キャベツサラダの作り方!混ぜるだけで簡単お手軽!キャベツの大量消費に!無限やみつきサラダです。-How to make Cabbage Salad-【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made cabbage salad. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make a cabbage salad.

It is very easy to make because all you have to do is dress it. This cabbage salad is made by cooking the cabbage once, but the crispy texture is improved and the flavors blend better, resulting in a very tasty salad. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make.

There are some key points here and there, so please enjoy to the end. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home Let’s start by introducing today’s ingredients. Here are the ingredients. Cabbage, canned tuna, eggs, mayonnaise, ground sesame, chicken broth, white soup stock, sugar, black pepper, sesame oil.

First of all, the cabbage weighs about 450 grams as it is now. This is just a rough guide. And the can of tuna used will be oil-free tuna this time. You can use any can of tuna in oil. Can also use chicken broth with consommé granules for seasoning if you like.

If you are making this for children, please leave out the black kosho. I will make it as soon as possible. Easy recipes at home Now let’s start making them. I’ll start by cutting the cabbage. I will cut the cabbage into slightly thicker line slices.

When you cut it, try to cut it in a way that breaks the fibers. This makes it easier for the flavor to blend. First of all, it’s a little hard to cut, so I cut it in half. Then cut off the core.

Now I have you take a few pieces, and then I will round it up and cut it like this to cut off the fibers. I cut it to about 5mm. Cut like this. The cut cabbage will be rinsed once, so put it in a colander.

Sometimes there is a thick core part like this, so cut this part off, and then try to cut the thick core part into thin slices. Then it will blend in well and you will be able to enjoy this core part as well. Try this one only if you are concerned about it.

Now cut the rest in the same way to break the fibers. Now cut off the core of the other one in the same way, and then peel it off properly and cut it round and round. Cut the cabbage like this. Then once you do that, rinse the cabbage here.

Once you have rinsed it with water like this, put it in a bowl once. And then cover this with fluffy plastic wrap and then make one air opening. Then heat this in a microwave oven 600W for 4 minutes. I want to soften the cabbage once heated. Cooked for 4 minutes. Remove plastic wrap.

Be careful not to burn yourself because the bowl is hot. And after 4 minutes of heating, it becomes wilted like this. If it becomes like this, it is OK. If it is not heated enough, try heating it in increments of plus 30 seconds.

Then once it’s done, I drain it in a colander here. Then, once you put it in the colander like this, spread it out, and let it cool down. If the cabbage is warm, the mayonnaise may separate from the mayonnaise. Now, let’s make the egg part.

This egg will be heated lightly in the microwave. Crack the eggs into a heatproof bowl. Then lightly beat this one. The image is to break up the yolk like this without mixing it all. It is OK about this much.

Then I’m going to wrap it softly here and poke a few holes on the surface with a toothpick. Then heat this in a microwave oven 600W for 40 seconds. Heated for 40 seconds. Then remove the plastic wrap. Now it’s hardened like this, a little bit semi-cooked. Then please unwrap the egg here.

Please remove this egg before it is completely set. Like this. The rest should be unraveled appropriately like this. The eggs are now ready. Next is the can of tuna. This one is drained thoroughly. In case of oiling, drain oil firmly.

When using the lid like this, just be careful not to injure your hands. Tuna is now ready. Easy recipes at home Now that the cabbage has cooled down, I’m going to squeeze out the water properly once here. Squeeze the water out of this one.

If you do not squeeze out enough water, you will get a watery finish, so squeeze out the water properly like this. Then put this in a separate bowl. Now let’s squeeze the rest of the water out as well. Squeeze it out properly like this. Now let’s finish up.

First I put the egg in this. Please take this egg properly off the heat and let it cool down before putting it in. Next, here is a can of tuna. Then I’ll add seasonings, etc. First mayonnaise, then ground sesame seeds, then sugar. The sugar adds richness and makes it very tasty.

Then chicken soup stock, and then white soup stock The amount of white soup stock should be adjusted according to the manufacturer. I am using Yamasa’s white soup stock. Then black pepper and sesame oil. Once everything is in, we’ll mix this one in thoroughly.

Once the sugar is dissolved and mixed properly, it is ready. This is how delicious it looks! Now I would like to serve it. Easy recipes at home Now the cabbage salad is ready. This is how it turned out. As you can see, the taste is well blended and delicious.

Finally, I put black pepper on top as a topping. You can do this one to your liking. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat Let’s eat. The cabbage is crispy and very tasty. And this balance of flavors is the best. Also, this black pepper is very accented.

Easy recipes at home Please subscribe to my channel It was finished deliciously today. This is the key to this cabbage salad. First of all, the cabbage, this one should be cut in a way that breaks the fibers. This will help the flavors blend together. For larger cores, try slicing them thinner.

This way, you will be able to enjoy the taste without any discomfort. Try this one only if you are concerned about it. And this time I cooked the cabbage once. This makes it easier for the flavors to blend together and gives it a crispy texture.

After heating, remove from heat and let cool before squeezing out the water. If the water is not squeezed out properly, the flavor will be blurred. And this time, in addition to cabbage, I added tuna and then an egg. As for the tuna, I used non-oil tuna this time. Can also use oiled tuna.

Whether boiled in water or in oil, be sure to squeeze out the water or oil properly before use. Then, crack the egg into a heat-proof bowl, lightly dissolve the yolk, and heat it in the microwave until it is semi-cooked.

I heated it for 40 seconds, but you should heat it for about 30 to 40 seconds. And then after that, it’s very easy because all you have to do is dress it. However, be sure to let the cabbage cool before mixing it with the egg as well.

If mayonnaise and other ingredients are combined when hot, the mayonnaise may separate. So be sure to let it cool down before doing so. I also added black pepper this time. I think the black pepper adds a nice accent to the dish, so please try it.

If you have children, or if they don’t like spicy food, you can leave out the black pepper. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home Today I made cabbage salad.

I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much. So that’s all for today.

Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello, I’m Yukari, a cooking researcher.
This time, I will show you how to make cabbage salad. Easy and simple just mix! Recommended for consuming large amounts of cabbage! This is an addictive salad that you can eat endlessly. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・キャベツ 400g
・ツナ缶 1缶
・卵 1個
・マヨネーズ 大さじ2.5
・すりごま 大さじ3
・鶏ガラの素 小さじ1/2
・白だし 小さじ1
・砂糖 大さじ1/2
・黒胡椒 小さじ1
・ごま油 小さじ2

・400g Cabbage
・1 can Tuna
・1 Egg
・2.5 tbsp Mayonnaise
・3 tbsp Ground sesame seeds
・1/2 tsp Chicken stock
・1 tsp White soup stock
・1/2 tbsp Sugar
・1 tsp Black pepper
・2 tsp Sesame oil







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「Yukari’s Kitchen おうちで簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#キャベツ #サラダ #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. キャベツはサッと茹でて、卵は炒り卵か、ゆで卵しなきゃいけないのかと思ったら、鍋とか使わないんだ!ラクでいいですね😊

  2. 先日、ドーナツについて質問した者です


  3. キャベツって1個丸ごと買えません 少人数なので 持て余してしまうのです 加熱すると かさも減り いっぱい消費出来ますね いつも 半カット買いしていましたが 丸買いします🤭

  4. こういう簡単な副菜と、余りがちなキャベツのレシピ待ってました👏ありがとうございます!明日早速作りたいと思います😊

  5. キャベツがあるので今日作りたいと思います。

  6. 今日は、キャベツで浅漬けを作ろうと思っていましたが、こちらのサラダを早速作りました。胡麻和えの様で美味しいです。家にある材料で、簡単に作れるレシピで助かりました。

  7. 身体に良さそうです😊

  8. キャベツはサラダに限らず、酢の物にしてもおいしいよ、それと、地元の寿司屋で食べたやみつきキャベツ(ごま油の塩味)が美味しかったよ。

  9. 早速作りました。いつも冷蔵庫にある材料で簡単に作れるのは嬉しいです。とっても美味しいキャベツサラダのレシピをありがとうございます!

  10. 昨日の夕食に作りました!

  11. マヨネーズを味噌ヨーグルトにしても結構イケますよ。カロリーぐっと下がるしね。

  12. こんにちは  いつもありがとうございます
    今日キャベツサラダ作りましたが 春キャベツだったのでレンチン4分でちょっと柔らかすぎました  固く絞ってもシャキシャキとはいかなかった  味は抜群でした

  13. 冷蔵庫にキャベツが一個あり簡単で美味しそうなので早速今晩作ってみますね♪ありがとうございます!

  14. 今日も丁寧な動画届けて戴きありがとうございます🙆早速夕食に👏👍材料も常に有る素材のレシピ感謝です💮

  15. 今日、キャベツサラダ作ってみました。


  16. このレシピでもう何度か作っていますが、簡単なのにすごくおいしくてお気に入りのレシピです!たまごもレンチンでできたりとても作りやすくて助かります!すりごまと少しの砂糖がたまりません😋✨✨いつも素敵なレシピありがとうございます🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

  17. 簡単で美味しそうですね✨

  18. 白だし、ゴマなど手元になかったのですが、見て早速作って、半分ほど食べてしまいました。☺