Even though I haven’t been touching them, the mushrooms are giving off a wonderful aroma!

The mushrooms have released some moisture and become slightly moist. Let’s flip them once more. I’ve been sautéing them like this for a while, and now they have a good sear. Here’s where today’s key point comes in. [Point 1: Turn off the heat to cool the mushrooms.]

Now, at this point, all the excess water content has been removed from the mushrooms, and our prep work is complete. Since the frying pan is quite hot, I’ll add garlic and olive oil. The garlic can burn quickly, so I’ll wait until the pan cools down a bit.

While the pan cools down a bit, let me share a quick story. Typically, when chefs want to make mushrooms delicious, they slowly dehydrate them in the oven for about an hour to remove water before cooking them.

However, when making pasta with mushrooms as the main ingredient for the sauce, I personally recommend leaving a bit of water as it contributes to the juiciness of the dish. Now holding my hand above the pan, I can tell the heat has dissipated. Now, push the mushrooms to the side.

Look at this! If we’d added salt earlier, it would’ve released water, making the mushrooms all soggy. But by not adding until now, we’ve achieved beautifully seared mushrooms. At this point, let’s add our usual olive oil. Now, we’ll create garlic oil like this.

Today, we’re using Calabrian chilis, so we’ll add one right at the start. With this angled position, we’re creating the Spaghetti Aglio e Olio base with garlic. Now the garlic is starting to sizzle. The reason I’m using slightly less olive oil today is that we’ll be adding butter at the end.

The frying pan is still a little hot, so once the garlic starts to simmer, turn off the heat. At this point, slowly heat the garlic for about 4 minutes to bring out the aroma of the garlic. In the meantime, we’ll cook the pasta.

Today we’re going to make Japanese-style pasta, so we’re going to boil some smooth Teflon-type spaghetti. We’re making Spaghetti Aglio e Olio, but it’s for a Japanese-style pasta with dashi base to let the noodles soak up the sauce, so boil the pasta for 7 minutes, instead of 8.

Now, the garlic has settled down, and it’s giving off a great aroma. So, let’s heat it up once more, and when it starts sizzling again, we’ll add our mushrooms.

The finely minced garlic has now started to take on a light color, and the aroma is fantastic. So, let’s combine it with our prepared mushrooms. At this point, the garlic is lightly sizzling, and the color is just right. The wonderful fragrance has emerged, so let’s mix it with our drained mushrooms.

With this, any excess moisture from the mushrooms has evaporated, and if we don’t use it for pasta, outstanding mushroom sauté as it is! Now, add the minced Italian parsley here. After adding the parsley, imagine making a delightful mushroom sauté.

After adding the parsley, it’s time to evenly sprinkle some salt. [Point 2: Add salt at the end] And there you have it, a fantastic mushroom sauté!

Now, at this stage where the umami of the mushrooms has fully emerged, the key here is to add about 100ml (0.4 cups) of water, not pasta cooking water. And today, we’re adding white dashi.

Mushroom umami is delicate and is known as guanylate. To fully experience this umami and aroma, the key is to use white dashi rather than regular mentsuyu noodle broth. Let’s boil it here. After it boils, reduce the heat to very low.

Angling it is ideal if possible, but we still have about 3 more minutes until the pasta is done.

Now, that it’s boiling, the temp is about 90°C. From here, the delicious essence of the mushrooms will dissolve into the sauce, so keeping it at this temperature until the pasta is done is crucial. [Point 3: Extract mushroom umami over very low heat]

Alright, our pasta is done, so let’s combine it with the sauce. Finally, for about 1 minute, let the still slightly firm pasta absorb this delicious umami-rich sauce. When finishing the pasta, use high heat. When you mix the flavor of these mushrooms with pasta…it’s the best!

In the last 10 seconds or so, add the butter. The rich, strong flavor of the sauce is tied together with the mellowness of the butter. While melting the butter, mix it in, and finally, thicken it. Alright, it’s been about 1 minute now. Let’s mix it one last time…

When mixed, the umami from the mushrooms has coated the pasta perfectly, so it’s time to plate! Our mushroom-infused Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with a Japanese twist is complete! Itadakimasu! Wow…the aroma is incredible! Mmm! This, you see… Just one bite, and it’s incredibly delicious!

As expected, the initial step of evaporating the mushroom’s water was really good. The mushrooms aren’t mushy, they’re crisp, juicy, and simply outstanding! Today’s pasta is essentially a Spaghetti Aglio e Olio with the addition of white dashi’s umami. Basically, when you think of Japanese-style pasta, you want to add mushrooms and bacon, right?

I understand the desire to add them, but please try making it with just mushrooms! You’ll really create something delicious, so please give it a try, especially during this fall season. It’s one pasta you won’t want to miss! Thank you for the meal!

Today’s mushroom pasta has become one of the best in the Japanese-style series, so if you get a chance, please try it! Thank you for your comments, as always! I look forward to reading them! Well then, let’s meet again in the next video! Bye~!

“Le Paste Speciali di Fabio” includes 42 pasta recipes with Brodo (Italian broth). Copies available now!


スパゲッティーニ 70g
お好みのきのこ組み合わせ 120g
ニンニク ひとかけ 
唐辛子 お好み量
イタリアンパセリ 4g
水 100cc
白だし 15cc
塩 適量
バター 15g
EXオリーブ油 大1

スパゲッティ https://amzn.to/3PdlcB9
ロレンツォNo3オリーブオイル https://amzn.to/43XzT0x
カラブリア唐辛子 https://amzn.to/3JJOLIB
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #ペペロンチーノ #きのこパスタ


  1. 早速作りました!


  2. つくってみた!!なんだろ、きのこが水っぽくなくしっかりあるし、きのこと白だしとバターがとんでもない味を出してる。初めてのお味でペロリと食べてしまった。

  3. すごい・・・。説明通りに作るだけでこんな美味いパスタが出来た🥹ありがとうございます、これからも応援してます🙇‍♂️

  4. キノコのパスタ、美味しくできました!キノコを少量のオリーブオイルで炒めて水分を飛ばすのが大事なのですね。ありがとうございます。今まで水っぽくなってしまっていました。自分史上、最高においしくできて幸せです(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡

  5. キノコが本当に美味しかったです。

  6. 今回茹で汁ではなく、水を入れた理由を教えていただきたいです

  7. 4:20

  8. 今日の晩御飯に作らせて頂きました🍝キノコ嫌いの娘がバクバク食べ、妻も私もあまりの美味しさに感動😃ありがとうございます‼️

  9. ファビオさん、作ってみました!本当にお店のような美味しさで感動しました。レシピを共有してくださりありがとうございます😂

  10. ファビオさんの動画、いつも楽しく拝聴させて頂いております!今日は茨城県城里町の山の中の物産センター(物産センター 山桜)で最高のきのこ詰め合わせをゲットしましたので、作ってみます!

  11. きのこの香りが漂って…いいですね。でも私ガーリックアレルギーでガーリック抜きでしか作れません。悲しい…

  12. 本当に衝撃的な美味しさでこればかり作ってます。じっくり焼くことで余分な水分を抜く。塩はあと。このひと工程でまったく違うのですね。感激しました。わたしはニンニク唐辛子多めにして、バターを気持ち少なめにするのが好きです。最高です。

  13. とびきりうまくて唸りました


  14. 今、ブランチでホワイトマッシュルーム、シメジ、椎茸で作りました🍝めっちゃ旨かった!やっぱファビオさんはセンスが良い^ ^♪✨ごちそうさまでした。

    ファビオさん、これは『黙って作ってください』シリーズでいいんじゃないでしょうか^ ^♪

  15. パスタ作るのがどうしても苦手でいつも苦戦してますが、ファビオさんのレシピで作るようになってからは100発100中で彼がおいしいとよろこんでくれます、ありがとうございます🫶🏻

  16. 初めて見ました!絶対美味しいヤツだ!と思って材料揃えて真似して作りましたがびっくりですね、あんなにキノコに火を入れているのに歯応えが残っていて

  17. Thank you, chef Fabio for sharing the techniques how to prepare a delicious pasta dish with simply ingredients. I appreciate the special cooking tips as cooking temperatures, when to add salt … to bring out the umami of the mushrooms 👍💐💖.
    Most chefs add pasta water to their dishes. Why did you use regular water, instead? I would like to hear your explanation 😊

  18. おおー 前の白だし使ったキノコパスタ大好きだったのでめんつゆVerのこれもぜひ作ってみます! キノコがしめじだけで出来るのもうれしい

  19. キノコの旨味を引き出すためにプロはどうするかの小話、勉強になります!

  20. 今回は魚醤じゃないんだ。白だしの方が良いのかな?ファビオさんのお勧めで買ったけど白だしの方がキノコの香りを生かす為には良いんだね。