
    Thank you for watching. This time’s theme is "side dishes/salads with vegetables as the main character." Recipe quantities are listed in the menu summary section, so please take a look! Day 1: Crispy pork side dish salad Kimchi Chilled tofu Burdock root and bacon Japanese soup Sunny lettuce, which is essential for our salads Drain the lettuce to make it easier to mix with the dressing. Put it in a storage container and use it little by little. Preparing the vegetables to spread under the crispy fried pork. To keep the crunchy texture, add salt only to the skin, then cut into thin strips. It’s the season for delicious summer vegetables😃 Make incisions on the surface and then cut into rounds. Finely chop the ginger.in the same way. Mix well Cut the cut pork into easy-to-eat pieces. Season with seasoning and toss to coat . Sprinkle potato starch on the surface. Sprinkle potato starch on the surface. Oil will splatter with water, so don’t use flour. Deep fry in oil at 170 degrees Celsius. Turn over halfway through and when the color changes, drain the oil and add directly to the flavor sauce.Make sure to coat it in the sauce while it’s still hot. It will make a nice crunchy sound and look delicious^ ^ The rough heat will be removed. I’m satisfied with just one dish because I can eat both vegetables and meat.For soups , I use root vegetables, which are well-balanced and cut into thin strips so that they can be heated in a short amount of time.Recently, I often buy washed burdock root because it’s cheap and convenient. Bacon has a rich flavor, so I eat a small amount. ^^; When meat is the main dish, I try not to use it as much as possible, but… it’s definitely tastier than just burdock, so I’ll add a little bit of it. Stir-fry it briefly, then add water. Season with white dashi. Mix together. 5 Boil it for a minute and it’s done. Mix the flavored sauce and vegetables and enjoy. Day 2: Chicken and potato hot salad Tuna tomato Cold tofu vegetable soup On the second day, start with the vegetable soup Slice the carrots and onions into thin slices. Add the enoki mushrooms to the vegetable soup. It will thicken when you add it 👍 Cut it all at once and use about half of it and put the rest in the fridge. Cut the remaining two pieces of bacon from yesterday into 1cm wide pieces. You can of course use up one pack of both dishes.Add Add all the ingredients and fry well to soften. After that, add the soup ingredients, cover, and simmer for about 10 minutes. When the vegetables are cooked, season with black pepper to finish. The main dish is a hot salad using potatoes. Cut the potatoes into 2cm cubes. Use new potatoes. Ordinary potatoes are also OK. Soak them in water for about 5 minutes, then heat them in the microwave for 5 minutes (stir once during the process). Our family’s favorite seasoning! Easy spicy curry flavor and past curry powder side dishes are listed in the summary section! Cut the chicken thighs into small pieces and season with salt, pepper, and sake. Heat the oil in a frying pan and put the chicken in it. Turn the skin down as much as possible and add the potatoes in half of the space in the frying pan is 26 cm. When one side of the chicken is browned, mix it all over, sprinkle with sake (not listed), and steam-fry for about 3 minutes. Turn the heat down to medium-low. Open the lid and fry while stirring to evaporate the moisture. Stir in the seasonings. Add the tofu and mix quickly. If the taste is not enough, adjust with salt and pepper. For this hiyayakko arrangement is tuna ando tomatoes cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Over time, the moisture will come out. I have just the right amount of tofu for the hiyayakko in our house. 3rd day: Cucumber and wakame seaweed bar chicken Boiled burdock and hijiki Enoki egg roll soup Natto Day 3: Bar chicken, which often appears in our house First, prepare the green onions and ginger to boil the chicken. Halve the chicken breast if it is large. I cut it into strips and rubbed sugar on both sides to make it evenly thick. Next,I added salt Green onions to remove the odor, and when it boiled, I added 1 tablespoon of sake and about 50 ml of water to lower the temperature of the water. Add the chicken breast. Cover and heat for about 3 minutes, then turn over and heat for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave until cool. For this chicken, mix with the seared cucumber and serve as a side dish. Make a few cracks in the salad before cutting. Break up any large pieces by hand. Fresh seaweed is delicious, so I decided to add it in as well. Remove the salt according to the package and then cut into 2cm pieces. Introducing a simple chicken sauce. Finely chop the ginger and white onions. These two types will bring you closer to authentic chicken. For seasoning, use a commercially available sesame dressing. If you want it spicy, add chili oil. When it’s hot enough to touch, take it out and break it up. Mix the cucumber and wakame seaweed and break it up . Add the marinated chicken and mix with the sesame sauce to create a side dish that goes well with rice. Easy soup using boiled chicken Add the enoki mushrooms and seasonings to taste. Bring to a simmer, then stir in the egg. Whenever I make boiled chicken, I always include soup. As a side dish, I add 1 stick of simmered hijiki and some leftover burdock to increase the volume.The crunchy burdock adds an accent to the texture. I cut the carrots into thin strips.The recipe is standard. Stir-fry the carrots and burdock in the same sesame oil as for the hijiki stew, then add the hijiki.Add the surimi tempura and mix.Simmer until the liquid is reduced to about half.Side DishesIt’s comforting to have a regular side dish in your salad.This season is coming. It was a recommended salad menu ~ Thank you for watching until the end 😊

    棒棒鶏は何度も登場している我が家の定番サラダ^ ^
    00:00 スタート
    00:18 カリカリ豚のおかずサラダ献立
    04:58 鶏とじゃがいものホットサラダ献立
    08:15 たたききゅうりの棒棒鶏サラダ献立 







    放置したまま忘れなようにご注意を^ ^!

    実際の使用量は下の『🍅材料リスト 🥬』を参考にしてください🙇‍♀

    豚肉 200g
    鶏もも肉 1パック(300g程度)
    鶏むね肉 1パック(300g程度)

    きゅうり 1袋(3本入)
    サニーレタス 1袋
    トマト 2個
    ミニトマト 1バック
    じゃがいも 1袋(6個入)
    白ネギ 1本
    えのき 1袋
    にんじん 1本
    たまねぎ 1袋(3個入)
    しょうが 1袋
    ごぼう 1袋(2本入)

    塩蔵わかめ 1袋
    ベーコン 1パック(3連)
    豆腐 1パック
    ひじき 1袋
    平てん 1枚
    納豆 1パック
    ツナ缶 1個
    キムチ 1パック
    卵 1パック



    豚肉 200g
    ┗醤油 小さじ1
    ┗砂糖 ふたつまみ
    ┗片栗粉 適量
    トマト 1個
    きゅうり 1本
    レタス 適量
    ネギ 10㎝程度
    しょうが 大さじ1
    にんにく 小さじ1
    しょう油 大さじ2
    砂糖 大さじ1.5
    酢 大さじ1

    ごぼう 1本(約80g)
    ベーコン 2枚
    水 500ml
    白だし 40ml
    黒こしょう 少々

    鶏もも肉 300g
    ┗塩こしょう 少々
    ┗酒 大さじ1
    じゃがいも 5個(300g程度)
    みりん 大さじ1
    醤油 大さじ1
    砂糖 小さじ1
    カレーパウダー 小さじ1

    ツナ缶 1/2缶
    ミニトマト 6個
    ゴマ油 小さじ2
    鶏ガラスープの素 小さじ1/2
    醤油 小さじ1
    黒こしょう 少々

    たまねぎ 1/2個
    にんじん 3cmほど
    えのき 1/2袋
    ベーコン 2枚
    水 500ml
    顆粒コンソメ 大さじ1
    酒 大さじ1
    ローリエ 1枚
    黒コショウ 少々

    鶏むね肉 1枚
    ┗塩 小さじ1/2
    ┗砂糖 小さじ1
    きゅうり 1本
    塩蔵わかめ 15g
    トマト 1個
    白ネギ 10cm
    しょうが 小さじ1
    胡麻ダレ 大さじ3
    砂糖 小さじ1
    ごま油 小さじ1

    乾燥ひじき 15g
    ごぼう 1本
    にんじん 2cm程
    平てん 2枚
    水 300ml
    醤油 大さじ2
    砂糖 大さじ2
    みりん 小さじ2

    えのき 1/2袋
    卵 1個
    鶏の茹で汁 600ml
    鶏ガラスープの素 大さじ1
    醤油 小さじ1
    黒こしょう 少々
    #料理 #献立 #夕飯

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