
Thank you for whaching
This time, vegetables are the main ingredient for dinner.
This time, vegetables are the main ingredient for dinner.
This time, vegetables are the main ingredient for dinner.
Introducing various ways to eat vegetables
The recipe is written in the summary section, so please take a look.
The recipe is written in the summary section, so please take a look.

【Day1】Stir-fried broccoli and beef with oysters、Hijiki and soybean stew、Grated radish、fried tofu&
Wakame miso soup
【Day1】Stir-fried broccoli and beef with oysters、Hijiki and soybean stew、Grated radish、fried tofu&
Wakame miso soup
【Day1】Stir-fried broccoli and beef with oysters、Hijiki and soybean stew、Grated radish、fried tofu&
Wakame miso soup
On the first day, broccoli is the main side dish.
Divide the broccoli into florets
Divide the broccoli into florets
If you have large broccoli, use 1/2 piece.
Boil lightly in salted water
Boil lightly in salted water
Boil lightly in salted water
Please refer to the summary section
for quantities.
Please refer to the summary section
for quantities.
Please refer to the summary section
for quantities.
Chop the ginger
Chop the ginger
This is oyster sauce
Please refer to the summary section
for quantities.
Please refer to the summary section
for quantities.
Mix the seasonings together
Mix the seasonings together
Mix the seasonings together
Season the beef with sake and soy sauce and sprinkle with potato starch.
Season the beef with sake and soy sauce and sprinkle with potato starch.
Season the beef with sake and soy sauce and sprinkle with potato starch.
Season the beef with sake and soy sauce and sprinkle with potato starch.
Stir-fry the ginger and then add the beef.
Stir-fry the ginger and then add the beef.
Eringi too
Once the beef is cooked, add the broccoli
Once the beef is cooked, add the broccoli
Since the broccoli has been heated, it is OK to mix it lightly.
Since the broccoli has been heated, it is OK to mix it lightly.
Since the broccoli has been heated, it is OK to mix it lightly.
add seasoning
Adjust the taste with salt and pepper.
Adjust the taste with salt and pepper.
Boiled hijiki can be stored frozen.
Boiled hijiki can be stored frozen.
Add boiled soybeans
Add boiled soybeans
Finely chop carrots
Finely chop carrots
Try adding Hiraten together.
Fry the carrots first
Add the hijiki and soybeans, stir-fry, then add the broth.
Boil until the broth reduces
Boil until the broth reduces
Boil until the broth reduces
It’s done when it tastes sweet and salty.
It’s done when it tastes sweet and salty.
Make dashi with dashi pack
Make dashi with dashi pack
Once it boils, simmer for 2 minutes
half for the next day
Add miso to taste
Add miso to taste
Add dried wakame and steam
Add dried wakame and steam
Grated radish is a simple Japanese dish
Grated radish is a simple Japanese dish
Finished with ponzu sauce&dried young sardines
Finished with ponzu sauce&dried young sardines
【Day2】Steamed bean sprouts and Tōmyō、Satoimo and kamaboko stew、Nameko miso soup、Tomato
【Day2】Steamed bean sprouts and Tōmyō、Satoimo(taro) and kamaboko stew、Nameko miso soup、Tomato
This is taro
This is taro

Cut the konjac
Cut the konjac
What you don’t use can be stored in water and refrigerated.
Tear by hand
Tear by hand
Sprinkle with salt to infuse the flavor
Wash it with water
Cut the kamaboko too
Stir-fry the konnyaku and evaporate the water.
Sprinkle sesame oil
Sprinkle sesame oil
Add taro too
add seasonings
mix lightly
Cover and simmer for 10 minutes
Cover and simmer for 10 minutes
When the taro becomes soft
Boil until the broth reduces
Boil until the broth reduces
Both are bean sprouts

Please see the summary section for quantities.
Please see the summary section for quantities.
Please see the summary section for quantities.
Please see the summary section for quantities.
Please see the summary section for quantities.
Sprinkle alcohol on me
Cover and steam

7-8 minutes
Water comes out from vegetables
Once the pork is cooked through, it’s done.
Eat with sesame sauce or ponzu sauce
pour the dashi into the pot
add nameko mushroom 
Once it boils, mix in the miso.
Add dried seaweed and steam
【Day 3】Grilled yellowtail with miso mayonnaise sauce、spinach  salad、Japanese root vegetable soup
Dinner with fish as the main dish
eat vegetables with soup

Root vegetables warm your body
It’s tough, but cutting it into small pieces will save time.
Slice the eringi mushrooms into thin slices

Slice ginger to warm your body

Bacon is also cut into thin pieces
Stir fry ginger in sesame oil
Once the oil is coated, add the soup ingredients.
Seasoned with Japanese seasoning Shiro Dashi
remove scum from vegetables
Finish by seasoning with salt 

Boil spinach simply
Boil it quickly and take it out 

The recipe is written in the summary section.
Add lots of ground sesame seeds and dried young sardines. 
Main dish is yellowtail, which is in season in winter.
Sprinkle with salt and remove water
The taste varies depending on the miso, so be sure to taste it.
Miso mayonnaise sauce ready!
Grill yellowtail on a fish grill
When it’s cooked, spread the sauce on it
Finished when the sauce is cooked
【Day4】Stir-fried radish and minced meat、Vinegared Japanese yam and bean sprouts、Miso soup with seaweed and radish

Today’s main dish is radish
Peel the skin of the radish thickly.
Cut into 5mm thin slices
Radish skin for miso soup

Ginger is often used in winter Japanese cuisine.
Thinly slice the Konjac
As thin as a radish
Rub in salt and wash
Add minced meat and ginger
When half cooked, add other ingredients

Add seasonings

Cover and heat for about 7 minutes

If there is not enough water in the pot, add it.
When the radish is cooked
Stir-fry while letting the broth evaporate.

frozen radish leaves
Color is important in Japanese cuisine.
Complete by adding sesame oil

Make a simple side dish with bean sprouts

Bean sprouts can be eaten raw, but this time I will heat them.
1 minute in the microwave
Mix and remove from heat
Cut the yam into thin pieces

Add to bowl and season
Miso soup with radish skin in a bowl

【Day5】Japanese spinach Champurum、Radish and tuna mayonnaise salad、sweet potato miso soup

Komatsuna is Japanese spinach
Stir-fried with tofu and pork
Wrap firm tofu in kitchen paper
Draining tofu
Place a plate on top and heat in the microwave for 3 minutes

Be careful of burns
Season the pork
Add the tofu to the hot frying pan, breaking it up with your hands.
Grill the tofu
Add the pork, spreading it out.
Once it is cooked, remove it to a plate.
Add komatsuna and stir-fry
Add some alcohol and stir-fry
When the volume of komatsuna decreases, add the pork back.
Please see the summary section for seasonings.
Delicious even with eggs
Finally, turn off the heat and add the bonito flakes.
When leafy vegetables are the main dish, use root vegetable soup.
Thinly slice the burdock
Boil the root vegetables slowly in water.
Add grated ginger
Pour enough water to cover the ingredients
Dashi pack too
Boil the sweet potato until it becomes soft.
Dissolve the miso
Radish for salad
Sprinkle with salt and leave for 10 minutes
squeeze out the water that comes out
Taste and add mayonnaise
Complete with ground sesame seeds
It was our home-cooked Japanese meal with plenty of vegetables.
Thank you for watching till the end!


00:00 スタート
00:20 ブロッコリーと牛肉のオイスターソース炒め献立
04:34 豚ともやしの蒸し煮献立
08:05 ぶりの味噌マヨ焼き献立
11:57 薄切り大根のそぼろ炒め献立
15:33 小松菜のチャンプルー献立







牛肉 150g
豚肉 300g
ぶり 3切
鶏ミンチ肉 200g

ブロッコリー 1個
エリンギ 1パック
しょうが 1パック
もやし 1袋
豆苗 1袋
里芋 1袋
大根 1本
なめこ 1パック
ほうれん草 1袋
小松菜 1袋
にんじん 1袋(3本入り)
ごぼう 1袋(2本入り)
長芋 1パック

乾燥ひじき 1袋
水煮大豆 1袋
ひら天 1袋
こんにゃく 1枚
じゃこ 1パック
ベーコン 1個(3連バック)
かつお節 1袋
ツナ缶 1個
木綿豆腐 2個(3連パック)


ブロッコリー 1株
牛肉 100g
┗醤油 小さじ1
┗酒 小さじ1
┗片栗粉 少々
エリンギ 1/2パック
しょうが 1かけ
にんにく 小さじ1
オイスターソース 大さじ1
酒 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
醤油 小さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1
塩コショウ 少々

乾燥ひじき 15g
水煮大豆 1袋
にんじん 5cm程
平天 2枚
水 300ml
醤油 大さじ2
砂糖 大さじ2
みりん 大さじ1

もやし 1袋
豚肉 150g
豆苗 1/2袋
塩コショウ 少々
酒 大さじ1

里いも 12個
ひら天 2枚
こんにゃく 1/2枚
水 300ml
砂糖 大さじ2
酒 大さじ2
醤油 大さじ2

ぶり 3切れ
マヨネーズ 大さじ1.5
味噌 大さじ1
酒 小さじ1
砂糖 小さじ1

ほうれん草 1袋
醤油 小さじ2
砂糖 小さじ1
じゃこ 適量
白ごま 適量

大根 1/6本程度
人参 2cm程度
エリンギ 1/2パック
ごぼう 1本
ベーコン 1パック
しょうが 1かけ
水 500ml
白だし 大さじ2
酒 大さじ1
塩 小さじ1/2
ブラックペッパー 適量

鶏ミンチ肉 150g(※牛や豚でも◎)
大根 1/3本
こんにゃく 1/2個
しょうが 1かけ
醤油 大さじ2
酒 大さじ2
みりん 大さじ2
砂糖 小さじ2
水 50ml
ごま油 少々

長芋 100g
豆苗 1/2個 1分加熱
ポン酢 大さじ2
砂糖 小さじ1

小松菜 1袋
豚肉 150g
┗醤油 小さじ1
┗酒 小さじ1
木綿豆腐 1パック
醤油 大さじ1
塩・砂糖  各ふたつまみ程
顆粒だし 少々
カツオ節 適量

大根 5cmほど
ツナ缶 1缶
マヨネーズ 大さじ1
醤油 小さじ1
白ゴマ 適量


#料理 #献立 #夕飯


  1. 質問です!

  2. 聞いてもよいですか?揚げ、ワカメ入れ、味噌汁作られた鍋は、どちらのものですか?よろしければ、教えてください

  3. いつも、ありがとうございます😊 質問ですが、概要欄のレシピと動画のレシピが違っている時は動画の方が正しいのでしょうか?

  4. 自分メモ
    0:29 ブロッコリーと牛肉のオイスターソース炒め
    2:22 ひじきと大豆の煮物

    6:14 豚ともやしの蒸し物
    4:41 里芋とひら天の煮物

    10:41 ブリの味噌マヨ焼き
    9:54 ほうれん草とジャコのごま和え
    8:14 沢煮椀

    12:05 薄切り大根のそぼろ炒め
    14:09 長芋と豆苗の酢の物

    15:37 小松菜のチャンプル
    17:45 さつまいものみそ汁
    18:47 大根のマヨサラダ

  5. 今回も野菜たっぷりで身体に良さそうですね。ビビンバ丼と担々スープ作りました。また作ってとリクエストされました☺️ありがとうございます。

  6. もう、最高🎉テーブルに、トレーにのせられた定食が届くと、思わず😅いただきます😊と、言ってしまいます😁いつ見ても、美味しそうで、手際いいいですね🎉

  7. 今回の「ぶりの味噌マヨ焼き」作りました。

  8. お野菜大好きなんですが、家事スキルがないので

  9. うちに豆と芋類とかぼちゃとトマトとマヨネーズとケチャップが嫌いな姉と母がいて料理担当は自分なんだけど、料理がめんどくさい😢