
Put tomato sauce on this browned area. Finally, mix the pasta with the sauce. Now that it has cooled down a bit, I’ll add one egg yolk here. Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today, we’re going to make Tomato Carbonara. Now, let’s introduce the ingredients: spaghetti, pancetta, egg yolk, canned tomatoes, Pecorino cheese, and black pepper.

Today, I’m going to make Tomato Carbonara. This pasta is like a simple mix of “Amatriciana” and “Carbonara,” 2 of the 3 Roman pastas. I think it might anger some Italians. But when you actually make it properly, it turns into a really delicious dish. So, let’s get started!

First, we’ll strain the canned whole tomatoes and pass them through a sieve. We’re removing the hard stem on the top and seeds on the inside so they don’t remain in our mouths.

The simple way is to prepare a bowl and sieve, like the one you have at home, and crush and strain the canned tomatoes. [Point 1: Sieve to strain the stem and seeds] This is what we strained out. If you don’t mind leaving the seeds and stems, it’s okay to skip this step.

But for those who want to make a more refined pasta, straining is highly recommended. You can freeze it and use it for vegetable broth. [Don’t forget to check the underside of the sieve] This is what we get after straining the canned tomatoes, and it’s called “Passata di pomodoro” in Italian.

The pasta we’re making today is a dish I actually learned from a chef at a one-star Michelin restaurant during my training.

In simple terms, it’s a pasta sauce based on Amatriciana, but with added egg yolk similar to scrambled eggs. It’s an exquisite and rich sauce of true skill, paired with Rome’s traditional Tonnarelli pasta. Today I’m making my interpretation and twist as a tribute to the original dish.

Now, I’m going to boil the thick Bronzetti noodles. If you want to make it even more authentic, you can use Tonnarelli. Also, using short pasta like Spaghettini or Paccheri will make it really delicious. Now, let’s add the cut pancetta and cook it.

It’s important to slowly extract the oil from the pancetta just like when heating garlic in Aglio Olio e Peperoncino. So, let’s lightly cook for 4-5 minutes. [Point 2: Cook gently over low heat for 4-5 minutes] To start with, high heat is fine. We’ll wait a bit until the temperature rises.

Now that the pan’s temperature is hot and you can hear it sizzling, turn it down to low heat. The heat’s quite low. Cook it gently for about 4-5 minutes. The pancetta we’re using today has quite a bit of meat tissue, so if it has less fat, add a little olive oil.

This will prevent it from turning black and burnt. We’ll draw out the fat here. Today, I’m using pancetta, but of course, bacon works too! Now that it’s heated quite a bit, listen! The sizzling sound coming from the oil. This is key! The pan is getting browned and darker here. This is important!

The fat is also coming out from the pancetta. Never throw out this fat! It adds richness to the tomato sauce and makes it delicious, so don’t discard it. Now, place the canned tomatoes that we strained earlier on top of this browned area.

Once the canned tomatoes are added, let’s scrape off the browned bits like this. Then, the fat from the pancetta will blend with the canned tomatoes, adding richness to the sauce. Mix them together well.

Normally, I use Passata di pomodoro, bottled strained tomatoes, but today, since I’m using canned tomatoes, it’s a bit more watery than usual. So, when using canned tomatoes, I turn up the heat. [Point 3: Evaporate the surface water over high heat]

Canned tomatoes are more acidic compared to Passata di pomodoro or tomato puree. [Point 3: Evaporate the surface water over high heat] So, turn up the heat to evaporate the surface water. Now, it’s quite watery, but once the surface water evaporates, it will become a slightly bubbly magma-like consistency.

When that’s all out and it has gained some viscosity, it’s a sign that the sauce is ready. We’ll heat it until it reaches that point. Then, reduce the heat to medium. Considering that we’re making a not-too-large amount of sauce for one serving, let’s check the consistency of the sauce once.

Now that it’s no longer as watery as at the beginning, the sauce has become completely thick and saucy. Then, we’re all set! To clean the sauce that got on the outside, use a rubber spatula or silicone tool to gather it. Now, the base is ready!

By the way, if you sauté onions with the pancetta, it will bring out some delicious sweetness and make it very delicious. So, if you prefer a sauce with sweetness, you can make it that way.

But if you want a sauce closer to the authentic taste with a sharper flavor, try making it my way today! [If the sauce is over-reduced, adjust with a little pasta water to your liking.] Now that the pasta is done cooking, let’s combine it with the sauce. Finally, mix the pasta with the sauce.

Since there’s a bit too much Tomato Amatriciana sauce, let’s bring it to a boil. Once the sauce is boiling, turn off the heat. It’s quite hot as you can see from the steam. When the steam has settled a bit, add one egg yolk.

Today, I’m using whole canned tomatoes to make the Amatriciana sauce, which tends to have a slightly strong acidity. But with the addition of the egg yolk, the acidity is offset, resulting in a well-balanced pasta. When you add the egg yolk, it gives the sauce a really nice thickness.

And finally, add a little Pecorino Romano cheese. Since this cheese is also quite acidic, we’ll add it at the end for its richness. Now, we turn off the heat and mix it thoroughly using the residual heat, creating a wonderfully creamy texture. Look at this!

With this, the sauce has perfectly coated the pasta, and now we move on to plating! *Coarsely ground black pepper* *Pecorino cheese* And now, the Tomato Carbonara is complete! Itadakimasu! Mmm… It’s incredibly rich and has the perfect balance. So delicious!

For those who always watch my videos, you might have noticed something different today. I used whole canned tomatoes. By adding the savory and rich pancetta to the intensely creamy egg yolk, using Passata di pomodoro would upset the balance a bit. So, I deliberately used acidic whole tomatoes to achieve a well-balanced pasta sauce.

In the comments I often receive on short videos, some people ask “Does it have any flavor?” I think those who often make my recipes understand, but Italian products are often very flavorful and salted. That’s the case even with cheese, which is why we don’t add more salt.

Today’s pasta, I believe, had absolutely no added salt. However, with the reduced pasta water and the pancetta’s saltiness, along with the cheese’s richness and the tanginess of the whole tomatoes, we created a satisfying pasta dish without it. Thank you for the meal!

Today’s pasta sauce is especially tailored to the taste of Japanese people. If you have a chance, please give it a try! Thank you for your comments as always! I always look forward to reading them! Well then, see you in the next video! Bye!

“Le Paste Speciali di Fabio” includes 42 pasta recipes with Brodo (Italian broth). Copies available now!


スパゲッティ 70g
パンチェッタ 30g
卵黄 1個
ホールトマト 200g
ペコリーノロマーノ 6g ( 粉チーズでも可 )
黒胡椒 適量
茹で汁 適量

マンチーニスパゲッティ https://amzn.to/3YkfxNN
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c
ペコリーノロマーノ https://amzn.to/3KeCdcz
黒胡椒マリッチャ https://amzn.to/3ObA0jm 
ホールトマト https://amzn.to/3qftBf2

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #アマトリチャーナ #カルボナーラ


  1. たしかに、味するの?って感想は真っ当ですよね。

  2. 昔どこかの店でベーコンと茄子が入ったトマトソース🍅に卵黄🥚が入ったのを食べたのを思い出しました🍴濃厚中にサッパリ感がありそうなソースで本当に美味しそうですね🤤実際に作って見ようと思います👨‍🍳🍴わたしはカルボナーラ派ですねー🧀👍👍

  3. 貧乏人のパスタにトマトペースト入れる事あるけど、それも怒られちゃうのかなw

  4. コメント失礼します。

  5. 少し前にこちらがおススメに上がってきて気になって再生リストに入れてました。本日どうしても食べた方がいいような直感があり(笑)動画を見て即作りました。ホールトマトが無かったのでパッサータを使いましたが、イタリア人夫、大絶賛です🤣🤣🤣頻繁に作って欲しいとリクエスト受けました😁イタリアに嫁いだものの特別誰かに料理を習ったことはなく、なんとなく見つけたレシピで作っているメニューがほとんど。ファビオさんからコツを学ぶことでイタリア人も唸らせるようなレパートリーを増やせたらと目論んでいます。心より感謝😍

  6. Hi from the US I really like your videos you really show us your true passion for cooking. I dont speak very much Japanese but you are great.

  7. 当方段取りが下手で仕上がりボソボソになったけど、めちゃくちゃうまいスパゲッティーでした🙌✨