
Now, add a generous portion of pasta here. After turning off the heat, add this entire base all at once. While it’s still piping hot, mix it all together in one go. Hello! I’m Chef Fabio. Today, we’re making a generous one-pan Carbonara!

Now, let me introduce the ingredients: Spaghettini, bacon, whole eggs, asparagus, salt, black pepper, powdered cheese, water, and olive oil. Today, we’re going to make a generous serving of Carbonara in one pan.

Last time, when I made a large-serving one-pan Peperoncino, it seemed to help you all cook for 4 or cook for 2 with generous portions, so it got quite the positive feedback.

When making this large-serving version of Carbonara like we’re doing today, there are many points to consider, such as the issue of the eggs solidifying. So, let’s get started with the prep! First, let’s prepare the green asparagus. Start by lightly marking the center with a knife, like this.

Asparagus has a fibrous and tough part at the bottom, which isn’t enjoyable to eat. So, we’ll cut that off. Now, we’ll use a peeler to peel this part and keep peeling until we reach the tough part.

Hold the peeler downward as you peel. As you peel downward, you’ll encounter the tough part. Stop when you reach it. Once you’ve peeled all the way around, it’ll look like this. Use a knife to cut off the part that’s still attached.

Regarding the peeled skin and the bottom part, asparagus skin contains a lot of aromatic compounds. We’ll use this skin’s aroma later as part of the broth. [Don’t discard it as we’ll use it later] Since asparagus is long and slender, cut it diagonally like this.

For the eggs, we’ll use one whole egg per serving. We’re making four servings today, so let’s crack and beat four eggs. When mixing whole eggs, unlike when just using egg yolks, it includes egg whites. So, mix them gently, folding the eggs to preserve the texture. We mixed well.

Today, we’re using grated Parmesan cheese. We’ll add about 30g, a generous amount. After adding the cheese, mix it thoroughly. Now, let’s start by adding the bacon. We’ll also add a small amount of olive oil. Since bacon doesn’t release much fat, we’ll use a bit of olive oil to help it slide.

Now, turn on the heat. The pan we’re using today is a fairly deep household frying pan. When making a large-serving one-pan dish like this, it’s recommended to use a deep frying pan like this one or, if you’re feeling adventurous, a large pot like a curry pot!

First, since it’s Carbonara, start with low heat and, most importantly, sear the bacon to develop its flavor. The searing of the bacon directly influences the deliciousness of Carbonara, so take your time and don’t rush this step.

Now, the bacon has cooked quite a bit, and it’s starting to release its aroma, and you can see it has some browning.

Now, here comes the first key point for today. Add coarsely ground black pepper to this bacon fat and sauté it together. [Point 1: Add coarsely ground black pepper to create a fragrance] When you do this, a nice peppery aroma will develop in the bacon fat!

The bacon is looking good with some delicious browning! Now, add the asparagus. Once the asparagus is in, coat it with the flavorful fat that came from the bacon. Bacon and asparagus sautéed together is a classic and delicious combination, right? That’s why we’re using asparagus.

Here, sauté the asparagus and bacon thoroughly, letting the asparagus absorb the flavor from the bacon. Then, lightly season the asparagus with a pinch of salt. Once mixed, transfer the bacon and asparagus to a bowl.

Try to leave the oil in the pan and avoid transferring it to the bowl with the bacon and asparagus. It’s a delicious-looking dish of sautéed asparagus and bacon. In the remaining bacon and fat, add 850ml (3.6 cups) of water.

Today, since we’re making a portion for four people and it’s quite a lot, we’re adding about 850ml of water. Now, we’ll add the cleaned asparagus peel. [Point 2: Add asparagus peel to the water to extract its fragrance]

We’ll bring it to a boil at this stage, and during this boiling process, the flavor of the asparagus will transfer into the water. [Point 2: Add asparagus peel to the water to extract its fragrance]

Now, for one-pan pasta, please don’t forget this step! We’ll add salt here. Since it’s for four servings, about 9g should work. Since we’ll be cooking the pasta together, if you forget to add salt, your one-pan pasta will truly lack flavor. So, make sure to add salt without fail!

And now, we’ll start boiling the base here. The base is boiling now. So, we’ll remove the asparagus peel since it has already released its flavor. Just adding asparagus peel really imparts the flavor of asparagus to the base, so please don’t throw the peel away; definitely add it!

Now that we’ve created a well-boiled base, [Make sure the water is boiling well] we’ll add a large serving of Teflon die-cut pasta here. Today, it’s 320g (2-4 servings) of pasta. With this, we’ll pour the boiling water while it’s boiling nicely like this onto the dry pasta.

I do it this way every time to submerge the pasta, but it’s okay if you use another method. As the pasta sinks like this, we’ll push it towards the back. When pushed to the back, the pasta aligns with the shape of the frying pan.

In making one-pan pasta, it’s important that the water is boiling throughout the cooking process. However, when it’s boiling vigorously like this, it’s a bit too strong.

So, we’ll lower the heat to a gentle simmer, like this – slightly bubbling. Then, we’ll cook it for the time indicated on the package plus an additional minute.

I always explain it as “cooking for the time indicated on the package plus 1 minute,” but in reality, the cooking time can vary slightly depending on the type of pasta and the number of servings.

Since we’re cooking a large serving of 320g of pasta, it’ll expand to about twice its original size, so we need to cook it like it’s 600g of pasta.

When cooking a large serving of pasta, the pasta has a lot of mass, so it’s easily able to warm up from residual heat. [When there’s a large quantity, the power of preheating is strong]

So, if you cook it for the indicated time on the package plus 1 minute, there’s a possibility it might become a bit soft. So today, first, we’ll cook it for the indicated time on the package and then check the doneness.

Because the pasta is cooking in one pan, and it’s a large portion, there’s a chance the noodles might stick together. To prevent this, gently separate them like this 1-2 times, and then they’ll cook without sticking.

Plus, you can do the dishes while it cooks. One-pan pasta is indeed a convenient way to prepare pasta! Now, it’s been 8 minutes as indicated on the package. Take a look! It’s perfect like this! When you tilt it like this, you can see there’s still a bit of liquid left.

With one-pan pasta, you initially follow the package instructions for cooking the pasta, and after tasting it to ensure it’s done, you turn up the heat to evaporate any remaining liquid. When it’s reached the right consistency, turn off the heat and swiftly add the eggs, then mix.

Regarding the liquid consistency at this stage, for regular pasta, you’d leave it a bit soupy and mix it before serving. But today, we’re using whole eggs, which are quite liquidy, so we’ll reduce the liquid until it’s almost gone. Once it’s thickened, add all the whole eggs.

Since the liquid has thickened, return the sautéed asparagus and bacon from earlier to the pan. At this point, even without adding the eggs, it’s already delicious! Mix the ingredients. Now, with the liquid completely gone, turn off the heat.

When making Carbonara with whole eggs, as soon as you turn off the heat, add all of the whole egg mixture. [Point 3: Add the egg mixture immediately after turning off the heat] The pan is hot right now. Mix everything together quickly.

By doing this, the heat melts the powdered cheese, and because it’s piping hot, it achieves the perfect consistency with a creamy texture. Now, give it a good stir to adjust the thickness. Look at that! What a fantastic pasta! It looks perfect!

Now that the sauce has coated the pasta nicely, it’s time to plate it! *Black pepper* And there you have it, a large one-pan Carbonara for four! Itadakimasu! Mmm! Mmm! Oh, this… The pasta is cooked perfectly, and the texture of the asparagus, the crispy bacon, and the creamy sauce… it’s in perfect harmony!

Today’s Carbonara has a flavor that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults. Making Carbonara with Kraft powdered cheese gives it a slightly milky flavor, and I find that interesting in its own way. It’s incredibly delicious Carbonara!

Today’s pasta is all about Carbonara, so whether you use powdered cheese or Parmesan or Pecorino, the key is that it has plenty of coarse black pepper. Cream-based or egg-based pastas tend to feel heavy as you eat them till the end, no matter what.

So, this coarse black pepper, generously added, provides a refreshing taste and a spicy kick, which, when combined, make this Carbonara dish delicious. Thank you for the meal! With today’s large-serving one-pan Carbonara, please make sure to take note of the key points and become a master of large one-pan dishes!

Thank you as always for your comments! I look forward to reading them! Well then, let’s meet again in the next video! Bye~! “Le Paste Speciali di Fabio” includes 42 pasta recipes with Brodo Italian broth. Copies available now!


スパゲッティ 320g
全卵 4個
粉チーズ 30g
ベーコン 120g
黒胡椒 40ふりくらい
塩 9g
アスパラ 4本
水 840cc

0:00 材料紹介
0:53 アスパラの下処理
1:59 卵液を作る
2:35 ソースを作る
6:04 麺投入
10:27 完成・実食

スパゲッティ 70g マンチーニ社 https://amzn.to/46IENkJ
ロレンツォNo.5 https://amzn.to/3XUPkp6
マリッチャ黒胡椒 https://amzn.to/3PTBfWH
パルミジャーノレッジャーノ https://amzn.to/3rwUPxO
ペコリーノロマーノ https://amzn.to/3rqz8Qc
モチアの粗塩(茹で湯の塩) https://amzn.to/3eIbTut
クリスマス島の海の塩 https://amzn.to/3YwTa6c

アカオアルミフライパン24cm https://amzn.to/3xz91Gt
ジオ 片手鍋 20cm https://amzn.to/3FO2ywT
マイクロプレイン https://amzn.to/3KZGrWK
シリコーンゴムヘラ https://amzn.to/3Bi1HjW
シリコンスプーン https://amzn.to/3DokpJj
タイガークラウン ドレッジ https://amzn.to/3Lbp7vY
120cc レードル https://amzn.to/3J0ci8n

【1冊目 】パスタと出汁に特化したパスタの本🍝
→ https://amzn.to/2SM2SG8
「出汁と素材の味を最大限に引き出す ファビオのとっておきパスタ」

→ https://amzn.to/3n7aQ8b
「自分史上最高に美味しくできる ファビオ式定番おうちごはん」

→ https://amzn.to/3qiv0hw

◆Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fabilog0016/
◆TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@chef.fabio
◆Twitter https://twitter.com/fabico0101


#パスタ #カルボナーラー #ワンパンパスタ


  1. ファビオさんのこれまでのカルボナーラレシピ、ついつい欲張って麺の量をかなり多めで作って、失敗してたのでこれこそ待ってました!ですw作る前から上手に出来そうな予感

  2. すでに美味しそう!と言ったパワーワードと自画自賛がとても好きです。今度ワンパンチャレンジしてみます。

  3. アスパラベーコンだけでも美味しそうです。

  4. 全卵のときは汁気を詰めてすぐに卵黄のみのときは汁気を残してフライパンの温度を少し下げてからなんですね。

  5. シェフのワンパンは洗い物は少ないけど、パスタの茹で時間とソース作りを同時進行できないから、時間がかかるのが難点ですね。

  6. いつも大盛りの人にお出しするときのワンパンのやり方を知りたかったので有難いです🙏🏻やってみます!

  7. カルボ、私が作るとなぜか、炒り卵になるのは火を止めなかったからだったのね(笑)大盛りワンパンありがたや〜。

  8. アスパラ、下の方は固いのですが、いつもそのまま食べてました。

  9. ありがとうございます。参考にさせていただきます。

  10. 今みでみた料理動画の中で断トツ綺麗で丁寧で分かりやすい材料でとても好感が持てました!家でのパスタ作りが楽しみになってます!

  11. 四人前のワンパンカルボ難しそう〜😅でもめちゃくちゃ美味しそうですね🤤👍👍ちなみ私は卵は1日2個までって決めてます🫡🥚

  12. ファビオさん!お願いがあります。昔、ファビオさんの至高の作り置きって言って、ズッキーニのマリネとローストビーフ、ポテトサラダを紹介していたと思うのですが、どこをさがしてもないので、もう一度紹介お願いします!!

  13. コメント失礼します!

  14. 5人前が320gって😅5人前500g~600gって多いのかな?さすがにこの量はワンパン出来ないですよね?

  15. ベーコンとかハムを切ったまま投入すると一塊になってしまいませんか?動画で水入れてバラすのかな?と思ってたらパラパラになってだのですが、何かコツとかありますか?丁寧に一枚づつ剥がすんでしょうか。。。

  16. 大量ワンパンパスタ嬉しいです(*´艸`)息子がゆで前で250g食べるので、明日作ります🤤カルボナーラ大好き😊柚子餅

  17. いつもパスタ折ってお湯に浸けていたのですが回しかけて間に合うこと そして捨ててしまっていたアスパラの皮部分を出汁に出来るなんて勉強になります!

  18. 素晴らしいレシピありがとうございます✨

    ちなみに、麺が2人前160gの時の水の量は何ccになりますか? 840cc?🤔

  19. 今回のパスタの袋表記は何分のを使用してます? モノによっては5分とか短いのもあるのでそうすると微妙な気も