
By adding a very small amount of pasta water, we improve the smoothness. The combination of natto and olive oil is really good! Finally, we’ll mix in the oil. Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today, we’re making natto pasta!

Let’s introduce the ingredients. Spaghettini, natto, squid, okra, shiso leaves, garlic, chili pepper, Asatsuki chives, and olive oil. Today, as part of our Japanese-style pasta series, we’re making a Japanese-style pasta using natto, squid, and okra. When we talk about natto pasta, it’s often for cold pasta dishes or just used as a mix-in.

Making it as a warm pasta dish is actually quite challenging. So, while keeping a few key points in mind, let’s get started! First, we’ll prepare the okra. To start, lightly cut off the top part and then peel off this section. It should look like this.

Then, since we want to remove the fuzz on the okra, lightly sprinkle salt on it and rub. [Point 1: Salt the okra to remove fuzz and add seasoning] Once you’ve rubbed in the salt, the okra will become glossy and will appear slimy on the surface. Next, we’ll slice it.

[We’ll slice it into small pieces] Next, we’ll chop the ingredients following the method for making a basic Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. Crush the garlic, and chop it roughly. Since raw chili peppers can be quite spicy, we’ll use a small amount. The quantity is up to your preference.

Of course, dried red hot peppers or Calabrian chilis are also fine to use. Since we’re making a Japanese-style pasta, a key point today is that we use shiso leaves instead of Italian parsley or regular parsley. The core of the shiso leaf is tough, so we’ll remove only the central core.

Then, we’ll finely chop it. Next, we’ll cut the cleaned squid to a similar size as the natto and okra. Today’s pasta dish takes a classic Japanese combination of squid, okra, and natto and applies it to pasta.

Simply combining natto with Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino results in a pasta dish lacking diverse textures and flavors. So, today we’re using squid and okra, which have similarly sticky textures like natto. The crispy texture of partially cooked okra and the squid’s stickiness and firmness, combined with natto, create a superb pasta with synergy.

However, I personally think natto loses its stickiness and its deliciousness when heated, making it less appealing as an ingredient. The common perception is that natto is often used in mixed dishes or cold pasta recipes, which I believe makes sense. Alright, let’s start by preparing the base for Spaghetti Aglio e Olio.

When using fresh chili peppers, they release their spiciness quickly, so we’ll add them after heating. If using dried chili peppers, you can add them at the start. [Olive oil] While heating Spaghetti Aglio e Olio, we’ll lightly sprinkle salt on the cut squid.

Squid has a rich umami flavor, so we’ll generously salt it. The squid will be the foundation of today’s flavor. The garlic is starting to sizzle now. When you’re ready, you can add the chili pepper. If you enjoy spiciness, feel free to add a lot!

Adding chili peppers too early can cause them to burn and intensify the heat, so if you’re using fresh chili peppers, add about this amount. Since this is the base of Spaghetti Aglio e Olio, we’ll keep it like this for 4-5 minutes, letting the aroma develop over very low heat.

Meanwhile, we’ll start cooking the pasta. Since today’s dish is natto pasta and it’s Japanese-style, we’ll cook the pasta using smooth-textured Teflon-dyed Spaghettini. Today, we’re using about 30g of salt in 2 liters of water. [1.5% salt concentration] After 4 to 5 minutes of cooking, it’s taken on color.

Today’s Spaghetti Aglio Olio e Peperoncino has a strong aroma of garlic and a kick of heat from the chili pepper. Since we’ll be adding natto, a potent ingredient, it’s important to bring out the punchy aroma of the oil here. When the aroma is strong, add the sliced okra from earlier.

With the pan still tilted, imagine the okra swimming in the oil. Okra becomes really sticky when boiled or heated, but for this dish, we don’t want it to be too soft. If it becomes too soft, the texture might be lacking, so we’re intentionally heating the okra in the pan without boiling it.

The oil has combined well with the okra now. At this point, add the salted squid from earlier. Since this is a pasta made by mixing, there’s no need to use high heat today. After adding the squid, lower the pan and change the heat from low to medium.

Since the okra and squid are about the same size, it looks nice and neat! Once the squid is cooked through, add the chopped shiso leaves from earlier, turn off the heat, and mix. [Point 2: Add shiso leaves and turn off the heat]

Add a very small amount of pasta cooking water to improve the slickness. This completes the base of the sauce. The pasta will be ready in about 2 minutes. We’ll add natto to the pasta when serving.

There’s no specific technique to mix natto, but the process up to adding the sauce and mustard is the same as usual. The first key point is using Asatsuki chives. If you don’t have them, regular chives or green onions work too.

Since natto has a robust aroma and distinct flavor, it pairs well with green, onion-like scents, so we’ll add green onions. And the most important point is adding olive oil to the natto. [Point 3: Add olive oil to natto] Natto and olive oil go really well together!

Then, just mix everything together. *Mix as much as you like!* Add this natto as the final touch. [Ready for plating] Now that the pasta is done cooking, let’s combine it with the base.

For oil-based sauces, don’t completely drain the pasta; leave a bit of water in it, and mix it with the oil at the end. Now that it has a good slickness, let’s plate it up! With this, the Japanese-style pasta with squid, okra, and natto is ready! Itadakimasu! First, while mixing… Wow~!

This is so good~! Yeah! Everyone…this… I’m really happy! We made a perfect Japanese-style pasta! It’s truly delicious! In today’s pasta, while natto brings umami when mixed in, the squid has done quite a bit of work.

When you sprinkle salt on squid and then stir-fry it in oil, the umami is extracted from the squid, making it the key component of this pasta. When we mixed in the natto at the end and drizzled olive oil, I think this combination is something those who haven’t tried should definitely give a shot.

I always drizzle olive oil on my natto-rice dishes as well. Olive oil and natto are an excellent pairing, so be sure to generously drizzle olive oil on your natto! Thank you for the meal! This natto pasta is truly delicious, so please try making it following this recipe!

Thank you as always for your comments! I look forward to seeing them! Well then, let’s meet again in the next video! Bye~! “Fabio’s Homestyle Cooking” -Transform Your Regular Dishes into Extraordinary Masterpieces with Michelin-Star Techniques! -Achieve the Best Flavor Every Time! -Explore the Secrets and Recipes to Becoming a Great Cook on YouTube!


スパゲッティーニ 90g
納豆 1パック
浅葱 4g(青ネギでも可)
ニンニク ひとかけ
唐辛子 適量
大葉 3枚
いか 40g
オクラ 3本
塩 適量
EXオリーブオイル 大2

ラモリサーナスパゲッティーニ https://amzn.to/44N8Gyx
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c
ロレンツォ3オリーブオイル https://amzn.to/3Q2U36a
カラブリア唐辛子 https://amzn.to/46TcbFs
くめ納豆 https://amzn.to/47GJuMq

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #ペペロンチーノ #納豆パスタ


  1. 納豆+オリーブオイルは体に良いってよく健康番組でやっていますよね。

  2. 凄く美味しそうです😊是非作りたいです♪


  3. 納豆パスタは納豆だけツルツル落ちちゃってなかなかパスタと一緒に食べられないのが難点です。。何か良い食べ方があれば教えていただけたら嬉しいです。

  4. 納豆にオリーブオイル♥️ もう20年近く前からかけてますが、みんなに 

  5. 納豆大好きで冷蔵庫から切らしたことありません!!

  6. 納豆好きだから真似したい😊

  7. めっちゃ美味しそう😋

  8. こんな納豆パスタ😳🤤信じれんくらい美味そうです🤤たらことイカとかも好きやけど、理想は、これです🤤真の大葉好きなんで、これはほんまにたまりません🤤ファビオシェフ、やっぱり最高🤤🤤

  9. 「温かい」納豆パスタって、難しいですよねぇ。


  10. 新しいパスタ待ってました!

  11. 一流シェフの作り方だなぁって感じました。


  12. さっそく作ってみましたが、イカ🦑に火が入り過ぎてしまって、シェフの出来上がりと随分違う見た目になりました😅

  13. 一口食べて、あまりに美味しくてビックリしました。数ある納豆パスタで1番好みでした!オクラの歯ごたえがいいですね!

  14. 作りました♪イカの代わりにエビにしましたがかなり和風パスタで日本人好みの万人受けするし、納豆、オクラ、エビ、大葉、アーリオオーリオだから最後まで食べ飽きず美味しくいただきました🎉自分のレシピに加わりましたよー

  15. 食材紹介の時点で涎が出てきますね🤤なぜなら、私が好きな食材ばかりなので👍👍しかし、納豆にオリーブオイルが合うとは驚きました‼️ちなみ私は先に出汁醤油を入れる派です🫡

  16. シンプルで簡単な納豆パスタが好きで、でも少しアレンジしてみたくなって辿り着いたのがこの動画でした。


  17. これ、イカを入れて火を消した後は、パスタを入れて合わせてるときも火は消したままなのかな?

  18. 作ってみました!さっぱりシンプルで美味しい!最高です。

  19. 和風パスタなのに、醤油や出汁が使われないのは新鮮だけど、納豆の出汁とイカの海鮮出汁があるから補完されているのか。

  20. コンニチハ、初めまして。納豆+オリーブの実+パセリ=インペリアル納豆と言います。洋風でおいしいですよ。ファビオさんが使われたあさつきも良いですが、沢庵みじんもオススメです。

  21. 毎回毎回楽しみにしております。




  22. はじめにタレを入れてしまうと、納豆自体がタレを吸ってしまって味がぼやけるようなので、

  23. 我が家はロレンツォ5番を使っているのですが、納豆とロレンツォ5番の相性も素晴らしかったです。教えていただきありがとうございます。

  24. 焼いた納豆が好きでフライパンに先に入れて合わせてからパスタと絡めるんですけど

  25. ファビオさんのレシピは他の動画も色々見て作ってますが個人的にはこれが1番好きで美味しかったです!投稿日の今夜まさにこれからリピで作ります(^^)本当ハマりました!