
Now add the tomato paste. Once the aroma of the tomato comes out, add the heavy cream. It goes really well with penne! Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today, we’re making ham and tomato cream! Now, let’s introduce the ingredients. Penne pasta, sliced ham, tomato paste, heavy cream, Italian parsley, olive oil.

Today, we’ll use penne, a short pasta, to make ham and tomato cream pasta. I personally consider this dish to be the easiest pasta among Italian pasta dishes. [It’s simply the best and easiest pasta!] The sauce is incredibly delicious! Now, let’s get cooking!

First, finely chop the pre-sliced thin ham you can find at the supermarket. [Point 1: Finely chop the ham into strips.] Roughly chop a generous amount of Italian parsley. [These are the ingredients we’ll be using.] Since penne pasta takes about 11 minutes to cook, let’s start boiling it.

In a pot with 2 liters of water, add about 30 grams of salt. [Today’s boiling water has a salt concentration of about 1.5%.] Add about a tablespoon of olive oil. Then, heat. Now, add the chopped ham.

This sliced ham is the star of the pasta today, so chopping it finely like this brings out its strong umami flavor. To enhance the umami and smokiness, we’re going to sauté it well. Speaking of sliced ham, unlike bacon, it has less fat, so it tends to stick together if you add it directly.

So by adding olive oil, you can sauté it without it sticking together. Here, imagine giving the sliced ham a nice, crispy color as you cook it. Now that we’re sautéing the ham, it’s gaining a slight color, losing its moisture, and shrinking.

Once it’s cooked through like this, add the tomato paste. [Point 2: Sauté ham until cooked through.] Move the ham to the side. Now, add the tomato paste. When adding the tomato paste, sauté it a bit to release the tomato aroma. Once the tomato aroma is released, add the heavy cream. Then mix.

And… Look! We made a delicious-looking tomato cream sauce in no time! When combined, it’s key to immediately turn off the heat. Cream-based sauces are rich, and if they boil and simmer continuously, they quickly become too thick, making the sauce heavy and difficult to eat.

So, as a clear guideline, once you add the cream, heat it until it’s just boiling. Then, immediately turn off the heat. We’ll be adding the pasta and reheating it later, so the sauce will reach the perfect consistency during that step. Today’s dish is a traditional Italian home-cooked dish called “Penne al Baffo.”

“Baffo” means “mustache” in Italian. It’s a dish with a typical Italian naming style that translates to “so delicious you’ll lick the sauce off your mustache.” The core of today’s pasta is ham. I think many people have an image of Italians eating prosciutto, but they also eat a lot of ham, too.

The main flavor comes from the ham, complemented by the umami and acidity of the tomatoes, all enveloped in rich cream. The generous addition of fresh parsley completes this pasta sauce. This is a pasta sauce that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults!

Lastly, let’s heat it up. Take a look at how the sauce looks now. After boiling it just once, it’s already at this level of thickness. So, in short, it’s already on the slightly thicker side.

In such cases, slightly undercook the penne and add a bit of the pasta cooking water to thin the sauce. [Point 3: Adjust the sauce’s thickness with a small amount of pasta water.] Lastly, add a generous amount of Italian parsley. If you don’t have Italian parsley, regular parsley works too.

Then, well, since it’s a home-cooked dish, just mix it together. Heat it up one last time and mix it… The sauce has become quite rich, making it a perfect match for penne! Now that it’s nice and warmed up, and the pasta is coated with the sauce, it’s time to plate it!

And now our Penne al Baffo is complete! Itadakimasu! Mmm♪ Mmm! Honestly…it’s simply a delicious pasta sauce! While the Italian recipe uses penne, you can also try spaghetti or slightly thicker noodles.

It’s good to eat penne when you’re drinking because you can enjoy it for a long time after making it. That’s why penne is my favorite short pasta!

We added tomato paste in today’s video, but the paste I used was already packed with flavor, so all we needed to do was stretch it. Anyone can make it, and it’s a fantastic pasta sauce. You can also use Passata di pomodoro (tomato purée) or whole tomatoes, and it will be delicious!

This recipe traditionally uses this ham, but there are various other tomato cream sauce recipes in Italy that use different ingredients. Other than roast ham, you can use ingredients like tuna, salmon, as well as mushrooms and porcini. The most Italian combination might be pasta with zucchini, I think. Thank you for the meal!

Today’s the first time in a while I made this pasta. It was so incredibly delicious that I finished eating it quickly. If you get the chance, please give it a try! Thank you as always for your comments! I always look forward to reading them!

Well then, until we meet again in the next video! Bye~! “Le Paste Speciali di Fabio” includes 42 pasta recipes with Italian broth. Copies available now!


ペンネ 60g
ロースハム 4枚
トマトペースト 15g
生クリーム 120cc
パセリ 4g
EXオリーブオイル 大1

ヴォイエッロ ペンネ https://amzn.to/45IG2iy
ムッティトマトペースト https://amzn.to/45KrTBl
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c
ロレンツォNo5オリーブオイル https://amzn.to/3swUegj
生クリーム42% https://amzn.to/3swUnQT
ロースハム https://amzn.to/3qTKzjh

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #トマトパスタ #トマトクリームパスタ


  1. 待ってましたムッティw

  2. ファビオ先生

  3. ソース混ぜ合わせた時凄い美味そうで久々に週末はトマトクリームソース系作ろうと思います

  4. これまでカルディにしか売ってなかったMuttiのトマトペーストですが、何と近所のスーパー(平和堂)に大量に入荷してて、いつでも買えるようになりました!絶対にファビオさんのおかげだと思う。

  5. 日本国内では9月になり加工肉(ハム)も値上がるのでお手軽とは言いにくくなってしまいますが美味しそうですっ。

  6. こんにちは。パスタはとても美味しそうで食欲をそそります。レシピを共有していただきありがとうございます。🤩👏👌👍🙏

  7. ロースハムが主原料になってるパスタなんてあるの!とかなり新鮮な気持ちです

  8. 私の住んでる国では豚製品が売ってないのでハム(とはいえ私が使うのは鶏肉ですが)で作れるスパゲッティ非常に嬉しいです🥺そして美味しそう♡最高♡

  9. これは自分でもすぐにできそうです!! 生クリームの代わりに牛乳でも大丈夫ですか? さらっと軽くなる??

  10. 作ってみると、どれも美味しいです。

  11. トマトクリーム大好き〜

  12. トマト系(ペースト or 生)が入ると酸味が出て美味しいですよね。いいね~❣

  13. 子供と作って食べました。

  14. いつも参考にさせてもらってます!

  15. 1.6mmパスタでトライしました。お店のような味が簡単に作れて家族が驚いてくれました。自分の得意料理に加えたいと思います!

  16. 昼食に作りました。手軽に作れておいしかったです。



  17. 職業柄ニンニクを食べる機会を避けて通っており、大変ありがたいレシピでした❤ いつも美味しくて簡単なレシピをありがとうございます。

  18. ファビオさんのレシピが1番美味しすぎていつもパクってます笑

  19. ツナと低脂肪乳とバター、バジルソルトとガーリックパウダーで形になりました。普通にトラットリアで出てきそうな感じでした。ありがとうございます。