キャベツのコンソメスープの作り方☆何杯でも食べられちゃう!野菜の旨味たっぷり具沢山コンソメスープ♪美味しく仕上げるコツをご紹介☆How to make Consomme Soup 【料理研究家ゆかり】

Today I made consommé soup with shredded cabbage. Hello, I’m Yukari, a cookery researcher. This channel introduces various cooking recipes and useful information. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. Please subscribe to my channel Today I would like to make consommé soup with shredded cabbage.

This time I will make a delicious consommé soup with lots of cabbage. In addition to cabbage, I will be making this dish with plenty of other vegetables. There are some points in seasoning and cooking method. I hope you’ll have a great time. Please have a look at it. Easy recipes at home

Let’s start with the ingredients for the garnish. Here are the ingredients. Cabbage, onions, carrots, shimeji mushrooms, broccoli, small tomatoes, sausage, and this time I will use these ingredients. First of all, cabbage. Here is 1/4 of a piece, which is about 300g. Please use the weight here as a guide.

And as for the other vegetables, you can make it with whatever you like. As for the sausage, I think bacon would be fine. And mushrooms are ok too, even enoki or maitake mushrooms. Can add any mushrooms you like. Next, here are the other ingredients. Here are the ingredients.

Water, granulated consommé, cooking sake, soy sauce, salted butter, salt and pepper, and these ingredients. First of all, going to make consommé soup, so consommé will be the main ingredient, but soy sauce and butter will be added as secret ingredients. The butter is used to fry the vegetables and as a finishing touch.

So please keep 5g separate. I will immediately make it with these ingredients. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First of all, going to start with the vegetable broccoli. This one should be rinsed and soaked in water until you use it like this.

Soaking in water like this will remove debris between buds. So please soak as much as possible in the shikkake. Broccoli is now ok. Next, I cut the cabbage. The cabbage is cut into strips. Cut off the core first. Then shred this one.

When you shred it, try to cut it in such a way as to break these fibers. This will soften the texture and sweeten the taste. Now let’s cut it. Cut the cabbage into strips like this.

If it is too thin, you will not be able to feel the texture of the cabbage, so try to shred it a little thicker. Then put this cabbage in a colander. And then rinse it in water as it is. After washing with water like this, then wipe off the water with kitchen paper.

The shredded cabbage is now ready. Next, onions. Onions are cut into thin slices. Cut off the core. And then cut it into thin slices again. The onions are now ok. I cut them into thin slices this time, but you can cut them into cubes if you like.

You can cut it any way you like. Then carrots. First, peel the carrot. And then slice it in one place first. Then the cut side will be flat, so we will put this side down and slice the rest into thin slices.

Then I’ll lay them out like this and cut them into thin strips. The carrot is now OK. Can also cut these carrots any way you like. Next are the shimeji mushrooms. Shimeji mushrooms are first cut off at the root. Then loosen by hand. Shimeji is now ok. Next is sausage.

Sausages are cut in half. I would like to ask you to cut it in naname like this. Now I will cut the rest in the same way. The sausage is now ok. Next, mini-tomatoes. The small tomatoes are put in whole, so only the stems should be removed like this.

Now the ingredients are ready. Carve like this. So now I would like to make it into a soup. Easy recipes at home Now let’s make it. First of all, I will fry the vegetables. Stir-frying vegetables first helps to bring out the full flavor of the vegetables.

Now put in only half 5 g of butter first. Then put it on the heat. Heat is medium. And first melt half of the butter. After half of the butter is melted, add the vegetables. Add vegetables except broccoli and small tomatoes. Also, let’s add cabbage. First, blend the butter throughout the vegetables.

I think it’s a little lush and hard to do at first, but gradually the vegetables will wilt. When the vegetables have wilted a little bit, sprinkle salt and pepper on them. Then mix. Then add the cooking sake. And mix it.

And once you’ve added the cooking wine and mixed it in, cover it once and let the vegetables steam in this way. Steaming the vegetables once with cooking sake like this will bring out the umami of the vegetables. The heat is low. Continue steaming for 2 minutes. Two minutes have passed.

Then I open the lid. Then you will smell the nice aroma of vegetables. Then once you do that, mix it. The whole mixture will be wilted like this. Now it’s easy because all we have to do now is season it. First here is the sausage.

The sausage, if you put it in at the same time as the vegetables, you get a lot of the umami from the sausage, and when you eat it, the sausage flavor is skimmed off. So be sure to add the sausage at this time. Now add in

And water, consommé, put this all in first and mix. And then bring it to a boil once at this point. The heat is medium. The water comes to a simmer. A little bit of a scum-like substance will come out, so please remove it then. Then finally add the broccoli here.

Broccoli is also added last because if it is overcooked, it loses its texture. Also, be sure to add it last because it will lose its color. And then there are tomatoes. Then once I do that, I’m going to submerge the vegetables and cook them like this for roughly a minute and a half.

If you need more water, you can add more water. Please adjust the intensity of the flavor accordingly. After the time is up, it’s time to finish the last seasoning. Soy sauce and butter. These two must be added at the end. Then mix it up.

These last two additions make for a very tasty consommé soup that is full of flavor. OK. Then I turn off the fire. Taste at the end and adjust the intensity of the flavor to your liking. Now I would like to put it in a bowl. Easy recipes at home

Now the consommé soup with shredded cabbage is ready. This is how it turned out. It is finished like this, full of vegetables and tasty. Finally, I put black pepper on it, though it is outside the quantity here. Can serve it with your favorite pepper. It’s done. Now, I would like to eat.

Let’s eat. It is very tasty and full of vegetable umami. And plenty of cabbage, very satisfying. Please subscribe to my channel Another tasty finish today. This is the key to this shredded cabbage consommé soup. First of all, cabbage, when you cut it, try to cut it so that you break the fibers.

This will improve the texture and make it easier to taste the sweetness of the cabbage. And this time I added onions, carrots, shimeji mushrooms, small tomatoes, broccoli, and sausage. As for the other ingredients, please make it with your favorite ingredients. And here are some pointers for making soup.

First you should toss the vegetables with butter, then add the cooking wine and let it steam. This will increase the umami of the vegetables and make them very tasty. And when you are done steaming, add water and consommé and bring to a boil. Then once boiling, add broccoli and small tomatoes.

As for the mini-tomatoes, if you cook them all the way through, they will become mushy. So add them later. As for the broccoli, if you cook it all the way through, it will lose its color, as well as becoming crumbly. So be sure to add it afterwards.

Then add soy sauce and butter at the finish. These two will change the flavor if cooked together, so be sure to add them at the end. Then you can taste it and make it as strong as you like and enjoy it.

I think there is enough for about 4-5 people if we use this amount. It depends on how much you eat, so please use this as a guideline. The ingredients are easy to find and very simple to make. It is very tasty and you should try to make it. Easy recipes at home

Today I made consomme soup with shredded cabbage. I have many other various videos on my channel. Please subscribe to my channel and enjoy. I also post on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, so we would appreciate it if you would like to like, follow, and share our posts. Thank you very much.

So that’s all for today. Thank you for watching to the end today. Please give us a good button. See you in the next video. Bye.


Hello. This is Yukari, a culinary researcher.
This time, I will introduce how to make cabbage consommé soup. You can eat as many cups as you like! Infinite refills! A delicious consommé soup with plenty of vegetable flavor and lots of ingredients. Spring cabbage is recommended this time of year! Here are some tips on how to make it delicious. It’s very delicious, so please try making it.


・キャベツ 1/4個
・玉ねぎ 1/2個
・にんじん 60g
・しめじ 50g
・ブロッコリー 80g
・ミニトマト 4〜5個
・ソーセージ 4個
・水 800ml
・コンソメ 小さじ2
・料理酒 大さじ2
・醤油 小さじ1
・有塩バター 10g
・塩胡椒 適量

・1/4 Cabbage
・1/2 Onion
・60g Carrot
・50g Shimeji mushrooms
・80g Broccoli
・4-5 Cherry tomatoes
・4 Sausages
・800ml Water
・2 tsp Consomme
・2 tbsp Cooking sake
・1 tsp Soy sauce
・10g Salted butter
・Salt and pepper







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「Yukari’s Kitchen お家で簡単レシピ」

□著書『料理研究家ゆかりのおうちで簡単! 3時のおやつ』


#キャベツ #コンソメスープ #料理研究家ゆかり


  1. ゆかりさん🌺レシピありがとうございました😃

  2. お野菜が沢山とれてとても美味しそうですね(*^^*)

  3. キャベツの切り方やウインナーとブロッコリーの入れるタイミング!勉強になります😊👍💯

  4. 今日作ってみました!美味しかったデス🎉私はアスパラとベーコンをプラスしました~最後のバターと醤油で味にこくと風味が出て簡単でこんなに美味しいスープができるとは😂

  5. 昨日レシピ通りに作ってみたんですが、すっごく美味しく仕上がりました✨😆

  6. 作ってみました🎉とても美味しかったです。野菜を料理酒で蒸すことで、凄い旨みがでますね。また、バターがいい仕事をしています。調理が簡単で、野菜をいっぱいとれるのが嬉しいです😍貴重なレシピありがとうございました。

  7. いつも楽しみにして拝聴しております。

  8. 季節が夏の暑さです。先生の料理は

  9. 野菜たっぷり、ポトフ、お仕事で良く作ってお客様に試食してもらってました🌟💕汁は、コンソメか白ダシ、で、ウインナーの肉🍖汁が野菜に染み込み絶妙な美味しく成ります😊

  10. 早速作りましたー😊


  11. こんばんわ、らぶくろと、申します、73の、オッサンです、

  12. 50年程前の小学校の家庭科。確か目玉焼き・プリンの後、野菜のコンソメスープでした。

  13. いつも静止画でしか料理検索していないけど偶然見かけたんで作って

  14. 昨日奥様に作って上げたらすんごく喜んでました❤

  15. ゆかり先生いつもありがとうございます。

  16. キャベツは生で食べるとそれほどおいしいとは思わないのに,こうやって食べると「何で?」って思うようなおいしさになりますね。ソーセージも焼くより茹でて食べる方がおいしいです。

  17. コンソメを味覇に変えてもおいしかったです! これからはこのレシピでスープ作ります❤ 今までの味がぼんやりorなんか塩っぱいスープばっかり作ってたので、感激です🎉

  18. この野菜スープ大好きです。本当に美味しい✨素晴らしいスープです😋


  19. キャベツスープはとても美味しく仕上がりました。ありがとうございます
    ひとつ質問がありますが キャベツスープはつくりおきで 何日ぐらい で食べればいいんですか あと作り置きで フリザーバック入れて 冷凍に保存してもよろいでしょうか 教えくださいお願いします🙇🏻‍♀️

  20. イイですねェ~😋、減量中のアスリートや、食事制限の有る方等に、有効ですね❓是非頂きたいと思います👍

  21. ソーセージ後から入れるのは知りませんでした!

  22. ゆかり先生動画配信ありがとうございます。千切りキャベツのコンソメスープ美味しそうです。ブロッコリーは最後に入れたら良いのですね?勉強になりました。