一食約300円!魚屋が人気のクリトモ式 刺身の漬け丼

This one from the supermarket’s really nice Properly so that it doesn’t overlap This is good It’s so good! I like it soaked lightly like this Hi, this is Tomo Kurihara Since I own a fish market, we’ll do a dish with fish today It’s super simple My marinated sashimi bowl

So the marinated sashimi bowl There’s two ways to make it One is the super simple version The other has a few more steps And today? We’ll do both It’s a few more steps but still easy These are the only ingredients you need Mirin, sake, soy sauce

For the sake I used a regular carton sake you drink regularly The inexpensive ones I don’t really use the ones that are for cooking You mix these three together with a 1:1:1 ratio and that’s it The one with more steps, you just heat and evaporate the sake

So kids can eat it too I like putting the sake in and having that taste left But you should boil it once if children are eating it We’ll do these two versions You can use the sashimi that you want to eat But you can just buy ones that are on sale

All these are 40% off. This is even half off. This too This is from the local supermarket and it looks great It was 3500 yen but is 2100 yen If you marinate this, it’s for about 5, 6 people So it’s 2100÷6 so about 330 yen per person This supermarket is great

This is from a different store Do you sell at your store too? Yes Recently we’ve been selling Japanese bluefin tuna every week But I wanted to do something different It might be too good for it but I’m going to marinate it It sells well I like to use Yamasa soy sauce

I’m not sure but We use this soy sauce And this tastes great I pack this soy sauce with the chirashi sushi bowls that we sell too Lots of people ask me “what soy sauce do you use?” I don’t know how these are different But this one says “honjozo”… wait this one too

Anyway, we are making two types Making six servings is a bit much So we’ll make three to four servings Or maybe two We’ll make two servings 50ml (about 3.5 tablespoons) of soy sauce 50ml (about 3.5 tablespoons) of mirin 50ml (about 3.5 tablespoons) of sake Hello Kitty Yes, hello, it’s Hello Kitty

I use this type of container Like this You can marinate it however long you like depending on your preference If there’s leftovers then do it before you go to bed And eat it for breakfast the next morning It marinates well but it’s not salty So you can eat it without worrying

If you want just a light soak Then one hour or thirty minutes is enough We’ll do the thirty minute version today I marinate everything Even squid I’m making approximately two servings Maybe some shrimp This should be enough for two servings Let’s do this I was going to make four servings so

25ml (approximately 2 tablespoons) of each was enough If you are going to marinate it for only 30 minutes, then you want to make sure there’s not pieces overlapping Let’s make three servings so we don’t waste it So the 2100 yen sashimi that was originally worth 3500 yen

We ultimately used 50ml (3.5 tablespoons) of each Yes 30 minutes in the fridge Next the other version We’ll do 50 ml (3.5 tablespoons) again This was a free giveaway too A Hello Kitty and Pokemon giveaway Just realized this is a Pokemon logo too So we’re going to heat this

Once it bubbles, put it on low for about 1 minute Let it cool down a bit If you’re in a rush, then put it in ice water What are you cutting now? Amberjack The trick is to take the knife from the side Like this

Use the length of the knife so you can cut it in one go When you put it upright in the end, the cut looks clean If you move it around – let me show you once It breaks up here It gets wavy and uneven And The surface is so different

The meat breaks up The one cut in one slice is smooth This is about two servings? Three servings? It might be close to three servings Right It’s cooled down quite a bit so we’re going to pour it now 30 minutes in the fridge It’s been 30 minutes

This is the one that’s as is This is the one we cooked out the alcohol It looks the same It’s marinated nicely It tastes great For people with kids, let’s use salmon for this one There’s more depth in the sweetness in this one Now we’re going to make the bowl

I don’t use vinegar rice It’s too much work, isn’t it? I like to eat sashimi with regular white rice This is my style but I sprinkle furikake (dried vegetable / fish condiment) on top This is seaweed and bonito furikake I like this brand

There’s lots of bonito and seaweed and it matches well There’s another brand but it’s expensive and this big You can’t really find it though so I didn’t have it this time I ordered it but it hasn’t come yet So plenty of this This is good And keep going like this It’s complete

Kuritomo style – Marinated Discount-sashimi Bowl Now let’s taste it You just mix the ingredients and leave it for 30 minutes Yum It’s so good I like it marinated light like this It’s great! It goes so well with the furikake so I really want you to try it

Also the other way I recommend is with Japanese mustard It goes well with the mustard It’s amazing So this is really easy You can slightly taste the alcohol in this one, well, maybe not really Try it I don’t taste the alcohol It’s totally okay I wonder how it is if kids eat it

We’re probably just use to the flavor It tastes great This is in my top 3 easy recipes. It’s that easy It’s whatever amount, just a 1:1:1 ratio Try it out and have fun with it!

栗原友 著書「刺身パックでさかなつまみ」(プレジデント社)


【栗原 友】
著書に『クリトモのさかな道 築地が教えてくれた魚の楽しみ方』


