
When you press it like this, the mushroom will make this sound. Add the butter at the end to let the noodles absorb the soup stock. Mix it while melting the butter… It looks so delicious! Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today we’ll be making Japanese-Style Shimeji Mushroom Pasta!

Okay, now for the ingredients. Spaghettini, shimeji mushrooms, bacon, garlic, chili peppers, butter, shiso leaves, mentsuyu (noodle soup base), olive oil, and salt. Today, for this episode of our Japanese-Style Pasta Series, I’m going to make a pasta using shimeji mushrooms and bacon.

Shimeji mushroom and bacon pasta is actually already a classic, and you can find it everywhere like Cafe Italian. I’ll show you in-depth how to make this classic pasta, so let’s start right now!

By the way, my one-pan pasta book will be released soon, so if you’re interested, take a look at the description! [Out on March 19th! Now accepting pre-orders on Amazon] Now let’s start cutting our ingredients. The bacon we’ll be using today is quite thin, so when using sliced ​​bacon, cut it into larger strips.

We’re using 100g of shimeji mushrooms today for one serving, so it’s a good-sized portion of mushrooms. The most important thing is to sauté the mushrooms, as it takes a lot of time.

Crush the garlic since if we minced it too finely, it would burn. [Point 1: Crush the garlic and cut it into large pieces] Cut the crushed garlic roughly once or twice like this. Today’s concept is Japanese-style pasta, so I’m going to chop some shiso leaves.

Around 3 shiso leaves will be enough for one serving. *Feel free to add as much as you like! * Now let’s move on to cooking the mushrooms. I usually make the garlic oil here first, but today I’m going to add the mushrooms first because it takes a while to cook them.

Mushrooms are usually best when you split by hand. Only tear the really large shimeji mushrooms in half. First, make one layer like this. Add a small amount of olive oil. Since we’ll heat the mushroom without other ingredients, we’ll add oil to prevent the mushrooms from getting charred.

And now we’ll turn on the heat. The most important thing when making delicious mushroom dishes and pasta is how we can remove the excess water from the mushrooms. So, first, turn up the heat and draw out the excess water from the mushrooms. And now the temperature has risen. And this sound is important!

When you hear the sound, coat the mushrooms with a small amount of olive oil and leave them flat to remove moisture and brown them. Cook over medium heat and avoid touching the mushrooms as much as possible while drawing out the moisture and browning them. Press the large shimeji mushrooms like this.

When you press the mushrooms, they make a sound like this, but it also lets the moisture come out more easily, so you press them a little like this as you heat them up. I haven’t sprinkled salt on the mushrooms yet,

If you sprinkle salt on them first, it’ll be difficult to brown them, so the best way to make delicious mushroom dishes is to add salt after they are browned! [Point 2: Sprinkle with salt after the shimeji mushrooms are browned.] Now that the mushrooms are really lightly browned and moist,

As you stir-fry a little more, you’ll reach a phase where the aroma and flavor of the mushrooms will come out, so be patient. Now that the water has stopped coming out of the mushrooms, flip them over to see if they’re starting to brown. Now…wow! It has a delicious baked color!

It’s starting to turn brown, so lower the heat to very low. Then we’re going to put the mushrooms on top and make our regular garlic oil here. Add the olive oil, then add the chopped garlic and chili pepper.

We’ll make the garlic oil while tilting our frying pan. [Point 3: Heat garlic on very low heat] I’ve set the heat to very low, but the frying pan itself is still hot when I put my hand on it, so if I had minced the garlic, it would burn quickly.

So, today I’m cutting the garlic into rough pieces like this. Now, let the garlic oil release its flavor for a few minutes on very low heat. While we’re making the garlic oil, we’ll boil the pasta. Now let’s boil the pasta. Today’s concept is Japanese-style pasta, so I’m going to boil smooth Teflon-diced Spaghettini.

Today, we’re adding 30g of salt to 2L of water, so the salt concentration is 1.5%. Now, while the noodles are boiling, the garlic has started to lightly change color, so we’re going to add the bacon. The garlic has already heated up quite a bit, so next we’ll heat the bacon in our oil.

The bacon is now coated with oil. Since the bacon is thin, it will brown really quickly, so once it’s coated with oil, put the pan down again. Once it’s down, stir-fry the garlic along with the bacon and it’ll look like stir-fried garlic and bacon. Wow! This alone looks delicious!

Here we are now with garlic oil, chili pepper accents, and bacon aroma. The moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms we have on the frying pan that were already browned, and the flavor has come out nicely… Only when we get to this stage can you mix everything together.

This method makes absolutely delicious stir-fry, so even if you don’t make the pasta, you should try this anyway! Add a pinch of salt here. Then add the shiso leaves. Adding the shiso leaves and mixing them with everything, we’ve released their fragrance. I’m going to add some mentsuyu here for the umami flavor.

Once you’ve created the umami base, add water. Once the water starts boiling, all you have to do is wait for the noodles to finish cooking.

The reason I added unsalted water instead of our boiling water is because the base combines the umami of the mushrooms with the saltiness of both the bacon and the mentsuyu. If I added the boiled water, it’s be too salty, so I’ll add unsalted water. You can also crush the garlic in the pan.

If you want to add a little more spiciness, you can mash the chili pepper in this way to release more, so adjust the spiciness in that way. Now that the noodles are boiled, let’s combine them with the sauce. Our dish today is Japanese-style pasta, so I made it with a bit of liquid.

I finished the pasta one minute before the instructions on the package, then I let the noodles absorb this delicious stock for about 30 seconds. Add the butter and its richness after the 30 seconds. Melt the butter while stirring. Wow! It looks so delicious!

Now that the butter has melted and the sauce is nicely coated with the noodles, it’s time to serve! Our Japanese-Style Pasta with Mushrooms and Bacon is now complete! Itadakimasu! *Mmm!* *Delicious!* Everyone, this is definitely a delicious pasta dish!

First, the combination of shimeji mushrooms and bacon brings together glutamic acid and inosinic acid, an absolutely delicious pairing. And to take it further, the flavor of the mentsuyu comes in, making a the delicious combination even better!

Shimeji mushrooms are one of my favorite mushrooms because they give a nice flavor when made in rice cooked. *Fabio loves rice cooked with shimeji mushrooms! * Please let us know your favorite way to eat shimeji mushrooms in the comments section! Thank you for the meal!

When you feel like eating Japanese-style pasta, please try making today’s Japanese-style pasta with shimeji mushrooms and bacon! Thank you as always for your comments! I always look forward to reading them! Well then, see you in the next video! Bye~!

“Blissful Pasta You’ll Want to Make at Home Over and Over” 60 pasta dishes that you’ll want to make anytime, even on days when you’re tired or don’t have enough ingredients. The definitive home pasta book!


【NEW】フライパンひとつで完成! 至福のおうちパスタ🍝

材料 1人前
スパゲッティーニ 90g
にんにく 1かけ
カラブリア唐辛子 1本
オリーブ油 15g
しめじ 100g
ベーコン 35g
大葉 3枚
めんつゆ 25g (3倍濃縮)
無塩バター 15g
水 120cc
塩 ひとつまみ

0:00 材料紹介
0:56 材料カット
1:56 きのこの火入れ
4:47 ソースを作っていく
5:28 麺を茹でる
8:35 完成・盛り付け
8:57 実食

スパゲッティーニ1.7mm https://amzn.to/3uwtKgr
にんにく https://amzn.to/495bs5k
小ぶりの唐辛子 https://amzn.to/46uH3eZ
ロレンツォNo.3 https://amzn.to/3F7KhcE
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c
にんべんのめんつゆ3倍濃縮 https://amzn.to/3I5QhDP
無塩カルピスバター https://amzn.to/3wfhmld

マイヤー26cmふっ素樹脂フライパン https://a.r10.to/hPAPWN
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【NEW】フライパンひとつで完成! 至福のおうちパスタ🆕

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #きのこパスタ #和風パスタ


  1. こんにちは😃

  2. もしかしてまな板は釜浅のやつですか。洋風のみじん切りするとき包丁の歯がすごく減りそうなので、例のまな板が効いてるか気になりますわ。

  3. しめじはほうれん草や小松菜とベーコンもしくはウインナーでソテーなどにして食べることが多いです😊

  4. 早速作りました!しめじ買うはずが、舞茸買ってしまったんですが同じ手順でつくりました!子供が一口食べて「ウマッ!」と言い、ものすごい勢いで完食してくれました。いつも感謝です🙏✨

  5. このしめじの調理法、早速応用して豚汁とトマトスープ作りました。


  6. 私の中で和風パスタの具でキノコ、ベーコン、大葉は鉄板ですねー🤤👍👍ちなみにベーコンエッグ🥚🥓大好きなので、ベーコンはしんなり派です🥓😆

  7. いつも楽しく拝聴させていただき、時々家族に作って喜んでもらってます。動画制作、配信有難うございます。

  8. ニンニクオイル、うちはIHなのでこんなふうにできません。IHバージョンもいつかお願いしたいです(切実)

  9. 和風パスタ美味しそうなので作ってみたいと思いました!

  10. きのこは、水分が飛んで焼き色がついてから塩ですね!

  11. 昔好きな子に教えてもらったパスタがまさにこんな感じの麺つゆを使ったきのこのバター醤油パスタでした。甘酸っぱいではなくて甘塩っぱい良い思い出🥰

  12. 和風パスタだけど、コクがあり凄く美味しかったです!


  13. いま作って食べたけどめっちゃ美味しかった!

  14. 材料だと無塩バターがなかなか冷蔵庫にないかな…

  15. しめじは、いしづきをとって、バラバラにほぐしてタッパーに入れて24時間冷凍したらめっちゃ美味しくなりますよん👌

  16. これはテフロンパンだと痛みそうなので、アルミパンか鉄パンでやるかなぁ?

  17. 普段よく作ってる和風ペペロンチーノの作り方と似てるわ

  18. プロの技のレシピってこんなに違うんだと、食べてしみじみ思いました。