
It cannot taste bad.
Then mix it.

Hi, I’m a cooking guy, Ryuji!
This time, really delicious wakame rice!
Have you ever eaten wakame rice?
You have, right?
We used to eat it at school lunchtime.
It was a war on the day of wakame rice!
Everyone had second helpings.
It’s a delicious wakame rice.
I don’t think everyone cooks it up at home that often.

I’m going to show you how to make good wakame rice.
What’s good about this is it’s really good lol

Well, it’s pretty orthodox.
I want everyone to know how good it tastes
when you cook up wakame rice.

So this time I want to do a really good wakame rice.
I’d like to do it.

Ryuji’s Buzz Recipe

I have the ingredients right here.
One cup of rice.
So if you want to do 2 or 3 cups of rice, you have to multiply all the ingredients by 3.

3g of wakame seaweed.
But if you rehydrated it, it’s quite a lot.

You can put in a little bit more if you like.

I think this is like the amount of wakame seaweed in a school lunch.

If you like, please add more!
That’s it! It’s wakame rice.
Seasonings are written in the description section, so please check there.

I would like to cook up wakame rice.
What do you need to cook up wakame rice?
It’s the tension, everyone!
It’s a quick and easy dish, but it requires a lot of tension.

So I’d like to raise the tension.
Alcoholic machine No. 2!
One and a half pushes

Okay, Tatsuya!
Well, let’s work on four or five more shoots today.
I’ll do my best.
Okay, let’s do it then.
Okay, let’s do it.
Let’s put about 150cc of water in the seaweed.

I rehydrated wakame.
5 minutes with water.
Wakame seaweed can be rehydrated with boiling water.
Please don’t use boiling water this time.

Because rice is cooked with water, right?
I’m going to use rehydrated water, so please rehydrate it with water.

I put out the wakame,
but I’m going to start with the rice first.
It’s nothing special.
This is how I wash my rice.

For seasoned rice, you don’t have to be so careful.
Usually, water is added once and then dumped out before washing,
but this is not necessary.

They say if you don’t do this, the rice absorbs the first dirt,
but with a normal tongue, you can barely tell!

Just dump the water out once, wash it, and that’s twice.
You don’t have to wash it too much.

Now that the rice is being milled well,
there is no reason why regular brand-name rice should be bad.

If you have a divine tongue that says, "No, I am not satisfied with this washing method,"
please be a little more particular.

Since it is seasoned rice this time,
don’t worry about it.

You can barely tell.
That’s about right.
And now we’re going to chop up wakame seaweed.
This is big,
so if you put this in as it is,
the wakame seaweed will be too assertive.

So you should cut it as fine as this grain of rice.

So, well, it’s like chopped up.
It’s like coarsely chopped.
It gives it a better color,
and it’s very tasty with the rice.

Okay, like this
I’m going to leave this until the rice is cooked.
You might want to wrap it up.
And then rice. Season the white rice.

If you don’t add dashi, seasoned rice doesn’t taste good.

1 1/2 tablespoons and sake
Sake is made from rice,
so the flavors go very well together.

And mirin
This brings luster and sweetness to the rice.
The sweetness adds a little bit of depth to the flavor.
And then I add rehydrated water.

And then add water.
Just up to the line.
We’ll add water for the amount that was not enough with the rehydrated water.
And don’t add wakame seaweed here.
If you add wakame and cook together,

wakame will absorb water and it will not be crispy.
So I cook it as it is.
I put this kettle in and cook rice,
and when it beeps, I beep.

Now that the rice is cooked, we’re going to open it up.

So add chopped wakame seaweed!
This becomes wakame rice, everyone!
Twist the roasted sesame seeds with your fingers like this to release the aroma.

That’s about 2 teaspoons.
You can put quite a bit in.
Mix it. Then add salt to taste.
If you want to eat it with other side dishes, you don’t need to put it in.

But if you eat it by itself, not with other side dishes,

I think it tastes better with a pinch of it.

Because I’m a drinker.
Then mix it up.

After mixing the whole mixture,
it is better to steam it for a few minutes.
Steam for a few minutes and it is done.
Okay, now that the steaming is finished,
I’d like to serve it.
Serve on a bowl.
It smells so good!
Because I used wakame seaweed rehydrated water.

I want to serve it like an old Japanese story.
I want to put all the rice in one bowl.
Yes! The dream of every elementary school student in Japan!
Wakame rice is ready!

Now, the most delicious wakame rice, a memory of school lunch, is ready!

I’ll take it!

Okay, I’ll take it then.

ha ha ha

This is the flavor! It’s the best of the best!
I love that there’s plenty of wakame in it!

The wakame was added afterward,
so the texture of the wakame is still there, and so is the aroma!

This seriously makes me want another serving!
This is great, everyone!
This is so good even if you eat it by itself!

And the smell of wakame seaweed is amazing!
I’d like to drizzle some chili oil on it.
Or sesame oil would be delicious too.
Delicious! It’s a complete change!
It’s so good! Earlier it tasted like school lunch!
But now it tastes like the end of drinking!

This two-step change is amazing!
He drank too much yesterday and didn’t eat breakfast today…
I’ll take it.
It’s been a while since I ate this.
I’ll take it.
Yummy! I miss it so much!
I used to love this!
I miss it so much!
I love it!
I’ve cooked it up properly,
but it still has that rusticity.
I’ve never had it at home.
We don’t cook wakame rice.
If you cook it up for a family with kids,
I’m sure they’d love it.
Absolutely love it!
Thank you for the food!
So if you’ve ever had it, you’ll definitely feel nostalgic.
And it’s so delicious.
If you finish the dish with chilil oil or sesame oil,
you will realize that wakame rice is really a delicious dish.
Please give it a try!
What is your enthusiasm?
This is the first one today…
You’re hungover, right?
I drank yesterday lol
Let’s have a hair of the dog!
I can do it.
There used to be something like a request, right?
Oh, there it is!
First place for sure!
There was a request for fried bread!
There was also soybean flour fried bread, but this was a lot!
It’s the royal road and everyone loves it.
It would be great to be served this by your mom at home.
I used to eat it when I was in elementary school and when I was a student,
but when I eat it now as an adult, it makes me kind of nostalgic.
And it tastes good even if you eat it at home.
Of course, it tastes good at home!
I can eat as many cups as I want!


米       1合
乾燥わかめ  3g
水      150cc
白だし    大さじ1半
酒      大さじ1/2
みりん    大さじ1/2
いりごま   小さじ2
塩      お好みで(動画内ではふたつまみほどいれてます)

◆ホームページ【バズレシピ.com】→ https://bazurecipe.com/
○ツイッター → https://twitter.com/ore825
○インスタ  → https://www.instagram.com/ryuji_foodlabo
●お仕事の依頼等はこちらまで → bazurecipe@gmail.com


【お手軽食材で料理革命! リュウジのコンビニレストラン】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4299018486

【ワンパンで面倒なし! フライパン飯革命】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4046802138/

【バズレシピ 真夜中の背徳めし】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594616801/

★2020年第7回レシピ本大賞 グランプリ受賞作品★
【ひと口で人間をダメにするウマさ! リュウジ式 悪魔のレシピ】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/490904423X

【クタクタでも速攻でつくれる! バズレシピ 太らないおかず編】
→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594613705

→ https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594078850





  1. 2合なので全て倍量にしてつくりました!これぞ求めてたわかめご飯!濃ゆすぎず薄味すぎず、とっても美味しかったですー!

  2. わかめご飯は小学生の頃、めちゃめちゃ好きでした。

  3. 例えば4合とか5合で炊く場合、調味料も単純に4倍5倍になるのでしょうか。

  4. 子供が今日「わかめごはん給食で1番好き」って言ってて、リュウジわかめご飯なんて作ってないよなとか思いながら検索したらあるーーー!!!!感動😂

  5. 久しぶりにコレとリュウジさんの納豆汁セットで晩御飯にしましたよー😂❤やっぱり3150ですね‼️いただきます❤❤❤

  6. 学校の先生ですが、給食でこれをおかわりしたくても、子どもの前ではなかなかできないので、レシピ本当に助かります!

  7. 炊飯器バンって閉めたり料理上手なのかもしれないけどそういう料理器具に対しての配慮がない人って本当に不愉快です

  8. もう初めてこのレシピ見てから何度作ってるか..